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    posted a message on Command Card Issue

    I'm building a tower def map and when I went through and edited each of the races workers back when I started, I cleared out everything on their command cards except move, stop, hold, patrol. I also changed them to fly, invulnerable, no attack, all that. Now when I finally got most of my basic trigger work done, I went to do the data editing, which has proven to be a rough learning experience. I made a copy of the warp in building ability and edited out all of the protoss buildings and am placing my towers in their places as they get created.

    My issue came when I was putting the build towers commands on the command cards. I went through a big fiasco with my scv where I did who knows what all to the unit and undid stuff till I finally figured out I didn't have the ability on it's ability list. For the first while of troubleshooting I didn't have the button in game to change to second command card. After everything it was there and I thought it was all good. I completed another tower and went to do the same thing with the drone, but I can't for the life of me get the button to change command cards to show up in game. I have the ability on the unit like I should. It's a simple button that looks like the original build basic building and simply tells it to go to card 2 with no requirements or learn ability.

    I don't know what's wrong with it, I've compared virtually every part of the scv with the drone and probe and they are virtually the same save some extras for each based on their race, but not in play. Still shows up for scv, refuses to show up for drone or probe.

    Any help is much appreciated.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on <Help> Leaderboard issue. Picture attached.

    I did notice once I implemented the leaderboard, it seemed to have messed with my spawner. Now my spawner will spawn 3 waves at a time instead of 1 at a time like it's supposed to. Any ideas?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on <Help> Leaderboard issue. Picture attached.

    I'm trying to create a leaderboard (score board) for my TD. All I'm aiming for is player names in player color in column 1, player kills counting up in column 2, and player lives counting down in column 3. I have the things needed to adjust the lives and kills. But for some reason my leaderboard trigger shows a red diamond on it. I assume it's saying something is wrong.. The leaderboard shows up in-game as it should as far as I know. Though a lot of the map is still in development so the triggers aren't in place to adjust the values yet.


    Here is a picture of the trigger I have set up for it. Any idea why it has the red diamond? Or if it's all ok and not something to worry about.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Need help. Attack move after unloaded.

    Thanks. I had multiple drops being made by the same player, so I had to put down a condition for in region to give each drop group a different set of target points, but other then that, worked like a charm.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Need help. Attack move after unloaded.

    I'm trying to create a group of marines and medics that get unloaded from a Hercules and then attack move through a series of points. I have all the triggers set up to do the Herc drop and leave. I just can't get the units that it drops to do the attack move part. I tried condition to be unit enters area and have a region at the drop point. Then have the triggering units issued the attack moves. Maybe I'm not setting something up right, or maybe I'm just using the wrong trigger composition. I'm relatively new to sc2 map editing. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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