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    posted a message on Unit Collision (TD) question

    I would be intrigued to know that as well.

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    posted a message on Starting Units Based on Player Race Help :(

    That's good to know for future reference. I built a trigger setup to do that for me as I have a TD map in production where each race gets their own set of towers and wave spawns. I had set it to create the worker for each and send them to a location to start. Then a separate set of triggers to work the waves for each race. Good to know if all I need is the starting unit thing there's a simple way. =)

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    posted a message on Scaling spine cralwer~Attack art missing.


    Still not getting any actual attack art action. It moves a little as if it's going to, and I believe it does the damage, just doesn't launch the tentacle out and bring it back..

    Could really use the guidance of someone who knows more then I do about the data editor.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Data] Morphing Buildings Guide

    Thank you so much.. I'd been having a problem with my towers scaling when upgraded in my TD map. The damage and such were changing, but the scale wouldn't. This fixed that problem easy. Been having issues with it for days. Thanks again.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Scaling spine cralwer~Attack art missing.

    @wowacesucksmassivekok: Go

    The effects are duplicated. No real adjustments other then the damage amount.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Scaling spine cralwer~Attack art missing.

    I duplicated the spine crawler to create a tower for a TD map as I did with a few other models for towers. This one is unique of course due to it's attack art. Each time the towers are upgraded, they get increased in size (typical TD mechanic). I had to do it through an event that increases the scale on morph finish as just changing the scale of the next tower didn't work.

    Anyways. It all works fine for the spine crawler tower except the attacks do nothing. The tentacle changes direction as it's supposed to and seems to move ever so slightly, but the actual tentacle launch and return never appears in game. I don't get the placeholder associated with not having a model set up as I copied the model from my other tower and assigned it to the next tower's weapon as you have to do. I just can't figure out why nothing appears to happen in game art wise.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Trouble with Custom Morphing Technology

    @Darknuke1987: Go

    As far as selecting the unit after it changes, check the unit flags on all affected units to ensure all the appropriate boxes are check and the ones that should be empty are.

    For the invisible part, I'd start with whatever unit it changes to. Checking to make sure the actors and art are set up to work as intended.

    I'm still learning the data editor so I don't have a lot of expertise, but that's where I'd start the troubleshooting.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Help needed] Scaling issues.

    I'm working on my TD map and want the my towers to increase in size as they upgrade. I've got all the models and all that duplicated and created and all set up. In the editor I can place them and they are different sizes, but when I use the upgrade ability that uses the morph to change from one to the other, the scale doesn't change. All other attributes change, just not scale. Any idea what I'm missing?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Change/remove the turret range graphic when placing turret

    In reference to adding one to a unit that doesn't already have it.. I want it to show when you go to place it, I tried duplicating the actor for range for photon cannon and just changing the weapon with no luck thus far. Any help would be appreciated.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Command Card Issue

    @DrakePageau: Go

    It's not an issue with the ability. The ability is the same one for both towers, and the other tower works fine. It has something to do with that tower in particular. I've been combing over every part of the tower, but I don't particularly know what I'm looking for.

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    posted a message on Command Card Issue

    I think I've figured it out with some troubleshooting. At least figured out why it's not there, not figured out how to fix it yet. It will show up with the first tower I created on the second command card, but not with the latest tower I created. The ability is set up to correspond with the correct unit, however something is wrong with the unit and it's not registering as a building that can be built? Or something to that effect.

    Is there somewhere in the editor that makes it to where you can build something? I duplicated the tower from a spine crawler and just got rid of the ability to uproot. Anyone know if maybe I altered some key part or something to cause it to not be able to build?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Command Card Issue


    This is killing me. It's like a brick wall in my map making process. Need help.

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    posted a message on Need help giving High Templar an attack
    Quote from Bonejerome: Go

    @Phox13: Go Wh-....I-...How-... Damn.

    I agree completely. It's been a very rocky road with the TD I've been working on. I'm sure the data editor gets easier with time, but with so very few tutorials out there, feels like climbing the inside of a tephlon bowl.

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    posted a message on Need help giving High Templar an attack

    I don't know what all you have thus far, but here's a list of everything I can think of off hand that you need to get an attack to work properly: -an actor for the attack -an effect for the damage (and one for launch missile if ranged attack) -a weapon unit -a weapon weapon -a model to be referenced by the weapon unit -an actor to be referenced by the weapon unit

    My advice would be to duplicated the above from the Karass unit and rename them for High Templar and just make sure all things get referenced in the appropriate places.

    Data editor is tricky to get used to. I am far from good at it, but have spent a lot of time recently trial and erroring my way through it.

    Hope this helps.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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