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    posted a message on World of Starcraft - Public Engine Released

    @xandramas: Go

    create a trade container for each player have option buttons appear off to the side somewhere one being initiate trade with selected player whenever you click on someone, click the initiate trade button have that button dissipate and the 2 players containers come up with a trade button. when the trade button is pressed add the items in container 1 to a unit group and items from container 2 to another unit group then destroy the items in the trade window and close the windows and hide the trade buttons. add each item in the unit group to their respective players and clear the unit group.

    bam. trade.

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Save load System!

    @Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    Fully functional Now can cross save!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Restoring a bank after re-opening


    for some reason i cannot close the map - then re-open it and load data from the bank.

    It seems to cache the data only and when you save it successfully saves to the Bank XML. but if you try and load information it looks like its reading from the cache and not the XML (i can only assume because the data is in the XML).

    anyone have any idea how i can get this to be able to load a save after you have closed and re-opened the map?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Save load System!

    I have finished the item save/load! more saves to come! The info is here!


    Added tons of functionality! just drag and drop! Added hero load screen

    Any suggestions that i should add to the system lemmie know!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Banking Hero Inventory-Items and upgrades.

    @Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    GOOD NEWS! the save/load system is WORKING!

    i will be posting the code as a new map to DL this afternoon. It looks like banking information between maps as not been enabled because it flat out dose not work for heroes or items. I will be making updates to the map regularly to refine the system.

    @Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    Updated top post!

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    posted a message on Banking Hero Inventory-Items and upgrades.

    @Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    GOOD NEWS! the save/load system is WORKING!

    i will be posting the code as a new map to DL this afternoon. It looks like banking information between maps as not been enabled because it flat out dose not work for heroes or items. I will be making updates to the map regularly to refine the system.

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    posted a message on Banking Hero Inventory-Items and upgrades.

    @Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    HOLY COW! i got the items into the XML! one step closer to hero item save load! well the save part is done!

    Check it out!

    Player 1 - Bank - Save Items
        Local Variables
            i = 0 <Integer>
            x = 0 <Integer>
            y = 1 <Integer>
            Item number = "" <String>
            Bank - Open bank Bank - FF13 Bank for player 1
            Variable - Set Item number = (Combine ("Item ", (String(y))))
            Unit Group - Add all units in (All items carried by Player 1 - Hero) to Player 1 - Item Group
            UI - Display (Name of (Unit type of (Unit 1 from Player 1 - Item Group))) for (Player group((Triggering player))) to Subtitle area
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in Player 1 - Item Group and do (Actions)
                    Variable - Set Player 1 - Item Bank Information[i] = (String((Unit type of (Picked unit))))
                    Variable - Modify i: + 1
            UI - Display (Text(Player 1 - Item Bank Information[1])) for (Player group((Triggering player))) to Subtitle area
            General - Repeat (Actions) (Number of Any units in Player 1 - Item Group) times
                    Bank - Store string Player 1 - Item Bank Information[x] as Player 1 - Hero Name of section Item number in bank (Last opened bank)
                    Variable - Modify x: + 1
                    Variable - Modify y: + 1
                    Variable - Set Item number = (Combine ("Item ", (String(y))))
            Bank - Save bank Bank - FF13 Bank Name

    Returns in the bank:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Bank version="1">
        <Section name="Hero">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Type string="Lightning"/>
                <Shields fixed="0"/>
                <Life fixed="700"/>
                <Energy fixed="0"/>
        <Section name="Item 24">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="ironbangle"/>
        <Section name="Item 11">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="ironbangle"/>
        <Section name="Item 1">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="Sword"/>
        <Section name="Item 6">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="SpeedCharm"/>
        <Section name="Item 25">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="Sword"/>
        <Section name="Item 18">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="SpeedCharm"/>
        <Section name="Item 4">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="Sword"/>
        <Section name="Item 19">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="SpeedCharm"/>
        <Section name="Item 9">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="ironbangle"/>
        <Section name="Item 5">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="SpeedCharm"/>
        <Section name="Item 22">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="ironbangle"/>
        <Section name="Item 26">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="Sword"/>
        <Section name="Item 21">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="SpeedCharm"/>
        <Section name="Item 14">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="ironbangle"/>
        <Section name="Item 12">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="ironbangle"/>
        <Section name="Item 17">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="SpeedCharm"/>
        <Section name="Item 8">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="SpeedCharm"/>
        <Section name="Item 23">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="ironbangle"/>
        <Section name="Item 20">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="SpeedCharm"/>
        <Section name="Item 10">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="ironbangle"/>
        <Section name="Item 16">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="SpeedCharm"/>
        <Section name="Item 7">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="SpeedCharm"/>
        <Section name="Item 3">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="Sword"/>
        <Section name="Item 15">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="SpeedCharm"/>
        <Section name="Item 13">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="ironbangle"/>
        <Section name="Item 2">
            <Key name="-hero jim">
                <Value string="Sword"/>
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Banking Hero Inventory-Items and upgrades.

    @SCMapper: Go

    yeah i cant seem to save string or text to it, i think it's bugged.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Banking Hero Inventory-Items and upgrades.


    Oh found some stuff on the items this neat trigger:

            Unit Group - Add all units in (All items carried by Player 1 - Hero) to Player 1 - Item Group

    I am going to see what i can do with this

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Banking Hero Inventory-Items and upgrades.

    @SCMapper: Go

    Quote from SCMapper: Go

    Your Player 1 Load Command is:

    Bank - Restore Player 1 - Hero Name of section "Hero" from bank (Last opened bank) for player 1 at (Center of Start Zone) facing 0.0

    You tell it to Restore "Player 1 - Hero Name", as the key for your bank section called "Hero".

    But here's what your Bank structure looks like in the XML...

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Bank version="1">
    <Section name="Hero">
    <Key name="-hero scmapper">
    <Type string="Lightning"/>
    <Shields fixed="0"/>
    <Life fixed="700"/>
    <Energy fixed="0"/>

    The Key isn't Player 1 - Hero Name, it's -hero scmapper, so you need to fix that.

    Also make sure to add a Map Initialization Trigger that preloads each bank for each player, otherwise you will hit a stump when playing multiplayer and doing bank saves and loads.

    Player 1 - Hero name is a variable:

    Player 1 - Hero Name = "" <String>

    "Also make sure to add a Map Initialization Trigger that preloads each bank for each player, otherwise you will hit a stump when playing multiplayer and doing bank saves and loads."

    I think i already have this trigger

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    posted a message on Banking Hero Inventory-Items and upgrades.
    Quote from Docablo: Go

    damn if i were only on my desktop i would so take a look at this :( , if SC2 mapper doesn't get back too you ill look at it when this episode of house ends :P

    its mostly all proof of concept stuff in triggers, i am having a very hard time with this though. its had me stumped all day.

    also i wanted to elaborate on the problem more, If you save/load in the same map session it works fine. if you close the map and try and load it throws that error. Now when i open the bank XML the information is clearly there. this is my problem.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Banking Hero Inventory-Items and upgrades.
    Quote from SCMapper: Go

    Keep Items Stored into a Item Array, Save the numbers of the items your character has as integer references to positions in that array, and then refer to the array with that integer to get the actual item. Banks store primitive data, not objects, so you need to be creative in how you use primitive types to get object data like items.

    Example ->

    exampleItemArray[0] = item1;
    exampleItemArray[1] = item2;
    exampleItemArray[2] = item3;
    exampleItemArray[3] = item4;

    Then if your character has item 4, you store the integer 3 however you wish to do so, then when you load it, you can convert that back into the array to recieve item4;

    Yeah, I'm just not sure how to trigger the adding of the items to the array. say if i make exampleItemArray[0] how would i trigger the item into it. I cannot find any triggers that deal with items. or do i just treat them as units?

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    posted a message on Banking Hero Inventory-Items and upgrades.

    @SCMapper: Go

    Hey i am having a problem with my loading from the bank could you take a look if possible? it keeps giving me this:

    00:01:31.63 Trigger Error in 'gt_Player1BankLoad_Func': Could not get 'bank' from parameter in '' (value: )

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    posted a message on Banking Hero Inventory-Items and upgrades.

    No one on this?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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