You can no longer bump them by the open to public trick, playing them solo or solo with AI. Bumps with players but not sure what the requirements are beyond that
Yeah my map got really screwed up. my UI is trashed a lot of the in game textures I was using are gone and the changes to the transmissions, and the way some dialogs work screwed up a lot of functionality to my map.
Dialog - Set (Last created dialog item) Render Priority to Render Priority for (Player group(Player))
This is what you are looking for, you do not have to destroy it and re-create it. all rendering priorities of the dialog boxes are default at 512. 0 pust a dialog to the back and setting to 512 will bring it to the front. Back 0 -> 512 Front.
as if it was so uberpwnage that everyone would GOGOGO STEAL IT! you could have at least made it transparent, so its noticable but not covers almost the whole image! also, whats the sense behind that? whats the map it should resemble?
i'm sry, you probably tried hard and i dont want to discourage you, but it looks like cnp and a few layer stylez... nothing too fancy...
In the words of Mary-Kate and Ashly Olsen on the hit family TV 90's sitcom full house, "HOW RUDE!".
Also great job man! keep up the good work, looks awesome!
sorry for the lack of explanation, everyone.I've alwasy been bad about that =/
I'm making a demo for a DS game idea, but in the Galaxy Editor (there are litrarally NO ds engines).One of the main features of the game is that when the player goes to the "SketchBook" in the Menu, and select what they want to draw (ex. a door), then they can draw it (connect the dots) and it will become real in the game.
Since this is a computer rather than a DS, i just want the player to click by the bottom left dot, hold the mouse down and drag it up to the top left dot, then right to the top right dot, then down to the bottom right dot.Once they get to the bottom right dot, they can let go, move the mouse to a dialog item button, and click that, which will run the events in a trigger
The user will have to click at every do, there is no way for the user to detect mouse position without clicking. as for the triggers to do this would vary based on how you want the dots to be, doodads or just in UI.
LOL i love your signature!
@BrotherLaz: Go
Yeah i dunno they just stopped working I have not looked into it yet but I'll post on it when I know more.
there are also tons of new functions in the trigger editor that i am excited about. anyone know anything about the starmap?
Yeah my map got really screwed up. my UI is trashed a lot of the in game textures I was using are gone and the changes to the transmissions, and the way some dialogs work screwed up a lot of functionality to my map.
Sorry i have been away moving was NUTS! i finally got my internet turned on, the winners have been contacted Congratulations to the following;
First Place: Kanaru
Second Place: Triceron
Third Place: Tridgit
@progammer: Go
Dialog - Set (Last created dialog item) Render Priority to Render Priority for (Player group(Player))
This is what you are looking for, you do not have to destroy it and re-create it. all rendering priorities of the dialog boxes are default at 512. 0 pust a dialog to the back and setting to 512 will bring it to the front. Back 0 -> 512 Front.
In the words of Mary-Kate and Ashly Olsen on the hit family TV 90's sitcom full house, "HOW RUDE!".
Also great job man! keep up the good work, looks awesome!
Thats the high poly version
@thebaron87: Go
My vote is for snow ;)
The contest is now over! Thanks for all the great submissions voting can be found here:
Contest Rules
Voting on will end 6/30/2010 12 midnight EST good luck to everyone!
Tridgit - Fang
hollowicious - Sazh
Kanaru - Vivi
glitching - Vivi
Triceron - Snow
SolidXHead - Vivi
The user will have to click at every do, there is no way for the user to detect mouse position without clicking. as for the triggers to do this would vary based on how you want the dots to be, doodads or just in UI.
Pirate Bay ;)
@Thalassicus: Go Try select custom script and put in ">" make sure the quotes are on it. it might work.
there will be a 1 week public vote time for the winner
Hey guys put up a small functionality demo of the ABS system on the first page, check it out!
or here;