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    posted a message on Final Fantasy 13 party system Testing sign-ups! (US)

    I'm in. Ign is Kaillera. Email is [email protected] if you want to add me in game

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Final Fant......Evocation!
    Quote from Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    I found a pretty crazy bug yesterday while making the party screen so there is going to be a 1-2 day delay on the menu preview video, I just want everything to be perfect

    If you need any of us to help you test any online functions in game, give us a hollar.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Final Fant......Evocation!
    Quote from Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    @DarkForce9999: Go

    na all the gameplay features will be in the game. i am having some troubles with resistances.

    Depending if you're using unit ability-based damage or trigger-based damage. I think trigger-based damage are a lot easier to handle for resistance like:

    If a attack is used, have the triggers check for the attack's attribute first. I don't know o.o

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Final Fant......Evocation!
    Quote from Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    @JackRCDF: Go

    Joining another map is extremely possible, an example i would give is look at the stargate map someone is working on. as for cross map communication it is work in progress, i can only get 1 line of text to go from map to map at the moment then it stops working. I am going to wait for the next major patch 9or release) to try and get this working i think it is currently limited. If i can get it working i will release the library to the public. this part is written in Galaxy.

    as for knowing what maps other people are in that one is simple and is working, it has a couple limitations at the moment but i will not elaborate on those quite yet once again until the next major patch or full release. i want to make sure these systems will be possible before i finalize them as a feature. Currently the only feature that is in jeopardy of not making it is the cross map communication.

    As long as the gameplay aren't deterred, those features aren't mandatory in my opinion.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Final Fant......Evocation!
    Quote from Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    @DarkForce9999: Go @picture

    (Insert Swear Word Here) (Insert Cool Word Here)! I have work tomorrow T.T

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Final Fant......Evocation!
    Quote from Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    @DarkForce9999: Go

    yes all the maps will be qued at the start of the first map and each player can go to the different maps with each other, just think of the system as zones and there is a load screen for each zone. players will be able to go freely through the maps with each other. the menu will have a player status button to see what map or "Zone" the other players are in, in case you want to join them.

    in other news!

    I will be releasing footage tomorrow of the menu screen, i have been working hard on it and it looks beautiful. I also made some change to the battle UI and it is starting to look a lot better also. I am very excited to show you guys these systems.

    after the menu is done i will have the foundation UI elements of the game and their trigger systems in place and will be working on spells next. at this point in the overview manager i currently have for triggers: Actions: 1806 Conditions: 367 Events: 42 Folders: 55 Functions: 46 Function calls: 2,722 Parameters: 212 Triggers: 78 Variables: 397

    total of 3.34mb in triggers.

    and i am about 1/2 way done. so lots of work to do yet the total map size is 7.06mb(Compressed) the first mod (With all the custom 3d models) is at 6mb and the second mod is at 9mb (the game sounds)

    so HUGE project and i hope to expand it further if blizz decides to make the storage limits higher. I hope to have the game menu done tonight so tomorrow (probably night) i can post a video.

    I will also will be introducing the PvP system that i am working on that will enable you to battle other players!

    Yay! This will be great to see.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on I feel dumb T.T

    @allcor: Go

    Thanks, as that really helped me understand the concept. I was really hoping to take the easy way out XD

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on I feel dumb T.T

    I haven't mapped for WC3 for years, I just decided to pop open the Galaxy Editor for the first time. Most of the triggers feels the same and all. I have a small problem now. How would I use something like this in my map? I already import it, and look at the 3 public functions. I don't know how to make these to move the unit.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Final Fant......Evocation!

    @Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    Can we get an idea of how this "moving through maps" idea work? If like 6 people were originally in one game, and someone walks to a region that brings them to another map, will the other 5 be able to follow that same person? Or are we going to have something happen like 6 people playing on one map and another 6 is playing on another, and when one person walks to the other map, they join the other 6?

    I'm lost o.o lol

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Third Person camera object lag?

    Any details on the objects. I had to set my setting to the optimized medium on deadcraft for full speed. Afterward I just use that as a template for my high setting. All I really did is turn the lighting on more.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Touhoucraft

    CQ3k, I love your friend's map and the last one with the Thor too, but something has to be noted. MANY people out there has Key/Ghost Locking, where their key cannot hold Z/X/C, Shift, and Arrow buttons all together.

    I like how the movement in the new one a lot smoother than just by grid. Does he happen to have Co-op, Versus, or competitive campaign in mind for it?

    Versus like Touhou: PoFV Co-op like Twin Bee for the Playstation Competitive Campaign like where everyone compete to be the best scorer, staying alive, not using bombs, collecting power ups and things?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Run like a mofo remake

    @Vlaeder: Go

    It didn't happened that often, but even when it did there were hardly any passage that fits only 1 zealot. Seriously though, what ever happened to my other 3 brood war version of run like a mofo?

    I remembering calling them run like a dildo/chicken/ and something else... One was a arctic theme, desert theme, and forest theme. They seriously got killed by time, but the original Run like a mofo didn't.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Run like a mofo remake
    Quote from Vlaeder: Go

    Perhaps a bait item that you can pick up and deploy?

    Definitely taken into consideration.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Run like a mofo remake

    Hello, I just thought since I managed to snag myself a beta key from the giveaway, I'd do some map making! One of the best classic map in my opinion of Starcraft was "Run like a mofo".

    You get chased by a swarm of zergling while controlling a speed-upgraded zealot. You got to get to the end of the course without everyone dying. There's supposedly a "target-bait" every round that the zergling chases, and will change when the original target dies. Ever since then, the original creator allowed me to recreate the gameplay mechanic and I made several map with different themes. I made a total of 3 other versions, but they all got lost by time.

    I tried to remake this map into Warcraft 3, but the result ended in a disaster because the computer-ai took the command "Attack this region following this unit every x seconds" with difficulties. They would move, but when the command was executed, they stood still for a good half a second and then move, and then repeats.

    I am hoping that starcraft 2 doesn't have this problem.

    If this is successful in Starcraft 2, I am going to give the map itself a overhaul from what the map originally was.

    -Different unit running the course.
    -The map will not look too plain like in Starcraft.
    -Different goal location everytime the map is played.
    -Different path will open everytime the map is played.

    Atleast, I am hoping this will work. Does anyone have anything they would like to add?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Final Fant......Evocation!

    Neat. I can't think of anything else to say lol.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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