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    posted a message on Never stopping unit? (interceptor)
    Quote from ArcaneDurandel: Go

    @sgtnoobkilla: Go

    This is the correct answer. Strafe weapons permit movement and overflying the target while firing.

    You guys are freaking awesome! That is PERFECT!

    Thank you so much! :D

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    posted a message on Never stopping unit? (interceptor)

    Field Interceptor Behavior: Response No Response

    This might do it~


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    posted a message on Never stopping unit? (interceptor)

    What i would like to do is have my unit not stop and fire its weapon, When a carrier launches interceptors they Circle around for a second attack they dont sit there. I just cant seem to find how or why the interceptors DONT stop to fire. Help? Already tried to make the weapon set to moving but that dont help the unit stoping when in range. The unit is launched just like an interceptor as well.

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    posted a message on make unarmed unit not to flee combat

    @TyaStarcraft: Go

    Field (name of unit) Behavior: Response Acquire

    Change to:

    Field(name of unit) Behavior: Response Acquire No Flee

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    posted a message on make unarmed unit not to flee combat

    Field Marine Combat: Default Acquire Level Offensive

    Try changing this to

    Field Marine Combat: Default Acquire Level None

    ""If the unit is idle, this determines how abilities are allowed to acquire targets""

    i did not test it though~

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Why do you 'forum'?

    I find it a good place to write things out and try to figure things out, sorta like a 'work in progress' type of thing. Also come to find topics that also interest me in knowing from other people who post. So if i ever want to do something similar, i can see how people get around their problems. Also come here instead of blizzard's forums because there is a lot more responses/traffic here than there. What brings you to this place? :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Stupid AI

    @TyaStarcraft: Go

    But a smarter AI would make the game MORE reliable. I would say the only UNreliable Ai is the one that does not know what its doing. A-Move into a psi storm is not very good, imo. A unit with 5 range running in and attacking at 3 range is UNreliable. Smarter AI gives you more Consistency in what they do.

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    posted a message on Point Defense problem...

    Well thats the ticket. Reduced the area down to .5 and still its killing all the missiles and that is with 10 photon cannons firing at .12.. BAHAHA.

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    posted a message on Point Defense problem...

    @SC2UniversalDomination: Go

    Holy crap. That works like a boss. How i did it:

    Guardian Shield - Ability - Effect - Create Persistent

    Create Persistent # Period Count # Period Duration Period Effect - Search Area Search Area - Search Filter/ Missile - Enemy

    Going to see what happens when i reduce the size down from 4 to 1. eekk. lol.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Point Defense problem...

    hot dam. Just had an idea. Make a field like Sentry - Guardian Shield and maybe have it null missiles. reduce the field to say only 2 range to make it personal to the unit....TESTING THAT! LOL.

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    posted a message on Point Defense problem...

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    The problem i keep running into is Reaction time. When i try to use it in an ability it just goes to slow as compared to a weapon. idk why~ If you want an example. Imagine 1 pdd surrounded by 30 thors all trying to hit it. Can it act fast enough to pick off all the missiles, not factoring in any energy to use it. I might just have to make a separate unit like a Pdd so that's all it has to do.

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    posted a message on Prioritizing weapons for a unit

    Very interesting topic ya go here because i have had the same question as well. The closest i can come to is the range difference, like AA range 8 and ground is range 6. if there is any units that come in range 1st gets shot 1st sorta deal. but i dont know about if there is a unit at range 5 1st then air at 6. if that makes sense. lol. Waiting to see results.

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    posted a message on Point Defense problem...

    Currently working on giveing a soldier the ability to use a point defence system. I can add it as a Weapon to the unit and it will stop ALL missiles with-in range but it stops ALL of them and i only want it to stop the ones that are directed AT the unit itself. so I thought i could add it to an Ability and have it fire when caster is attacked but for some reason it wont direct fire to the missile. So i tried to add it to a Behavior where the periodic event is the pdd but it wants to kill the unit and not the missile, (sorta funny). Going to see if i can add it to a weapon like before but also have it trigger in a SET > apply behavior and have the behavior remove the ability to move, because before the unit would still run into enemy units instead of standing there defending itself. It worked good but not exactly as i wanted. Also ~ when i reduce the range to say only 2 instead of 8-10 it misses a few missiles, would you say this is simply do to how fast it can fire even though its a .0000? Thanks for any feed back. (working on it)

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    posted a message on I need to hire a mapmaker
    Quote from anathemazerg: Go

    Found someone to do it who was more than happy with the terms, thanks guys. Can mod close thread?

    You can lock it in EDIT if you so choose.

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    posted a message on Trying to find this data...

    Field High Templar Shadow Model High Templar Shadow

    Found it. Thanks!

    Posted in: Data
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