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    posted a message on [Collarboration Request] Modern Warfare Models

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Unlike them I will not be making money off these models though >.>

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [Collarboration Request] Modern Warfare Models

    @FockeWulf: Go

    And some further progress:

    Right now I'm helping a feller out but I am willing to coop on other projects, depending.

    And I have no checked out that project, could you please provide me with a link?

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [Collarboration Request] Modern Warfare Models

    @FockeWulf: Go

    A bit more:

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [Collarboration Request] Modern Warfare Models

    @FockeWulf: Go

    A little more progress:

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [Collarboration Request] Modern Warfare Models

    @thepumaman1: Go

    Shhh I'm trying to generate some interest by making people realise I'm serious about it.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [Collarboration Request] Modern Warfare Models

    @FockeWulf: Go

    Getting closer:

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on turrets and "revive unit"

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Ie perhaps the turret rotation?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Collarboration Request] Modern Warfare Models

    @FockeWulf: Go

    Here is where I am right now:

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [Collarboration Request] Modern Warfare Models

    @thepumaman1: Go

    Head... Overinflating..

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on turrets and "revive unit"

    @Dzuke911: Go

    Another thought. The Host Supporter+ field, set that to the model using the same parameters as the model field.

    Also set the host supporter in the attack actor too.

    I know its not in the turrets tutorial but it seems to help a lot of problems solve themselves

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on turrets and "revive unit"

    @Dzuke911: Go

    The implication is that you take out UnitRevive event, just leave turret enable, and set the host model field from implicit to creation (or actor find). to try those 2.

    Sometimes those work and the others don't. You're right unitrevive won't work so I was saying take it out.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on turrets and "revive unit"

    That actually looks kind of handy. I need to play with how to remove the tank's turret.

    Ok the mechanics of it are something like this:

    There is turret attached to the unit in the units tab.

    So it goes like this:

    Turret link in units tab >> turret in turrets tab >> turret in actors tab >> turret model

    Normally the event is "turret enable"

    Another thing you can try in the model is instead of it being "implicit" or "actor find" make it be "creation".

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Collarboration Request] Modern Warfare Models

    I'm currently working on a set of modern warfare models for someone I'm helping.

    These include jets, choppers, tanks, etc etc. There are going to be between 3 and 7 (estimate) in all depending on how well it goes.

    There will also be a large number of turrets.

    What I'm working on here is to utilize starcraft2's actor system what allows units to be of modular construction. So say a tank and it's turret can be separate and still function using actors.

    I am still pretty new to the 3ds/cs5 combination but so far its going ok. Working on coloring the UVmaps at the moment. I've already gotten them to import and be placed on the map in sc2 without crashing its just they are bright green :D.

    What I'm wondering is would anyone else like to expand the project? None of these models are animated (I'll take the time to learn it but I'm trying to get this guy's map finished.

    For the chopper the way I was planning to do it is have the blades and the chopper be 2 separate models and use a model attachment and a turret to make it spin on the unit. Tipability and other stuff like that can also be added via actor (I think, I haven't played with it yet and there's every chance that part of the data editor is also bugged like a large portion of the actors tab). However if someone would be able to animate it in 3ds instead that might make it better.

    I plan to make the texture resolutions (in .dds format) in the 512x512, 1024x1024 and 2048x2048 range.

    As I said before I am still an amature at this (so there is a lot of open space in the UVmaps) but so far its going pretty good.

    If anyone would like to join this project I am more than open to making the whole set of models created by this public. There will be, of course, the maker's name on the texture or even built into the mesh (just don't make it obvious to all but very close in please) when it is uploaded, and I am willing make a project page for it.

    My project group currently numbers 3-4 from my own contacts.

    If you would like to join up please reply to this post.

    Our meeting place will be on Teamspeak (mic is NOT required) at the address: Server: teamspeak.gamingrapture.net Password: (none)

    Teamspeak will also server as our FTP system. It is simple, easy to use, and fairly isolated (you need rights to download).

    I am in GMT-8 (Pacific TZ) and I'm usually on past 5pm my time.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on turrets and "revive unit"

    @Dzuke911: Go

    That's because the siege tank is not meant to revive.

    If you want to fix that you need to go into the turret actor and do something like:

    UnitRevive.SiegeTank -Create

    Notice in the default siege tank unit actor it has:

    UnitRevive.SiegeTank -Create

    There's a reason for this. The unit actor is different from the unit itself. A revive might save the unit's stats but the actors are not tied to the stats.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Data] Working with Turrets (Beginner Difficulty)

    @thepumaman1: Go

    Uhh probably not... you may get to create a whole new map.. sc2 mapeditor bugs hard like that.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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