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    posted a message on NA Map Night [Revival]

    "Requirements to participate: an IQ over 20, a NA SC2 account, common sense"

    Ulosethegame does not meet these requirements. He only has an NA SC2 account.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on NA Map Night [Revival]

    @yukaboy: Go

    I suppose I could help when I'm there (I have class till like 5pm pacific and I play with a group of friends on various games)

    One thing though. Ulosethegame and I don't get along very well. So I need to reserve the right to have him permabanned from sc2mapster if he so much as opens his mouth. The only way to teach trolls is slam the door on em.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on find the mind control owner?

    You need a hybrid for this.

    First you need to create a blank behavior (buff)

    You need to alter the ability such that it gives the caster the behavior.

    You make the trigger search for that behavior.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Action Actor, Turret, and Attack Animation (Solved)

    WELCOME TO ACTORS!! WW2 Diplo has over 500 of them >.>

    Now that thats said. Lets check the following:

    Go to the phoenix in the models tab, go to the model link and view it in previewer. Lower right hand window and look for attachments. Make sure it has a TurretZ attachment. If it doesn't then you can go to case 1. If it does, go to case 2.

    Case 1: You need the following: 3ds, the .m3 import/export tools. An MPQ reader. You can get 3ds max 2012 student version for free from the 3ds website.

    First, pull out the .m3 model for the pheonix using the MPQ. Then import it into 3ds (you can probably avoid having to port the textures into the maps folder in the 3ds root folder). Go to the helper objects, add an attachment. Make it a custom type, name it Ref_TurretZ and make sure the other field is also Ref_TurretZ. Put it where ever and make sure that its rotation is 0,0,0 (otherwise the attachment point comes out funny). Be sure to link all geometry and attachments to the TurretZ attachment. Otherwise funny stuff happens.

    Then import it (with all animations) back into sc2. Use assets/textures/ texture path. Make sure you have "export hidden objects" selected when you export.

    Then go to Case 2:

    Case 2:.

    Make it a model (modeladdition).

    Events: Unitbirth.Unit Create

    Then Host+ to your core unit actor.

    Then SOpAttachOrigin , a Local Offset, and whatever explicit rotation you need.

    Then go to turrets tab: Create a turret. make its rotation 360. Set its rotation rate to something like 5000. Then create an actor type turret.

    Set the turret body to the attachment model, set the turret pitch query to TurretZ (both in the direct attachment type and the fallback) - this is why you need the TurretZ attachment, it will not be able to chose any any other attachment that will work. Then for the events+ turretenable.(turret from turrets tab) -Create

    Then create a Site actor. Events+ UnitBirth.CoreUnit) -Create

    Host+ = The attached model Hosted Site Ops = SoPAttach(whatever), Localoffset

    Then in the attack actor. Launch Force Site

    Host Supporter+= The turret modelattachment

    Launch Site: Your site actor.

    Then to units tab:

    In the Combat-Weapons: Set the turret to your created turret from the turrets tab. Then the weapon thats linked to the attack actor.

    THIS is where the weapon and turret are linked. Combat-Turrets is for passive turrets (such as mothership rotation or that one babylon 5 warship who's center rotates). That is for some neat tricks with actors. Use Combat-Weapons to link and turret and a weapon. Until you do this, they are seperate and unlinked. Once you set that they ought to be linked.

    Let me know how all of that turned out.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Need Urgent Help!

    There are 2 reasons for this that I've found:

    A model actor had a unit birth event that was wrong...

    Or a actor type (model) wasn't linked to a unit (at the top). And make sure that field is actually a link. Sometimes it glitches and just turns it into text.

    Be careful I've had this bug infect a months worth of saves.

    If you have issues on a previous save or 2 you need to do the following:

    Delete the infected files. Delete any sc2/bnet cache you can find (check appdata). Restart your computer. Reload a non-infected save and see if this issue still persists. I've had this infect cross-map as well. Also delete all downloaded maps (the ones with the wierd formatting). If you tested the map then it becomes another downloaded map.

    Thats what I've had to do to solve my issue with this actor. The data editor is powerful. Its also a piece of shit.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on NA Map Night [Revival]

    This may seem like an odd question but what convinced you to even bother?

    Ulosethegame is bnet 2.0's no.2 troll.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How were the siege tank's treads made?

    Well guys,

    Here it is. Avaible on NA!

    Tiger 2

    This unit is unanimated however. We can make animations for it sure, but gettiing the script to export the aninations is something else. The first issue we are having is that for some reason we can't set the animation squences.

    We've figured out that its all one long animation, which the script pulls parts from. However even then we are still not having any luck getting it to create the sequences so we can export.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on WW2 Diplo: European Diplomacy in WW2

    Well I've got some more stuff:

    The new unit in WW2 Diplo!

    Tiger 2

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Data Editors, Unite!

    @jaxter184: Go

    1- I can change the stats of a unit! - Yes 2- I've made an absurdly OP unit (and I know how to make my own units)! - Yes 3- I've made a cool looking absurdly OP unit! - Yes 4- I can make my own ability! - Yes 5- My ability is levelable (with increasing damage)! - Yes 6- I understand actors and animations to the point that I can change animations! - Yes 7- I can attach actors! - Yes 8- I can do all of the Weekly Data Exercises! - Haven't bothered to try, been too busy with my own stuff. 9- I can make a Starfall ability! - If I set my mind to it then yes I could. 10- I can retexture through the data editor (I can't do this correctly, so I stuck it up here) - Haven't bothered to look into it. Been making my own models. 11- I can make Heroes that jump and charge and spin and do all this crazy stuff! - I made a jetpack marine. 12- I'm off the charts! (Tell me something I can put here) - I made the only working Amphibous system and naval warships.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on How were the siege tank's treads made?

    @tordecybombo: Go

    This is next on the list but the Jadgtiger will be soon :)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on How were the siege tank's treads made?

    @ZombieZasz: Go

    Ah ok.

    Well I've got over 50 seperate models to make so... ya gonna take a while.

    And the poly count is 321 but thats because I'm using 16-sided wheels.

    Was kinda thinking of making a world of tanks map (without the artillery) with the same models so.. ya.

    Even with the higher poly count the lack of so much mesh overlap makes such a huge difference.

    Andd here you go another update: http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i333/marshallwellington/Tiger2_1c.jpg

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on I'm having an issue with my custom unit

    Hey all,

    Another question.

    So I've made a model from scratch, made a walk and a stand animation (haven't animated any wheels yet though).

    However when I put it into the game and set it as the core unit model I have an issue: When I move it up and down hills, the tank does not tip up or down to respond to the angle change. The tank is perfectly level no matter what. Can anyone help me solve this issue?


    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on How were the siege tank's treads made?

    @ZombieZasz: Go

    I spy a Blizzard dev >:)

    But seriously thanks a bunch, that is actually well within my limited 3d max capabilities (I think).

    Just to show you what this is going into right now, let me direct your attention to this pic: http://s1088.photobucket.com/albums/i333/marshallwellington/?action=view&current=Tiger2_1b.jpg

    With absolutly NO mesh overlap :)

    Diplomacy maps, especially WW2 Diplo, suffer from nasty memory leaks when the meshes overlap.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on WW2 Diplo: European Diplomacy in WW2

    @Zolden: Go

    "Are there hotkeys present to select all barracks or all factories? Like it was in RoN." -I don't have that as it hasn't been requested often, however that is not hard to add. For the most part though I've got a giant list of things that need to happen with the map.

    "I think, ships could move more shippier, for example move only after they face the direction of move order. Or turn faster, or move while turning, dunno." -This hasn't been a really high priority for me, however that is also not too hard to fix. For the most part I think I need to increase the ship's masses.

    "And i'd like to see howitzers to have attack animation from their turret, not driver's cabine." -This is an actor issue I have not had too much luck with. In fact it haunts pretty much every unit like it, from the artillery to the AT guns to the AA guns to the ships. I really don't know what is going on. I've asked around but its looking like I'm out of luck on this one. I'll play with it more here soon, but first I've got to make more custom models to reduce lag >.>

    "And why do we destroy cities by attacking them? I thpught it will capture them." -If they are in fact dying its either a serious lag issue or an outright game glitch. Those cities/towns/capitals have a death prevention behavior that has always prevented that from happening before.

    Thanks for your interest in WW2 Diplo!

    Anyone have any more feedback?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on How were the siege tank's treads made?

    Or should I say how were they animated?

    Was it a animation with track models or an animated texture? And if it was an animated texture how was it done?


    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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