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    posted a message on Adding attachment points to models

    Fortunatly the maker of this game is Taldren - which folded over 5 years ago. The game was released in 2002-2003.

    The publisher happens to be activision - guess who owns blizzard?

    As far as the paramount stuff paramount has never been known for getting riled up about people using star trek models in non-profit applications (and I nor blizzard make any money directly off this, so this map cannot go on the map market). Paramount HAS been known for getting bent over backwards about any Star Trek theme though- which we are not using.

    And we figured out the attachments.

    I will ask blizzard though in a petition just to make sure though.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Adding attachment points to models

    Not sure where to put this, but my partner I have managed to port over a bunch of Star Trek models from another game into Starcraft2.

    However these models don't have attachement points what so ever.

    So we need to know how to add attachment points to a model. I heard you have to do this in 3d studio max but I'm not sure. Can anyone tell us how to add attachment points to a unit?


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Question about 3d studio max

    @FockeWulf: Go

    Nvm figured it out... We're gonna have actualy star trek ships in SC2!!

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Question about 3d studio max

    Howdy all,

    I've been helping someone port over Star Trek models that happen to be owned by activision (and thus I do not forsee a problem with copyright as far as blizzard is concerned) into starcraft 2.

    Now the models are in the star trek game as a .mod file (special filetype for the star trek game). Given that this game came out back when directx 8.1 was fairly new that meant hunting down a copy of 3d studio max 5 (the last version that supported the .mod import/export plugins) and importing them. So far everything looks fine.

    I then saved it as a .max file and opened it in 3d studio max 9. still looking good, all the textures which are in a .bmp format (which i plan to convert to .dds before import) are still applied to the model and look great in the 3d viewer.

    Just one issue, when I open the materials tab I dont see any assigned materals of any kind - yet the textures are applied to the model right in front of me. Now I need to replace the textures that are in the .bmp format with the exact same ones that are in .dds format so it will all fit into starcraft 2 nicely (these .bmp textures are 256 by 256 pixels and in .dds will fit easily - especially now that the max map size is 20 mb).

    I am still rather new to 3d studio max and I need help to find a way to get the textures I am seeing applied to the model in the 3d viewer into actual materials so I can export it as a .m3 file. I would *really* rather not have to pull off new uvwraps and make them all fit again if at all possible. Somehow these textures are being applied correctly in 3d studio max even without materials.

    After that its a matter of invisible turrets with appropriate weapons and I can release these star trek ships as a dependency so everyone can make star trek maps with them.

    Can anyone help me figure out how to get these materials assigned so I can port these models into starcraft 2?


    A little FYI: The game I'm getting these from is called Star Trek: Star Fleet Command 3. The maker of this game was a company called Taldren. Taldren folded quite a ways back and since activison was the publisher, they if anyone are the owners of these models. Because Blizzard is owned by activison I do not forsee an issue with using these models.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Texture] How to change resource icon

    I am not having a good time with this..

    What are the correct modifications for the supply?

    Also can anyone tell me why Everytime I save and reload the map it overwrites my custom assets.txt with the default one?


    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Question about Interface Models

    Howdy all,

    I've been working on replacing the interface model for the interface console.

    The particular model was the protoss_02 console model (and therefore the one on the right dealing with command and portrait graphical outlines.

    These interface models are a .m3 format with some 6+ different textures spread across 5 meshes that makes up that .m3 file. The interface by default is made up of 3 overlapping models.

    I am fairly new to 3d studio max and have only just learned some parts of uv mapping.

    Now I've got the 1.7b (a higher version bugs on 3ds 9) and I've made a test model, mapped it, textured it (although the texture had lots of transparent area) and then imported it into the game and replace the default protoss 02 console.

    However there is a problem. The model DID replace the old one (I know cause the old one was gone) but instead left a blank space.

    Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? If when this all gets figured out, I plan to write a guide for anyone else who needs to make custom console models.


    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Rally Point Trigger Issue

    Howdy all,

    I'm having an issue making a replace unit move to the qued rally points of the origonally spawning building.

    Here is the Action Def: http://pastebin.com/KNJBDsDU

    Can anyone help me here?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Video] Icon Tutorial

    @7H3LaughingMan: Go

    Excellent totorial.

    Made a huge diff in my map.

    Thank You!!

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Triggers] Guide to making a button with an image

    Howdy guys,

    I'd there seems to be a lot of threads about this but it doesn't seem there is a full-out guide to how to make a button with an image.

    Now you *could* just put n invsible button behind an image, but there is a more higherquality way if you want to put the effort in.

    Ok so here it is:

    To start we will need a .tga image. It does not really matter what size, although you might want to keep a certain aspect ratio.

    Here is the one I will use for this guide:

    The Image

    Ok now the reason why its the same thing only darker is this: For some reason when you use an image for an icon what happens is that it will only show the op half. And when you use the hover image in the button itself it also does some weird stuff. I'm not going to go into why, I'm only going to show you what I've found to work best.

    Ok now, we will need 2 seperate actions to set this.

    First: Make an action: dialog item type (button). This will have a field with a hover image field. Set that field to the .tga you aquired earlier.

    Second: Make another action. This time to set the dialog item image. Set it to the same exact tga.

    Now if you have both set like this, here is what will happen: When you look at it the image will be the bright one. When you click on it, it will turn to the dark one. This makes it look (in my opinion) a lot better than simply putting a hidden button behind an image. The images I'm using are tiny (like 20 kb un-compressed) so it looks pretty good. To make it better add a border to the top one and a darked border to the bottom one.

    -Note: The actual pixel size of the image does not matter. It will be scaled to the button X and Y size values.

    Hope it helps!

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Diplomacy collaboration - professional quality

    @EternalWraith: Go


    I'm afraid it is YOU who needs to do the research :)

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Set of Requests for WW2 Diplo

    Howdy guys, I have a set of art requests for WW2 Diplo for someone who can get the job done.

    The main groups are: Naval, Icon, and New Unit Models.

    In short: I need some in-game models combined into naval units, some icons, a new model or 2, and a model split appart.

    If you are interested or can get me in touch with anyone who is interested, then please read the massive wall of text below:


    Naval: This is not exactly what you may be thinking. Basically I have made naval warships in WW2 Diplo. This is fine and all but because the are made of many different models (most naval units are a page in length in the actors tab). This leads to lag. One of the things that would be nice is if all 6 ships were turned into a single model that I can use for naval units. If you will look for "WW2 Diplo" on NA, you will see that the map is getting very close to completion including a full land-water system already implemented and working very well. You can also see this ships, although in the current version they are very, very small. I can explian why if you contact me - they are getting resized though. Reguardless, what I want is to export the models that make up these naval units, and have them combined into a single model (so thats 6 naval unit models, no turrets) that can use the in-game textures (including team color channel) and be reimported as a single unit model. The ship classes are: Destroyer, Light Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Battle Cruiser, Battle Ship, Fleet Carrier.

    Note: I am not too adverse about releasing the new models to the community if the modeler so chooses.

    Icons: This game does not posess any native naval support of any kind - save cliff levels and water textures. This means also there is not a single icon for naval ships. I would use terrain ship icons - except those are already use for air units. So I need ship Icons in a WW2 theme for the following general ship classes: Destroyer, Light Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser, Battle Cruiser, Battle Ship, Fleet Carrier. If you wish to put any sort of text on there, I use the US Navy designations: DD, CL, CA, BC, BB, CV respectively. These are a VERY high priotiry.

    Note: Note again if the artist so chooses they can be shared with the commuinty.

    New Unit Models: This is a rather major issue considering that each unit (including the 5-6 specials for every nation that will eventually be in the game) is also recieving a custom look via modelattachments. This is a major problem because as this is a WW2 game set in Europe, there is the rather more and slight issue of the fact that the only model I really have to play with to make tanks happens to be less than ideal for any sort of custom attachments due to the way it is layed out. I mean of course the siege tank. There is the merc version and the regular version, both of which are less than ideal. What I require is a new (or if you can cut up say an APC or so) tank chassis. It needs no turret - I can add that and doing so I will have more customimzation options. Basically it needs to be a simple tank chassis design with just a simple body (nothing very tall) that I can add models to and produce new units based on that simple tank chassis - there is a lot I can do with modelattachments but I don't have much to play with here. Also a selection of new turrets (and not just tank turrets) would also be handy but not required. I can make do. What I really need is that tank chassis. If possible please include track animations but I can also live without. On top of this if someone could take the siege tank sieged mode and seperate the gun and turret from the rest of the body (still keeping the animations of the turret) so I can import that back in and use it for many units in WW2 Diplo and others.

    Note: Again these ban be shared with the community if the artist so chooses.

    Contacting each other:

    I am on the North American server as FockeWulf | 178.

    I also have a teamspeak 3 I am usually on with info: Server: teamspeak.gamingrapture.net Port: 9987 (no may not need the port anymore not sure) Password: (no password )

    If you would like to make/combine/seperate any of these models or Icons you can reply to this post or PM me with your bnet name (NA only), email or VoIP I can contact you with. You can also contact me at the above if you wish.

    If you would like to join the WW2 Diplo map project and perhaps any of the other projects that can be derived from the vast content already in WW2 Diplo, please also contact me via the above methods.

    One final note: Credit for the naval units and their models (and only those out of this request) needs to be given both to me and the modeler(s). The reason I recieve credit is because I layed them out in the first place and also made the entire land-water system including the naval units actually work in game. It takes me around 3-5 hours just to resize a single naval unit given that they are made up of a LOT of actors so I would say I have a fair claim.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Attack Actors

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Yes I have done the site actors for the launch point.

    The site actors to linked to the turret model and they are using the sopattachweapon site operaion.

    So the lauch site is the new one i made and it's site op is to attach to the weapon attachment point (which i checked in the model previewer and it exists)

    What seems to be the issue is the attachment - lauch attachment query + and its fall back is the center. I however changed that to turret z as well and that didn't fix it.

    I'm totally out of ideas at this point can I get some help here?


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attack Actors


    I'm having an issue with my attack actors.

    These are for my boats in WW2 Diplo and I'm having an issue where the launch asset model is appear at the wrong place.

    The unit itself is a barracks and the turrets are the siege tank sieged mode as a modeladdition.

    Everything works great save the fact that the lauch asset is comming from the front of the barracks not the turrets themselves.

    Can anyone help me here?


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Epic WW2 Diplo Replay

    Lets see if i can attach this... NVM here is a link:


    This is a classic example of the dynamic play in WW2 Diplo. Be sure to have your coffie as this took well over an hour to finish. And it ends with my 4th defeat in that game with everyone turning on me.

    Granted I wasn't the first powerhouse but it was epic.

    I was Great Britian, and was planning something. France at this time was a total powerhouse. When I saw France prepairing for a landing on me I took the decision to declare war, and I destroyed his landing force.

    Then came the critical battle. His navy wasy 3x my size, heavy in battleships. Mine had a few capitals but also 6 Fleet Carriers. I also owned both Great Britian and Ireland so he would have to force a passage. And of course I had also fortified Ireland and GB as well in the southern regions in order to make it a hard task for a navy to break it.

    So we fight at the choke and capital ships held off his fleet long enough for my carriers to win the day. Libya saw this and took advantage of it to attack France in the east. I forced a landing in north-west France and met up with Libya's armies.. but this is only fraction of the story that ends not in my victory, but in my defeat. You will have to watch the replay for the rest.

    Let me know what you guys think of it!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Need help with a validator

    @FockeWulf: Go

    Aha found it if a unit is in a transport it becomes "hidden".

    Posted in: Data
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