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    posted a message on Looking for helpers/testers.

    I have published the game "Universal Domination" in the Americas and i would like some assistance in Player Vs Player testing before i open it to the public. You can reply here or to the Page that is dedicated to the game at this link:


    Feel free to ask me anything you wish on here or on the above link. Thank you for your time.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Universal Domination (In Development)
    Quote from Hockleberry: Go

    Looks Cool! Good Luck with your project!

    Thank you! :D

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Universal Domination (In Development)

    Over the Weekend I made up the Tech Tree's for each race, They are as follows:

    Tier1: Terran:Marine,Firebat,Marauder,Reaper,Viking (assault) Zerg:Zergling,Roach,Baneling,Aberrition,Speedling Protoss:Zealot,Stalker,Sentry,Stone Zealot, Dark Zealot Demonic:Zombie,Ghoul,Heretic,Imp

    Tier2: Terran: Viking(Fighter),Widow Mine, Diamondback,Golaith,Ghost, Banshee, Predator,Blimp,Siege Tank,Thor,Spartan,Spectre,Raven,Science Vessel, Hellion, Vulture. Zerg:Baneling(hunter/Splitter),Roach(Vile/Corpser),Hydralisk,Hunter Killer,Lurker,Impaler,Overseer,Infestor,Slugalisk,Mutalisk,Queen Protoss:Archon, Zealot Outcast, Preserver,Dark Templar,High Templar,Immortal,Void Ray,Observer Demonic:Cerberus,Phantom,Demon,Deathgaze,Winged Molok,Troll,Vampire

    Tier 3: Terran:Medivac,WarHound,Battlecruiser,Wraith Zerg:Swarm host, Swarm Host (Carrion/Creeper),Swarm Guardian,Corruptor,Scourge,Ultralisk,Ultralisk (Noxious), Omegalisk,Taint,Brutalisk Protoss: Oracle,Mothership Core, Mothership, Tempest,Carrier,Colossus,Fade Initiate,Void Prism,Scout Demonic:Nazgul,Furies,Shadow Caster,Lich,Tiamat,Warlock

    More to come :D

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Universal Domination (In Development)

    Since this is 'map feedback' I just wanted to share with you all the game I am working on. Here is a link to it:


    In short, Its going to have an additional race to play as, Demonic. I have several units Completed as you can see from the page and are still continuing to add a couple more, like my recent post syas:

    I have found some Additions that would be a good for the Demonic Army: Spirit Tower (A Defensive Structure), Ogre, Gloom Wraith, Upgrade for Zombie to Dread Zombie, Heretic (evil mage).

    So feel free to leave any feedback you wish. Thanks. :D

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Unwanted Player (Question and Concern)

    There is a trigger that would help 'some' for when/if he gets kicked out of a game. I have it on my map and its built into SC2 editor so i highly doubt its 'illegal' or anything along those lines.
    Also as far as holding a lobby forever you could (if its arcade) check the 'hide battle.net lobby" box. but then no one can see anyone in the loby, the game will start when its full though.

                    Game - End game in Defeat for player# (Hide dialogs, Hide score screen)
    ^^At best it will just slow him down a bit.

    The only way to be FULL PROOF is to make the game Private. So what ends up happening is the only ones that play the game are the ones you allow by invite or the like  because it cant be joined by 'public'. Just offering suggestions.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Any way to remove supply count?

    I was wondering if there is any way to remove the supply read-out in the upper right corner. I know how to get ride of the Minerals/Vespene and such but no idea if you can even remove the Supply count all together, If i simply make the units cost 0 supply you still get a read out. Even if i set the Max supply count in race to 0 you still get a read out. HELP?

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Unwanted Player (Question and Concern)

    I doubt you could ban just getting into the lobby, but i have seen it where people get auto kicked out of a game when it starts.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on A few ui changes

    Quote from Sapphire_united:
    Would it be possible to reposition the mineral readout from its top right position?

    I could not find anything that shows it in a certain position.
    at best i would recommend hiding all the resources and creating a trigger re-create it in another spot.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Choose random model for unit?

    maybe i should of said ..... EXAMPLE:::


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Choose random model for unit?

    I think there is an easier way with triggers, Are you placing them on the map or are they created on the map with a trigger? If you are simply placing them on the map like X----------X----------------X------------X then all you need is 1 unit and add this trigger: Just using a Marine as an example.

            General - Repeat (Actions) 10 times <--change 10 to however many units you have on the map.
                    Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Marine units in (Entire map) owned by player Any Player matching (No Value), with at most 1) and do (Actions)
                            General - Pick each integer from (Random integer between 0 and 100) to (Random integer between 0 and 100), and do (Actions)
                                                                   General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                            (Picked integer) == 1
                                            Unit - Set unit (Picked unit) model to Crate with variation 0 and textures ""
                                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                                            (Picked integer) == 2
                                            Unit - Set unit (Picked unit) model to Crate with variation 0 and textures ""

    This will select them 1 at a time and change them to a random texture. Keep adding a  General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions) for how many variations you want. IF - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9....ect. I know its not DATA but it would also work, lol.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Train units while building addon?

    Quote from Templarfreak:
    I wonder if there's a way to make The Barracks, Factory, and Starport to still train units while they're building an addon?
    Try this.
    (Basic) Stats: Flags

    Field    Barracks - AddOns
    (Basic) Stats:   Worker Disable Abilities    Enabled


    Field    Barracks - AddOns
    (Basic) Stats:   Worker Disable Abilities    Disabled

    Edit. Data Manager -> Abilities Tab -> Barracks - Addons -> State Flags.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on A few ui changes

    Quote from Sapphire_united:
    I want to do the following..
    change the mineral icon
    completely remove vespane gas and supply
    move the mineral readout  


    Change the Mineral icon: Data Editor -> Actor -> Mineral Field ->
    Field    Mineral Field (Basic) UI: Unit Icon    Assets\Textures\Wireframe-General-MineralField.dds

    Completely Remove Vespene Gas: Data Editor -> Races -> (select race)
    Field    Protoss
    (Basic) Show Resource +    Minerals, Vespene, Terrazine, Custom Resource - Remove the one you want to not show up in-game.
    Not sure on Supply :/
    --Move The Mineral Readout; IDK what your talking about here..

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Resource/UnitSupplyToolTip_Race

    <<quote 2354351>>Assets/Textures/icon-supply-RACE.dds where RACE is "terran", "zerg" or "protoss" with optional "_nobg" after RACE and before .dds.
    If you're trying to change the icon, import a file in the above path. For example, to replace the terran icon, you'd make a .dds file called "icon-supply-terran_nobg.dds" and save it under the field path Assets/Textures.<</quote>>

    I found that file but i cant find where it is used in-game. Such as i opened the TEXT manager and found where it says the
    tool_tip : All living units cost supply. Build Pylons to increase supply.
    That can be found in-game when you play terran and Move over the icon. Like it suppose to, lol.
    The ID reads UI/ResourceSupplyToolTip_Terr
    I go to the 'Game UI Data' in the data editor and there is nothing there. Sorry if did not make this clear before but i want to ADD '+' another.
    such as:
    lol. Cant do that in the TEXT editor and cant find it in the data editor for the given 3 races so i could just duplicate it.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Resource/UnitSupplyToolTip_Race

    I am trying to find out WHERE THIS IS?~?~?~? lol. When you play as a terran there is a little supply depot in the upper right corner. Only, I can not find this ANYWHERE!? hahaha, I have searched the Data> Game UI Data 100 times now. all I find is this:

    (Basic) UI:   Minerals -    UI/ResourceIconNoBackground0:UI/ResourceIcon0:Minerals

    (Basic) UI:     Tooltip    Minerals

    (Basic) UI:     Icon    UI/ResourceIconNoBackground0

    (Basic) UI:     Icon Background    UI/ResourceIcon0

    Same goes with
    (Basic) UI:   Vespene
    (Basic) UI:   Terrazine

    But no Unit supply to be found. It must be some place else but i can not find it. :/

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Thank You www.sc2mapster.com

    Just wanna shout out that the people in this website are awesome and do a very good job. Thank You.


    Posted in: General Chat
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