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    posted a message on How to set a rally point using data

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Yeah but where do i add the custom point i created in the effect so the effect will know where to send the units?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Summer Project - Map Script to Library Conversion Tool

    Do it! Do it! Do i!

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on Hero Swapping.

    @DrSuperEvil: Go If i understand your question correctly the process is: You first start with a pilot. Then you buy your transport. And you are no more your pilot, because now you are the transport you just bought. The transport is purchased at a factory or another structure. :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to set a rally point using data

    Hello. If I or anyone were to use an abiity such as teleport, revive or train. How can a set up a rally point using the data module and not the trigger module?


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Mixing Organic Cliffs with Platform.

    Is it possible to mix organic cliff with platform maps? I would really like to learn how to do so. If its possible. If its not then how can i switch the map vocabulary from Platform to cliff without losing the data. I dont mind deleting all the objects in the map, except the data and starting from scratch but i would really like some organic cliffs with the data i have. Let me know ok? Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Is it possible to export all the custom data one has made into another map?


    I tried saving map as components and this is what it said:

    Unable to create directory '/Users/iMac/Desktop/Testing.SC2Map/Base.SC2Data/'System Error: An unexpected fatal error occurred.


    Deleting everything in the map and starting again is not what i want because, what i wanted was a map where i could use organic cliffs and the one i have is platform. If there could be a way to replace platform for organic that would be super. Cause that way i wouldnt have to create a new map although learning how to transfer data would help a lot.

    3. MOD WAY:

    Temhawk : if you could explain to me a little more better how to create a mod with the data i already have that would be great.


    How do i do that? How do i create a dependency?

    5.XML WAY:

    I tried doing it this way, it simply wont work. It doesnt show up once i copy and paste it. I really dont know why.

    Important: This is my feedback from my first try. Ill obviously keep on trying until i figure something out. What i really want is some organic cliffs on my map. Thats what i really want. But i started working on a platform map, and i really dont know if its possible to mix both kinds of cliffs on one map. If its possible great, if its not then is it possible to delete everything on my map and switch the map kind to one with organic cliffs without losing the data? That would be super!! At least while i figure out how to do the mods and stuff. Thanks people.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Is it possible to export all the custom data one has made into another map?

    If i were to make a new map with the same work i have done in the data, same units, abilities etc... Is it possible to export all the data one has to the new map?Is this possible? I really hope it is? Cause if not, then the editor really sucks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on must target unit with an inventory? [SOLVED]

    I have on the shops a pawn ability and a shop interact ability not forgeting the sell ability. And items are all checked to be pawnable. Then why i cant pawn the items at the shops? Items are set to be pawnable. Then why cant i pawn them? Is so weird.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Player color not responding.

    @JEGCPR: Go

    Ok. Nevermind. Please delete this. I just forgot to click Option + F during game. Thanks.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Player color not responding.

    I don't know whats going on. Player 11 is set to be red. and no matter what i do it always appear as green. I don't know if its a trigger bug or what, but what do u recommend me to do? I,m on team 12 because all the other spots are resereved for user players. So i test on player 12. And i set it up to have the red color on the data editor. There is no set up player color what over on the triggers so i don't understand why is this happening. I want it to be red and still appears as green. Some help please?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is it possible to convert a galaxy.script to trigger language?

    I have download some galaxy.scripts but i dont know what to do with them. Is it possible to upload them or convert them as trigger so i can understand them. If its 0% not possible then how can i use that script. How can i applied it to the map? Please help.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Help with Alliances - Cant spend other player's resources.

    Im trying to replicate a dota/moba style map and so i created 2 alliances using 2 different players (non usable for the players via triggers.) Player 11 and 12. The users will be able to use player 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 but not 11 and 12. They're just there for team reference on the triggers and for spawning units to attack the enemy base. Problem comes when i try to buy stuff from the player 11 or 12. Even if I'm on player 11 team (Remember this aint a user player) i can't buy stuff from the teams shop because it pops up a red message that says i can't spend other player's resources. Why is that? How can i fix it. The player 11 and 12 are set to computer because i need the units spawned from each based to be able to attack one another and that is why i don't have them set neutral. Other wise they won't attack on another. Let me know if you need more info.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is it Safe to import custom assets to your map?

    You guys did it! That defenetly did it. Thanks guys. I hope as always that others could benefit from this post. :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Hero Swapping.

    @willuwontu: Go

    Hi Willuwontu. So do you know the trigger code by any chance? Or know a map or a friend? Let me know ok.

    Posted in: Triggers
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