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    posted a message on Effect Hierarchy Chain?

    Hello. Im trying to duplicate One Two Three Flame Wave Effect but in his effect he only attached the persistent effect to the weapon of the unit. Now i would like to attach this effect to an ability AND add some leveled damage effects. My question is whats the best way to hook this up? Because it seems to me that creating a persistent, a damage, a search for each level seems unnecesary or is it? Because i was thinking about maybe making a SET EFFECT that maybe adds up the search, the persistent and each level of damage by each set. Maybe this would help:

    Is it this way?

    Ability>Ability Effects>Set 01, Set 02, Set 03, Set 04, Set, 05

    Set 01-Search,Persistent, Damage 01 Set 01-Search,Persistent, Damage 02 Set 01-Search,Persistent, Damage 03 Set 01-Search,Persistent, Damage 04 Set 01-Search,Persistent, Damage 05

    or is it this way?

    Ability>Ability Effects>Persistent 01, Persistent 02, Persistent 03, Persistent 04, Persistent 05

    Persistent 01>Search 01 | Search 01>Damage01 Persistent 02>Search 02 | Search 02>Damage02 Persistent 03>Search 03 | Search 03>Damage03 Persistent 04>Search 04 | Search 04>Damage04 Persistent 05>Search 05 | Search 05>Damage05

    or is it another way maybe with the SEARCH EFFECT at top of the chain?

    Well u let me know u Editor Gurus.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Graviton Beam and Colossus

    If I add the modify unit effect. Just if i use it. Where do u set the setting so that the unit will face the target?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Help. Star Craft Editor is insane.

    I was working on my map when suddenly the editor went crazy and deleted all my imported files, messed with some of my units and messed up my terrains, terrain heights and other stuff. In other words editor fucked my map. I dont know why? Thank God i always save some extra copies in other places but why is this happening and how can i fix it. Also, if theres no fix to this, how can i access the backup files and recover the latest work done. What provoked this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Help with spawn locations

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Ok. I just want the units to warp in further than where they're appearing right now after they are trained. Im spawning them with the buildings in the normal way. Is the after trained location that i want to set.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Hero Levels - Increasing damage dealt by weapon by levels

    I tried this with the hero unit i told u about but this aint working. I created a set of 2 apply behaviors. One for damage other for charging speed. I reduced the weapon on the unit to 0 and then upped all the damage dealt fields on the damage behavior applied and still the unit after he charges he dealt no damage whatsoever. And it is correctly attached because at least he charges but no damage whatsoever. Something might be wrong with the attribute behavior. Which by the way i tried it on buff behavior first and then attribute behavior and still no change. Something might be wrong here.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Graviton Beam and Colossus

    I tried it with the flag on and off and still dont work.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Imported Textures on Editor

    Why dont the new textures i imported show up in the editor. They show up when i test the game but not in the editor map. So sad.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Graviton Beam and Colossus

    @DrSuperEvil: Go Well when i use the ability in the model theres a red message that says CANT TURN TOWARD TARGET. But i checkes all the taeget filters and they all seemed ok. It feels like it has something to do with either the colossus unit or another attribute of either the effect or the behavior. Theres something there about delta ground, delta air but i dont know yet. Now if i use it on another unit no matter if its air or ground it works just fine.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Graviton Beam and Colossus

    Is there a reason and a solution to why can't the Colossus use the Graviton Prison? I can use it with other ground units but not with the Colossus. I even changed the plane array and the movers but nothing. I don't get it. Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Interceptors not moving.

    the Wonder Behavior attached to the spawned unit did the trick. You nailed it Dr. Super Evil. Still havent resolved the Immortal issue though. Ill keep checking and let u know. :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Immortal Shield Part III. [SOLVED]

    @DrSuperEvil: Go No other Sop. Im telling u.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Immortal Shield Part III. [SOLVED]

    @JEGCPR: Go

    I dare you to go and try to make this setup by yourself. Is so peculiar. Is not even duplicable. I tried duplicating the barrier ability and it all works well until you change the behavior for your own behavior even with the same setting. The ability itself has no actors and makes u wonder how on earth is this shield showing up if there are not even actors. Like i said it must be somekind of hidden trigger not available at the data editor. Anyway your help is more than welcomed.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Immortal Shield Part III. [SOLVED]

    Ok. Apparently SOp Attach Turret, SOp Attach Shield, Sop Attach Center they all work when i add them to Hosting:Host Site Operations - Operations Values. Alone or together. Now the shield still doesn't move at the same time that the unit. The unit timing is either a few seconds ahead or behind. They aint synchronized in movement. You could try it out and see what I'm talking about. Anyway heres a picture for reference.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Immortal Shield Part III. [SOLVED]

    @aZergBaneling: Go

    Hi. Yeah the host model is the Immortal itself.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Immortal Shield Part III. [SOLVED]

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    It didn't work, but i used the model data and there it shows some details about the attachment points, still i think i was able to attach it. With the SOP Attach shield actor. The problem is the movement. How can i make it move in the same way of the main unit (Immortal). What controls the shield movement. I think it must be something that tells the shield act accordingly to this unit movements. But where is that?

    Posted in: Data
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