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    posted a message on Any idea for a kickass name for a new terran force ?
    Hi, I'm trying to find a kickass abreviation or name for a terran force for my map's lore. Here's a short description : It's a small in number but powerful independant force, that include mainly on UED left behind/survivor brillants scientists, but have some ex-Confederate resistance groups and ex-Mercenaries that protect their researchs. So it's a terran force their main quality is their advanced technology that came from Earth during Broodwar, and their dominion Psi Disrupter that allowed them to control a small brood of zergs. They seek technology advancement to overwhelm other races and other terran forces. They are controlled by a mad scientist. Any ideas for a kick ass name or abreviation (like UED or Sons of Khoral) ? As I'm not english native I can't come up with an idea...
    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 1.1 Notes
    @progammer: some neat news ! Edit : wow, we're not wenesday yet are we ? I thought we were ~~
    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Dark Templar - removing perm invis
    @Auracy: That's all very nice, but my solution still works. You certainly mistook "decloak" ghost ability wth "emp Decloak" BEHAVIOR. This is applied when an invisible unit is hit by an EMP round, making him visible for a while.
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on "Set Dialog Item Image" horribly stretching image.
    @Hikury: That's all pretty interesting, but I can't see how you believe we don't know that / in what it relates to dre__'s question. "Get a dialog image with no value for tooltips,set size equal or slightly smaller, then attach it to 0,0 Center from Center of that button. Save you lots of trouble." +1
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Patch 1.1 Notes
    Wait, I tought patch 1.1 was today ? I'm EU and still nothing ...
    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on "Set Dialog Item Image" horribly stretching image.
    We're all giving you differents leads. Basically : - Use what I said for square buttons and square image (that use the whole image) - Use Helral solution to have an image that is able to be clicked on with no button frame. - LinkD is explaining the borders function's utility : it only applies to certains cut images like frames, and you don't need it for icons like the one you have in your first post. One thing throught, imo the hover image is unnecessary on buttons.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Custom animations
    A dark templar.
    He must be cloaked then ! ... Sorry, I felt I had to do it.
    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on "Set Dialog Item Image" horribly stretching image.
    Hmm I don't know about this "set dialog item image thing", I've never tried using it. What I do is I create another dialog image atop of it, a little smaller so you can see both button and image, and it works fine. Ex : for a 100x100 button, use a 80x80 image.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Building showing up while Building animation
    If the buildings are using models that are not supposed to be building, it's normal. The building actors will try to search Birth animations and will find none, you'll have to do it yourself. I've tried sometime ago to lower the building height in actor to make it pop up while the terran construction animation is acting, but I failed to put a model underground using negative height. What I've done is I used "Model swap" event function to make it disappear at actorcreation. It works for autoturret, it wont work for bigger buildings, yo'll have to figure out a way !
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Units can't be upgraded
    Ehm, I have not downloaded your map, but from your description of the issue, I think the problem comes from your tower's attack. Am I right if I say these towers have specific and original attacks ? You should take a look at validators too.
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Dark Templar - removing perm invis
    Here's the easy clumsy way : apply EMP decloak behavior when the dark templar attack.
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Diablo: the curse of Tristram *Blizzcon DEMO Video* Part 3
    Looks rather nice, especially the terrain. I'm sorry if you have answered this before, but why is your title Diablo if there are futuristic elements in your map ? Except maybe for the terrain, it didn't really felt like Diablo.
    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Behold the Topling. Fear its power!
    Mine is... fearsome.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Equipped item behavior doesn't stack
    @EarendilSphere: I don't get your point. What I'm saying is that you need to set the "max stack per user" by 255 to be sure, whatever your "max stack" is.
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Trigger Debugging] How to open and use the Trigger Debugger
    Not likely, ey? This tutorial helps to increase framerate and performance, not reduce latency which is the issue with FPSs.
    Gah, I was being too hopeful. I always thought the event created the thread and avoided using too generic events. Well I am no expert anyway, but it's certainly good to know.
    Posted in: Tutorials
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