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    posted a message on Minimap + water state

    If you change the Color of the water, i think that will update.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Does this $15k challenge have to be an RPG?


    Realised that it was a different game entirely.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Does this $15k challenge have to be an RPG?
    Quote from Alevice: Go

    I think it has to be done on Skyrim.

    And what does that mean? I upload it there?

    Or do I have to ask about it?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Does this $15k challenge have to be an RPG?

    Cause I mean, besides the whole quest part, WW2 Diplo fills those criteria.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How were the siege tank's treads made?

    Some more pictures :)

    The new Fleet Carrier and Battlecruiser* :)

    Pic 1

    pic 2

    pic 3

    Edit Battleship already in, this is battlecruiser >.>

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on m3 plugin in 3dmax 2012

    @jaxter184: Go

    2012 does have a few weird odds and ends but it seems to work fine besides.

    Mostly a bug saving animations is what we are running into right now but besides that its going pretty good.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on General model making tips

    @Bommes: Go

    Adding attachment points is *fairly simple* in 3ds. Beyond that you start working with bones. There are plenty of tutorials but we are not there yet.

    And as far as animations, we are still learning those too so... ya.

    I'm not much father along than you are frankly.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on WW2 Diplo: European Diplomacy in WW2

    @Zolden: Go

    I personally made every bit of that model from scratch. Although I have a bud who is working with me on it.

    I think we might be able to trade some stuff. Most of these models are still being made. Check the thread in the artist tavern for the full list of models we are making.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on General model making tips

    Hey all

    I've noticed a few posts about unit selection radius and how its often off. I would like to give you some info on what to do about this in 3d studio max:

    I would also like to explain to newbe modelers what to do if you want to add a turretZ attachment.

    This is using the .m3 scripts avaible on sc2mapster:

    A few things we learned the hard way: -For the bounding sphere to work properly, so your selection radius isn't screwed up, you need to first create the bounding sphere, and then link it to the mesh, if you do not link it the bounding sphere will not actually be applied.

    -Attachments: Be sure to link all attachemnts, besides TurretZ, to the mesh. I have noticed a weird model attachment "sliding" issue with attachments that are not linked to the mesh. Also make sure all attachemnts are oriented vertical (unless you have something else in mind). They are a pyramid shape and the point is the direction the attachement is facing. Otherwise you get to use explicit rotation actors.

    -TurretZ attachment: You need to use the name, whereever it has a field: "Ref_TurretZ". If is not this exact name the turret Z will not work. Also, like the other attachments, make sure the TurretZ is oriented with the point facing "up" (unless you do something else), otherwise your brain will rotate 90 degrees to the side in your head. Also, for any part of the model that rotates about the turretZ attachment: you need to link all attachments, and meshes to the TurretZ attachement. Otherwise funny stuff starts happening.

    -Model Latency In-Game: Due to the nature of the SC2 graphics engine (Ie it being fairly shitty) any overlapping or intersecting geometry will cause an inordinate amount of memory leaks. Those, of course, cause the game to lag. So it is important to make sure that either all your geometry is one object or multiple objects that do not overlap or touch or intersect.

    Thats about it for the critical parts. Theres other stuff we've learned but most of us novices have already figured out how to fix.

    If anyone else has any more tips I personally would be more than happy to read them!

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on How were the siege tank's treads made?

    Inglorious Bio... Inglorious.

    Anyways ya. Bio's really starting to get into this. That battleship pic is my mesh but his texture :) He can texture way better than I can :)

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on How were the siege tank's treads made?

    Ok some stuff we are working on :)

    My partner, Biohazard (I asked him to post after this one) did some GREAT retexturing of the naval ships. And we are both WW2 History Buffs so we gonna go through all 25 tanks pretty quickly :)

    Here are some pics:





    And here is a list of every tank we will be making:

    WW2 Diplo: Armored Tech Tree

    Allied Armor:

    [American] Light Tanks 1934: M2 1937: M3 1940: M5 1943: M22 1945: M24

    [American] Medium Tanks 1934: M2A1 1937: M3 1940: M4A1 1943: M4A3E2 1945: M4A3E8

    [American] Teir 6 Tank M26 Pershing M103 Heavy Tank

    [British] Cruiser Tank 1934: Cruiser MkI 1937: Cruiser MkII 1940: Cruiser MkIV 1943: Cruiser Mk VIII/Sherman Firefly 1945: Comet I

    [British] Infantry Tank 1934: Matilda MkI 1937: Matilda MkII 1940: Valentine MkIII 1943: Churchill MkIV 1945: Churchill MkVI

    [British] Teir 6 Tank Centurion

    Axis Armor: [Whermacht] Medium Tank 1934: Panzer I 1937: Panzer 38 1940: Panzer III (Long Barrel) - Upgrades Panzer III Short to Long 1943: Panzer IV (Long Barrel) - Upgrades Panzer IV Short to Long 1945: Panzer V

    [Whermacht] Heavy Tank 1934: Panzer III (Short Barrel) 1937: Panzer IV (Short Barrel) 1940: Panzer IV (Long Barrel) - Upgrades Panzer IV Short to Long 1943: Tiger I 1945: Tiger II

    [Afrika Core] Italian Armored Vehicals 1934: M11/39 1937: M13/40 1940: M14/41 1943: M15/42 1945: P40

    [Afrika Core] German Armored Vehicals 1934: Sd.Kfz. 231 1937: Panzer II 1940: Panzer III Special 1943: Panzer IV Special 1945: Tiger I

    [German] Teir 6 Tank Leapard 1

    Comiterm Armor:

    [USSR] Medium Tanks 1934: T-26 1937: T-46 1940: T-28 1943: T-34/76 1945: T-34/85

    [USSR] Heavy Tanks 1940: KV-1 (After T-28) 1943: IS-1/IS-2 (More Damage and Speed vs More Armor) 1945: IS-3/IS-4 (More Damage and Speed vs More Armor)

    [USSR] Teir 6 T-54 Medium Tank T-10 Heavy Tank

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Universal builds for unknown melee maps

    All you need is a template for the mineral field, a certain required base area and a single entrance (at least early game) and some grass cover at choke points and your done. Also doodad up any place that you don't want units to go to.

    Basically just hire a few koreans to make the maps "randomly".

    Posted in: Melee Development
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Making a unit hanging when loaded, like Thor

    Duplicate the model, select the sub model from the assets, and the set variation count to 1. Set the actor to the new model. Done.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How were the siege tank's treads made?

    Yup and these models will be avaible as soon as the EU Battle.net suppor team gets off their asses. And takes down WW2 Diplo EU (so I can upload a new version on an account that isn't locked).

    NA takes less than 24 hours (In LA). EU can take up to a week. And the EU support team is in France.. Go figure.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on How were the siege tank's treads made?

    @ZombieZasz: Go

    Ah ok I will check into that.

    Besides that, here is another mesh going into texturing!

    WW2Diplo IS2

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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