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    posted a message on Can you beat the Very Hard AI 1vs1? Show me!

    if you do a simple bunker rush, they'll keep suiciding their units into them.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter
    Quote from TheMasterElite: Go

    Are there any plans to develop a similar set of plugins as a standalone program or for other 3D applications [e.g. MilkShape 3D]?

    milkshape does not have what it takes for modeling in sc2. Blender looks to be a better option.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on [Model Showcase] Warcraft 3 Heros Revamped
    Quote from Kanaru: Go

    @BlinkHawk: Go

    Unfortunately somebody is going to have to sacrifice their own upload space for other people to use it.

    I still hope the 10.5/21 MB limit is temporary, especially when Blizzard opens up the ability to make premium maps.

    well, i'm willing to do so ;).

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Model Showcase] Warcraft 3 Heros Revamped
    Quote from Triceron: Go

    The 10mb limit on maps is going to be a major concern for custom units being used in content-heavy maps.

    Teh answer: MODS. You could make a wc3 models mod and people would justimplement the mod in their maps.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [Model Showcase] Warcraft 3 Heros Revamped
    Quote from rrowland: Go

    @cocosoft: Go

    It is actually possible. We just need to bug NiNtoxicated until he adds it to the exporter :P

    decals are supported by the exporter already. Same with team color

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Gahennas Battlecruiser

    man you have way too many polies there. 58k is way too much, even for sc2, the limit is 8k (based on thor) you should try reducing some. You should try a cap of 20k atleast since you want to cover the screen.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter
    Quote from Omnimmotus: Go

    How did you go about importing and exporting those Warcraft III models into Starcraft II cleanly, if I might ask? (The ones in the video in the news post.) Don't let my question delay your update, that update sounds amazing, just curious. :3

    he used profet's blizzimporter and reskinned the models.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on [Voting] 3D Models

    In my opinion, modeling wise glitching's Vivi is better than kanaru's. It has better proportions and has better use of polies. However, Kanaru's has better textures and a better render. Also, kanaru had some advantage in the contest as his model was shown in the news before.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Ok so WASD multiplayer maps lags too much on bnet...

    the thing is that the net traffic is not only recieving the WASD events, but also the local camera yaw(angle). This makes the traffic become quite heavy.

    Some solutions are: play all games in normal speed instead of fast or faster, reduce the number of hotkeys used for the GUI and system, etc.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter
    Quote from NiNtoxicated01: Go

    @crazyfingers619: Go

    It only supports FK animations at the moment. Upon reading the Warcraft III Art Tools documentation, it appears you need to have rotations every 90 degrees or less of rotation. This could be the problem encountered by most models that don't animate properly. I believe BlinkBoy from THW has figured out a solution to this problem so you don't need rotations every 90 degrees (think it introduces more keyframes between rotations if it detects some keyframes are more than 90 degrees) but for now the exporter requires rotations every 90 degrees or less. As far as I know there are no problems with simple scalings/translations. Just remember the rotation rule. Hopefully in future updates I can use BlinkBoy's solution so those kind of rotation restrictions aren't mandatory, although I think it's good animating practice to include those extra rotation keyframes anyway.

    wait a sec, if you refere to TCB rotations having troubles after 90º. That's not really the problem you think, the problem actually is if the z axi passes 90º or x and y axis pass 180º. This problem has nothing to do with gimbal-lock but with the smooth-quaternion-interpolation function (squad) used by the game. To fix the problem, you must add extra keys whenever you find it happening between 2 quaternions.

    By the way, about importing TCB. I found a trick to restore a case

    1º if the in and out tangents are near the same as the key, it means the continuity is about 0.0

    with this you'll restore 90% of the keys with near exact accurity, since blizzard models only have modifications in continuity, very few have keys with bias and tension different than 25.0

    by the way the function I sent you uses Non-Max TCB. You must convert MAX TCB into Normal TCB by resting 25.0 and dividing by 25 after. Example NormalTension = (MaxTension-25.0)/25.0

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter
    Quote from NiNtoxicated01: Go

    @BlinkHawk: Go

    Blizzard has always used 1000 FPS in their model files, from MDX's to M2's and now with M3's. You don't have to use 1000 FPS, you can import and export at different FPS's. The option is there. .

    as I said, the .max scenes (Art Tool's samples) were in 30 fps, but the art tools exported them as 1000.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter
    Quote from Triceron: Go


    The reason why there are so many frames is likely due to how the .m3 exporter works on Blizzard's side. It might be converting a standard 30fps animation into 1000fps, perhaps to allow slowing down/ speeding up of animations using the editor without getting choppiness. I can't say if they're actually animating at 1000fps in their source files, but that's what we'll have to deal with for now.

    yeah same deal with wc3, if you look at their wc3 scenes in the Art Tools sample, they were in 30 fps. I also think, the Star Tools take care of the rescaling as well as conversion of IK to FK.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter
    Quote from tigerija: Go

    Anyone knows any good IK to FK for 3dsmax ?

    I have to remove all shapes and helpers so I can export mesh. Need scene with bones and mesh. And I am using different shapes for my rigg.

    well do the process that the IK snapper does manually, which is snap IK poses for some frames, then erase the IK Solvers.

    The option can be found in the motion panel, select a solver and click IK/FK Snap.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter
    Quote from tigerija: Go

    @BlinkHawk: Go

    Actually, that wont work.

    explain? I have animated many wc3 models that way

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    well IK can be converted to FK easilly. Use the NeoDex tool: IK Snapper for bone chains or 3dmaxy's IK2FK converter in wc3campaigns.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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