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    posted a message on Micro Trainer?
    Quote from BuuGhost: Go

    There was some micro trainer around in the "What maps are singleplayer"

    Alright, its multitasking, should learn you a great deal too

    Awesome single player map to help keep your skills up to date.


    thanks man, found it. Hope it works :).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Micro Trainer?

    Anyone knows of good micro trainers around here? I'm really looking forward to improve my micro and later learn to do macro and micro at same time without difficulties.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Video/Map] Haunted Temple, the most intense hide and seek game ever made NOW LIVE!

    I just played it today. Fantastic map, the controls are responsive, the enviroment is very nice and the sound and the effects really get you into the game. I played 3 rounds, but the elitist popularity system didn't allow us to make a 4th :(. We played in Faster gamespeed setting and the controls had like 0.1 secs delay, almost nothing. Camera system was way smoother and faster than WASD though.

    You should send this map to blizzard's custom game contest, you may actualy win.


    • Add a timer window, it's nice to keep track of time.
    • A rematch option could be nice, that would avoid remakes. However, because of the popularity system it's not a nice idea.
    • Some modes could be nice.

    That's all and thanks for making a map that I will enjoy while I'm not laddering ;).

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Warcraft 3 Reborn

    @hipnos14: Go

    hmm, the map is pretty good so far. I suggest you to first make a mod that reproduces the Wc3 engine and later apply it to your maps. That way you won't have to be adding all the models over and over nor copying abilities or anything.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Will WASD movement ever become lag free?

    Guys the only way to makle lagless fps maps is if blizzard would allow us to control the net traffic. In RTS games almost all the information must be kept synchronized, while in FPS games some information is kept synchronized and most is just local. Because of this synchronization the game uses more net traffic than we should.

    The best way is to make FPS maps at the slowest gamespeed possible and make al interacting objects act fast within that realm, that would reduce net traffic.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter
    Quote from NiNtoxicated01: Go

    @tigerija: Go

    Particles are a massive beast. Just figuring out the M3 structure is a pain, let alone what each setting does. It's taking me a very long time to figure out what most of the LAYR chunk does and that's just bitmaps, with particles it's probably five times as complex. I do have MDX and M2 documentation as a bit of a reference, but particles and ribbons are hard to work with and I'm no expert on them. I want to add support as much as anyone but without having the necessary particle expertise I'm basically blind guessing at close to 30 or 40 particle settings with no hint as to their ultimate function.

    My strategy is usually to change a setting and observe the effect but this is largely guesses when it comes to particle settings as I'm not sure what some of them even do despite having an effect. Since I can't just list a bunch of particle settings that don't have a description (how would you design your own?) I'm not sure whats going to happen here. The particle chunks are massive and while I may be able to figure out alot of the settings by cross referencing with the MDX and M2 documentation there's bound to be a whole lot more settings to which I have no idea what they ultimately are.

    if you need help, I think I know how to reverse somethings on them.

    I recommend you to detect first the values for emission and lifespan. You'll normally find these values to be coherent to their form. For instance, lifespan will normaly be a float value that ranges 0.5 to 4.0 while emission could go from 50 to 200. Afterwards, I suggest that you look for a relation between materials and the particle emitter, in mdx the particle emitters2 had their material data saved within its settings.

    Btw, don't let 3dsmax particle system misguide you, all of blizzard particle systems except for 1(Mdx's ParticleEmitter1 was based on SuperSpray) are based on plugin made particle systems.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on Pokemon!

    lol, ever seen the minigame contest?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on AC130K - Ruins (tech demo)

    have you tried testing this in Normal speed instead of Faster in b.net? (You know when you test maps in GE they are in normal, so it shouldn't be very different) perhaps that would help reduce lag a bit. You could also deactivate any keys different from WASD, it would reduce Net Traffic.

    The reload, change weapons and other mechanics controlled by keys could be dummy abilities with keys on them, just detect the ability cast, like we did for wc3.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Starcraft II DotA: Storm of the Imperial Sanctum

    I like the map, but the GUI needs a lot of work. It's hard to track things around, some times I don't notice if I have ability points.

    I also think zerglings should be bigger, it's not fair that protoss side has bigger units since that makes denying easier for them.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Europe Diplomacy Map

    use this terrain: Europe

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on A* pathing algorithm for detecting blocks in a tower defense game?
    Quote from Maul2: Go

    Delete please

    why delete? this is information for anyone having the same problem.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Are those systems possible ?
    Quote from tigerija: Go

    Interesting, tho its hovering unit not walking, someone should examine this, look possible but maybe its faked movement or something.

    not really, just notice how the main body rotates in some direction and the turret towards the enemy. It does not matter if it has wheels or not, it will keep it's move direction while the turret attack the enemies.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on What to change in the Galaxy Editor

    All I have to ask are 2 things:

    • Bring pointers back to galaxy. (they don't need to be in the GUI, they just need to be in)
    • add dynamic allocation, using operator 'new'.

    That's all.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Post-release opinion poll
    Quote from Ghrabthaar: Go

    So, instead of following my tradition of buying Blizzard releases at midnight, I cooled my heels on this one. I'm undecided between consumer rage and the likelihood that the game will well exceed the entertainment value that I'd put into buying it. My question is this:

    For those of you that bought SC2 already, would you go back in time warn yourself not to buy it, given the chance? More clearly, are you disappointed enough that you want your money back?

    most people raging not even bought the game, go to amazon.com and look at the comments with 1 star, this guys always argue something like the LAN and bullshit.

    The game is awesome and deserves it's 60$ and 40$ for each expantion.

    To be honest, the only thing kinda dissapointed me was the ending of the campaign, but that's because I'm not used to blizzard giving happy endings. As for the rest, the game is quite polish and it's worth every penny.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on return array?
    Quote from pixartist: Go

    @BlinkHawk: Go

    Well, c might technically be a high level language since it needs a compiler, but it's still very close to low level languages and that's pretty obvious when you look at it's syntax, and also arrays are not pointers. Arrays are only pointers when the language defines them to be pointers - as c does. The concept of an array does not require nor imply the use of pointers. In most modern languages arrays are not pointers at all and thus can be handled like any other object.

    but on topic: I was referring to the UI of galaxy which OFFERS return values as arrays. That's what confused me.

    I was talking of the implementation of an array, not of it's concept. Oh and trust me C isn't THAT close, it's actually quite far but it's one of the closests compared to other HLPL. I'm a software engineer, I know of what I'm talking about ;).

    On topic: Anyways, I tested what you just said and you can't return arrays either way, even if the GUI allows you. There's no way you can return the array itself. So at the end, galaxy only allows native types.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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