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    posted a message on Behavior actor

    So i want to hide units HP bar when behavior applied.

    I know i can modify actors of every unit : behavior.*.on -> hide hp bar.

    But is it possible to create one actor that hides HP bars of units?

    I tried to create it from "actor simple", but i think i missed with actor type or host field...

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (solved) set unit HP to 1

    @StragusMapster: Go THX!

    close topic.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (solved) set unit HP to 1

    I need to set unit HP to 1, and not to kill him. Also we don`t know how much HP unit has at the moment, i.e unit can be damaged.

    Is it possible through pure data?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on turrets and "revive unit"
    Quote from DrSuperEvil: Go

    It does have it's uses if you then want to attach other stuff where the turret was. Still I advise you upload your map so others can fidget with it.

    don't understand u. in first post i wrote how to create map i talking about. it takes 10 minutes to create and test it.

    ok its map

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on turrets and "revive unit"

    so i think ill post it like bug report to official blizz forum. maybe they will fix it in future

    offtop: did someone post report about third person view camera bug in 1.4.0? it breaking my camera system =(

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on turrets and "revive unit"
    Quote from FockeWulf: Go

    That actually looks kind of handy. I need to play with how to remove the tank's turret.

    Ok the mechanics of it are something like this:

    There is turret attached to the unit in the units tab.

    So it goes like this:

    Turret link in units tab >> turret in turrets tab >> turret in actors tab >> turret model

    Normally the event is "turret enable"

    Another thing you can try in the model is instead of it being "implicit" or "actor find" make it be "creation".

    it didnt help... turret actor creates separately from body in point of death via unit.revive event... and it doesnt rotates to target but shoots!!! looks very funny =)

    also why revive though 15 seconds breaks turret but through 5 seconds not? how it can ever be connected? Agrrrhhh.....

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on turrets and "revive unit"

    @FockeWulf: Go

    Try to add UnitRevive.SiegeTank -Create and you will get something like this:


    Wonder??? =P lol blown off the tower

    turret actor doesnt has unit.birth event. so why it should has unit.revive ?

    another ideas?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on turrets and "revive unit"

    Preparations: Create an empty map (32x32), add 2 campaign dependencies.

    Modify some data: set marine "armor" to 100, set "death time" of next units to "-1": siege tank, goliath, diamondback.

    Create simple trigger:


    • Unit - Any Unit dies


    • (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1


    • General - Wait 5.0 Game Time seconds
    • Unit - Revive (Triggering unit)
    • Unit - Move (Triggering unit) instantly to (Center of (Entire map)) (No Blend)
    • Unit - Set (Triggering unit) Life (Percent) to 100.0

    create some marines for player 2 in one corner of map and diamonback, siege tank and goliath in another corner.

    Now let the siege tank, diamondback and goliath die and be revived one by one at second player marines. Try to attack Marines again. The turret of the tank will be okay, but the turrets of goliath and diamondback will be broken (they still can hit targets in 360 degrees, but the turret looks only at the direction of motion).

    I tried to find differences in the turrets of the tank and diamonback: they differ only in "turret`s actor" in field "Attachment: Pitch Query +". Tank`s turret actor has "e_attachKeyIGNORE: Ignored" in this field!!! This value can`t be copied and being lost when duplicating. Next, I tried to give diamondback weapon and turret of the tank - nothing changes - turret of diamondback breaks after reviving.

    Next step: change in trigger actions timeout to 15 seconds: General - Wait 15.0 Game Time seconds. As a result, even the tank`s turret become broken after reviving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Does anyone have any ideas what affects turrets after reviving?? Is it model`s bug?? or what?

    P.S. sorry for bad english.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [UI] SC2Layout Files: Override method (Aiurchef method)
    Quote from Forge_User_03903326: Go

    use this frame type:

            <Frame type="Label" name="...">
                <Text val="My Text"/>


    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [UI] SC2Layout Files: Override method (Aiurchef method)

    Hi all.

    How to add labels with constant text to frames? For example label with text "abilities" to middle of CommandPannel.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on How to make AOE ability cursor splat & model bigger?

    @Siretu: Go

    Did you tried it??? my cursor splat didnt scaled after upgrade.

    Edit: i have search effect in the "effect-cursor effect" field and have upgrade that increases its search area. and search area becomes bigger after upgrade, but splat stayed with old radius. how to fix this???

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to make AOE ability cursor splat & model bigger?

    Is it possible now to increase radius of splat actor after upgrading radius of AOE effect of ability???

    write step by step tutorial if its possible please

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on No impact when missile launches missile

    Not at all =) Its finishing effect of missile`s behavior.

    Missile 1 launch. Missile 1 has behavior. behavior has finishing persistent effect. this persistent offset effect launches missile 2 to a point.

    when i adding this behavior to unit, missile 2 has impact.

    then i add this behavior to missile. impact disappeared.

    Understand? =)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Immortal Turret
    Quote from PHSexperience: Go

    Has anyone recreated that demo map from blizzcon?

    You should create weapon with damage effect that can attack invisible unit controlled by you through triggers.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on No impact when missile launches missile

    yeah ,shure - as i said when unit use this launch effect all works fine. I didnt change anything and just added this effect through persistent to missile, and impact disappeared =(

    Posted in: Data
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