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    posted a message on Need help with a validator

    Howdy guys,

    I need help determining which validator will detect whether or not the unit is loaded into a transport and how to set it up such that a behavior will only fire when the unit is not in the transport.

    Can anyone help me here?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Looking for someone to take over updating my TD, Vexal Tower Defense

    @Vexal: Go

    I hope it occured to you that the publish name is locked to your account....

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Create a smooth FPS Camera.

    @Nebuli2: Go

    You can fudge it, my fps camera system simply tries to make it as smooth as possible over 0 seconds. You really have no other option. I mean yes you can spawn a unit in front and then use "follow unit group" to do it, but if you look closely you run into all kinds of issues with pathing, terrain, and the fact that the "ignore terrain height" flag in the units tab does not work anymore >.<

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Why don't people like SotIS?

    @Mozared: Go

    Sotis faces issues with massive memory leaks - which cause lag, lack of good content, lack it team-oriented items (in high level dota the choice of items was very much changed from pub play. So much so that they made rules for it in most leagues and turnies.

    Also lack of imaginative content. Who wants the same heros over and over again?

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Looking for data specialist to join mod team

    @benmenftw: Go


    Take a look at the custom models. PM me if your interested. Those were ALL made in the data editor.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on [UW2 - FPS/AOS] Need experienced people!

    Howdy guys,

    This is yet another one of my projects. Only this time its something I simply can't do alone, since the project is just that big (not to mention huge).

    Here is the thread describing what we'd be making: http://forums.clanrks.com/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=2305

    Read it over.

    Now let me set your minds at ease. I've been turning doubters into believers because I have made a working WASD system AND a working projectile system (although that one needs a LOT of improvement). In short - I have a reasonable expectation that this is gonna work.

    I've been at this for some 7 months now (off and on) and was very hesitant to really dig into this until I could be sure it would work. Well as of about 3 days ago I got that assurance (film at 11).

    Now what I need as far as people goes this would include practically everyone.

    Now let me make one thing clear. I don't NEED anyone for their skill that I don't have. If I was being payed to do this as a full-time job (not sure yet that I'd want to though) I could do it myself - but I'm not. Before digging into something like this I did my homework, started (and some nearly completed) a bunch of maps, many high quality to learn how do make this. THIS is the big one. But yet I do need people help share the workload cause this is a big project.

    I've been asking around and I have one or two solid takers and a few potentials.

    Now as far as current content I've got this: The map is partially made. As in the hard part of the engine has been implemented and PROVEN to work (that film is at 12). If you are on NA when I'm on you can contact me at FockeWulf.178 and I can prove this too you. I am not making it up.

    Once again I must state this project won't be going anywhere without DEDICATED help.

    If you are someone who has read that project description and are willing to help me the whole way. Please either get in contact with me or post here (I will check back once on occasion).

    Now for this project besides the dedicated part I have one other requirement: Teamspeak.

    This is simply because a lot of this project will involve people discussing the best method to do things. By that I mean the best game play, fancy graphics and the least lag involved.

    Here is the info. I'm on a lot during the Pacific TZ (GMT-8): teamspeak.gamingrapture.net 9987 (no password)

    You will find me there as "Focke-Wulf".

    If you are going to work on this project I require you on there, as it allows me to keep tabs on what is going on and also make sure everyone knows what's going on. Its easy for people to go off on tangents on a project like this.

    If you need any convincing about the potential get on catch me at FockeWulf.178 on NA. Words like "Epic" come to mind. You HAVE to see this on Ultra graphics to see the full potential of this game. I could even render Dota obsolete.

    Ok lets see if we have any takers.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on [WW2 Diplo] Looking help!

    Howdy all,

    I've been working on for some time now a WW2 Diplomacy map.

    Here is the main content from the master thread:

    Current: 2/21/11

    Howdy all,

    Made a lot of progress on the map, read the rest of the topics for more info.

    World War 2 Diplomacy - a map based off the technology and units that were around in World War 2. There will be tech trees, unique resource points, strategic points, and LOTS of high detail.

    Screen Shots: New: http://i55.tinypic.com/25u2zbk.jpg



    Old: http://i55.tinypic.com/2crx8va.jpg











    Thats right, I'm doing custom units with custom models/actors, the whole kabootal. Its a major pain to import stuff from out of game but I can get around that, although it takes a lot of time. Each of those custom naval units alone is nearly a page of actors on a 17" monitor. Look for the map "WW2 Diplo" on NA bnet for the latest demo. No units are balanced yet.

    Current Units in game or due to be added:

    Naval: Fleet Carrier, Battle Ship, Battle Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Light Cruiser, Destroyer, Transport, Sub.

    Ground: Conscript, Riflemen, Machine Gunner, Truck, Howitzer, AT GUN, Infantry Tank, Light Tank, Medium Tank, Heavy Tank.

    Air: Interceptor, Multi-role, Close Air Support, Medium Bomber, Naval Bomber, Strategic Bomber, recon.

    I'll be checking this post from time to time. With the current popularity system, I will be MUCH more motivated if I know in advance that the game will take off.

    Futhermore if and when the game does take off I will be revamping the units and making them MUCH higher detail. For everything you see on those units there will be at least 5 more when I'm done revamping.

    Please give your feedback. The project will be done a LOT sooner if I know in advance that people will play it :)

    Pretty much if it was used in WW2 I would be game to add it.

    Oh btw with maybe a few exceptions most of them will be custom units (ie with made with custom models/actors to make them look like they are actually a WW2 tank, ship, transport, or aircraft.

    It may be like a normal diplomacy, but I intend for it to be high quality.

    Let me know what you guys think!


    Now the help I need it not really high-skilled for this project, I've got most of that covered. What I need is people to take some load off me by doing easy but time-consuming tasks.

    One of these right now is to correctly place (and I will describe "correctly" with those who help me) A bunch of fortifications, make regions around those, and then link them to their appropriate countries so when a player spawns as a nation he/she will get the fortifications that come with that country.

    I also need people to help me balance the units and really test this thing over to find and fix gaps in my water-land system.

    Any takers?

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Massive Potential is recruiting!

    @xSpirytusx: Go

    I can do some data editor stuff as this thread indicates: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/2089111341

    I do know a few things here and there about it.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Diplomacy collaboration - professional quality

    @integral87: Go

    Well if you want you can tag onto my partiall completed diplomacy project.

    Take a look at my thread for it and especially the screen shots: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/2089111341

    To save you the time in case your too lazy. I've made boats and a whole water-land system. It's based off rise of nations but I may be modding it a little in the near future.

    And yes the tripple turrets on the battleships (actually anything with multiple turrets) rotate like a tripple turret.

    However I do need help. This is not the only map project I have going, and a lot of it is mere grunt work (like linking about 500 things). I'm not asking anyone to do any engine work thats complicated, only if you want to spend some time helping me do the simple but time-consuming parts of this map. I have only so much time every day to work on it so anyone taking that load off me would get the map to release MUCH quicker.

    If you are on NA and you want to see it in-game, then go to create a game and search for "WW2 Diplo".

    I have a bunch of ways you can contact me if you read the thread at the link I put early in this post. However on NA I am FockeWulf.178 so you can reach me there if you can catch me on.

    Hope to cya!

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on World War 2 Diplo and battleship triple turrets

    @Builder_Bob: Go

    Thanks for the Advice!

    Turns out it wasn't "Attach turretZ" (cause it doesn't exist) so much as simply "attach turret"

    Awsome, no my battleships have triple turrets!

    Thanks guys 07

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on World War 2 Diplo and battleship triple turrets

    @Mogranlocky: Go

    Nope I've tried that is they don't share the rotation

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on World War 2 Diplo and battleship triple turrets

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Could you please clarify, because the center turret fires and its the one that rotates towards the target.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on World War 2 Diplo and battleship triple turrets

    @Eiviyn: Go

    I could but compair it to this:

    BattleShip Tripple Turret

    Anyone have any ideas?

    Edit: I don't need em to fire just need em to rotate.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on World War 2 Diplo and battleship triple turrets

    Howdy all,

    The name pretty much says it, I have a little issue.

    I've gotten all 3 single turrets to work just fine, thanks to the guides on this site. However I need to go a step farther.

    Background, I used ModelAdditions to make ships that look something like the warships (I've gotten ooo's and aww's from everyone who's seen them) in world war 2. IE stuff like a fleet carrier with an open hanger and the like, funnels etc. Anyways, The battleship I have right now has 3 single turrets, these are the siege tank sieged mode turret, and the work great.

    However I need them to be TRIPLE turrets (ie 9 16in guns instead of simply 3, which 9 16in was the default standard for a US battleship in ww2). That means I have 3 turrets - single turrets - that I need to be triple turrets.

    Here is what I need them to do: Attach to the turret model (or recommended) actor and furthermore rotate with the turret - ie if the 3 turrets are in a horizontal line, and the turret rotates 90 degrees, they need to now be in a vertical line instead.

    Here is what I have so fare: I have gotten them to attach to the current by specifying the host for the turret model attachements, however to make them share the rotation is currently beyond me.

    Can anyone help me here?


    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Trigger error - actors

    Howdy all,

    Can anyone tell me what this error means and possbily how to fix it?

    00:00:40.69 Trigger Error in 'auto_gf_Projectile_SpawnMove_TriggerFunc': Could not create actor: Name[Rocket_1a] Content1[] Content2[]

    This is created via trigger for a 3d projectile system for my fps (movement system stress tested and working).

    Can anyone help me here?


    Posted in: Data
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