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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)


    Abilities deal no damage, but rather modify the battlefield to your advantage. Things like temporary damage bonuses, or time-slowing bubbles. Unlike spells, abilities cannot be customised. Instead, there is a large varitety of unique (and generally simple) abilities to choose from. As with spells, you have 5 ability slots.

    I think of abilities as being problems for your opponent to solve. Carefully select your abilities to create the desired set of problems for your opponent. Many summon spells? Blocking abilities such as Barrier or Wall would be most helpful to ensure your minions get higher uptime. Enjoy playing a supportive style? Take abilities like Haste and Dispel to assist your allies. That, or just draw smiley faces with Rage zones.


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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)


    Fire + Bolt = Firebolt

    All spells have a type and a core. Type dictates the spell's basic function. Core gives the spell it's elemental properties. To make a firebolt, you would combine a fire core with a bolt type. An ice shield; ice core + shield type. There are 12 types and 7 cores. More types will be added over time.

    There are 3 main types of spells; projectile, summon and assist. Projectile spells typically launch globes of magic in a target direction, exploding on contact. Summon spells call minions to assist you, while assist spells are aimed at aiding allies.

    There are 7 elements in the game, with a core to represent each. The elements are;
    Spirit (Light blue): Cheapest element to cast, and the default element for new spells. Spirit is associated with the Silence debuff and reducing spell cost.

    Fire (Red). High damage element. Slight penalty to duration. Associated with the "Burn" status effect and increasing overall damage.

    Ice (Dark blue) Slowing element. While ice is below average in both speed and damage, it makes up for it with the "Chill" status effect; applied on all ice attacks. This effect reduces movement speed, making followup attacks easier to land, or for minions to close the gap faster. Associated with increasing attack speed.

    Earth (Green): Defensive element. Lasts the longest of all elements, making earth minions the toughest of all. However earth is also the slowest element. Associated with damage resistance.

    Lightning (Pink): Energy element. Opposed to earth, lightning is the fastest of all elements but also lasts the shortest. Lightning magic burns energy from targets, and is associated with the "Drain" status effect and restoring energy.

    Air (Yellow) Speed element. Air projectile spells are unique in that they pass through targets rather than exploding against them. While air deals the least damage of all elements, any targets that air projectiles pass through will take shearing damage and be knocked back. Air can quickly disperse a battlefield and excels at keeping melee attackers at bay. Associated with knockback and increasing move speed.

    Void (Dark purple): Time element. Opposed to air in that void sucks targets in rather than knocking them away, void spells deal slightly higher damage than average and last slightly longer, while moving slower. Void is excellent at pulling ranged units to the caster, and is associated with timescale.

    You can link any spell type to any core element. Spirit Bolts are cheap, Earth Shields are tough, and Fire Elementals are great assistive damage dealers. Different cores can really change the nature of a spell, though it will still be defined by it's type.

    In addition to type and core, there are a myriad of other less defining aspects that can be added to each spell. These are simple additions, and each come in 7 varieties; one for each element.

    Shell: Adds effect to a spell when the spell expires. A fire shell causes the spell to erupt into lava. Adding this to a firebolt will cause it to erupt into flames when it lands. Adding the same shell to a summoned minion will cause the same eruption when the minion dies.

    Link: Applies a large bonus to both the spell and the caster while they are within range of eachother. Each element has an associated stat, such as +damage for fire, or +move speed for air. Adding a fire link to a firebolt will increase yours, and the bolt's damage while you are within range 10. Adding an air link instead will increase both yours and the bolt's move speed.

    Trails: Leaves a magical effect behind as the spell moves. An ice trail leaves behind slowing patches of ice. As with other secondaries, these can be applied to most spell types. Adding a fire trail to a shield type spell will cause the shield's target to leave a trail as they move, for example.

    Auras: The simplest of all secondaries, auras apply a stat bonus (again, +damage for a fire aura and so on) to all friendly units within range 14.

    More secondaries and spell types will be added as the game progresses. You only get 5 slots for spells, so choose wisely. Or stupidly, it's entirely your call.

    Spell creation UI

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Magicide (Custom RPG)

    In short, it's a hero creator. The goal is to let you create any hero you can think of. This is a goal, the game isn't there yet (if it's even possible to reach that goal), but I'll be working towards it.

    You are given a blank slate hero with a single spell, tasked to turn it into something great, useful or just downright stupid. Entirely your call. Your blank hero may have up to 5 spells and 5 abilities (described in detail below). This may seem a lot compared to traditional DotA maps, but the game makes little use of item abilities so it evens out somewhat.

    Currently the only map terrain available is Azure Strand. This is an Arathi Basin (Or LoL's Dominion) style base capture gameplay.Capture and hold bases, gain points, be the first team to reach the points cap. Win.


    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Allowing Actor models to bleedthrough spell effects?

    The most obvious answer is usually the best. Tone down the effects?

    To answer your question, you can add a halo via actor messages. Forgot the exact term. Halo on? Anyway, I'd still recommend toning down the effects as this doesn't really solve anything, just overlays more effects onto existing effects like some kind of effeception.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Changes on Curse.com?

    With the amount of bugs/lack of basic features on this site, why does this surprise you?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Blizzard hidden Editor

    First image result... oh god

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Abilities scaling with Attributes

    I'm pretty sure SotIS uses upgrades to achieve this, and I'd advise the same.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Gem Tower Defense [Release]
    Quote from greythepirate: Go

    @arieswind: Go

    The common definition of perfect is something that could not possibly get better...

    Perfect means without fault. It has nothing to do with "better". I could have a perfect diamond but arguably a bigger perfect diamond would be better.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Tonight on SC2Streamster: Mapcraft with TacoManStan!


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    posted a message on Need help with Hero Attribute Catalog

    You entered an incorrect ID somewhere. That's what that error means.

    Also for some reason the trigger references player 9. Doesn't seem intended?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on The Titan's Regret Campaign
    Quote from Forge_User_87697641: Go

    Sounds like an idea. ;)

    You managed to read that?

    Wow, impressive.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Text in italics?


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    posted a message on How to make units move away from hero?

    Set push priority in unit tab to something high.

    Posted in: Data
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