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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)

    @aczchef: Go

    Yeah we have been getting this question a lot and we have decided to take the blizzard quote of "When it's done". I could throw some arbitrary dates out there but I prefer not to. I can tell you there is still lots to be done on the development side. We are very close to an alpha version of the project and from that point it should be not to long to a internal beta version. While we do plan on releasing in a beta form, it will be a very polished beta and more about needing feedback from the community about balance issues then bug crushing, or at least we hope. Just keep a watchful eye on the project page because more videos are on their way about other gameplay aspects of StormKeep.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)



    Updated the rules and explanation of StormKeep once again. The NCS team was once again involved in a long discussion of making sure the commander's role was not getting to overbearing for any one player to manage. We decided to remove complete summoned unit control and switch to a partial control system and then give the commander direct access to summoned unit abilities. We believe that this change will give the commander greater control of when skill combos can happen but not overly restrict what kind of abilities will be useful for the heroes when fighting against the commander's summoned units. Expect more updates in the future of this nature as there are several ideas in development which will need to be tested before we can add them to the explanation of StormKeep.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Patch 1.4.0 Is out ...

    anyone wanna guess when they will get around to fixing markers for abilities?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)

    I just wanted to add thanks to all the users and moderators for the support. Also a special thanks to SC2mapster and the everyone here, it has been an invaluable resource. The NCS team really does do this as a full time job and not for any kind of money (although we hope someday to make money doing it). We do it because we have a genuine love for making fun and enjoyable games. So we hope to bring everyone something that is truly awesome and your support has helped us to continue on this path. Look forward in the coming weeks and months to more videos and screenshots of gameplay.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Is map making so hard ?
    Quote from pieceofshota: Go

    Is there a chance of 0% somebody would make it for me ?

    and not many ppl are answering my question..

    Is it always like this ?

    I think I should give up. I need so much help but I'm not getting enough.

    I couldn't even find where i can make more than 8 interceptors for a carrier.

    This is too much stress and time for not much of a entertainment.

    I'll give you my experience with the editor, but if you want the short version basically what everyone else has said is correct. The SC2 editor is not exactly friendly to someone who wants to make something simple, the tools within the editor are complex and take time to learn. If you are interested in making a map, awesome! Just understand that it took our team NCS months of sitting down and learning every last detail we could about the tools at our disposal and there are still some areas that we don't have a complete understanding of. Overall this is the right place to be, the tutorials section should be calling your name by now go check it out do some simple ones just to get a grasp on the basic tools then it will be much easier for us to help you.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)
    Quote from Chiquihuite: Go

    Am I blind or is this just not released yet?

    Maybe I assumed too much from the news post :P

    Nope sorry the video is just a first look at the project. We are moving quickly towards alpha and then hopefully within the next couple of months to move into closed beta. We just want to give people a heads up because there will be a pretty sharp learning curve on the map considering all the orb possibilities for every hero.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)
    Quote from MarcusFell: Go

    Map is awesome, I would. Totally play it now except that PSAT is coming up. ;(

    I wouldn't worry bout that, we are a good couple of months away from even a closed beta so you should be long done with your PSAT by the time the map is open beta.

    Quote from zeldarules28: Go

    Oh! You're the ninjacore studios guy! I gotta say, when I approved ninjacore studious (the team) I was totally thinking it was going to be another abandoned project that never really got off the ground.

    I see I was wrong. Great job :D

    We have been busy since day one and honestly the whole team works in the same room most of the day so we encourage each other to keep going when things are rough. That has helped a ton. There is also the fact that we all have a burning passion to get into game development and saw this as our golden opportunity. Anyway part of the reason it appeared that we were like a dead project is we were all literally learning the editor from the ground up and most of us had very little or no coding background so it was a huge learning curve. Now that we have passed that point things are starting to move much faster.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)

    @Nebuli2: Go

    Well most people do except those who are particularly vain like me. I mean everyone should have someone as awesome as me on their team! =P

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)
    Quote from Mozared: Go

    That said, looks awesome, plus, your voice is probably the first I've seen in any kind of mod/project for SC2 that I could actually take serious and didn't sound off in some way. Lucky you!

    BloodLX99 is somewhat of a perfectionist he did about a million takes of each sound clip so that it would turn out good. He was sweating bullets too because he actually hates the sound of his voice, which is ironic cause just about everyone else loves it.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)

    To the terrain, everything here is in a pretty rough alpha form so, a lot is subject to change. However that said none of us are terrain artists nor do we really care to be. Hopefully as time goes on we can get enough feedback from the community and/or get another person on board who does do good terrain to help us.

    Regardless thanks for the feedback guys, we have put a lot of work into this project and will continue to do so. I am really excited to get a beta release into the hands of players even though that may be quite some time from now.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)



    Updated the rules and explanation of StormKeep since lots of the overall dynamics have changed slightly. Added some new screenshots as well. Also BloodLX99 added our first look video. While it is lengthy it goes into a lot of detail on our first hero the ACM and is pretty awesome if I do say so myself.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Cycling thru visible buffs/debuffs

    Okay here is the question, I'm pretty sure it can be done, but not quite sure how to do it so anyone who has some suggestions would be most appreciated. The setup is that in the map we have units being affected by several debuffs/buffs at a time. the problem lies in that at certain point there are so many of these effects on the unit that its hard to visually assess which ones it has. What I would like to try and do to all data side cycle through the visual animations of the effects that the unit has.

    Example is for a blind he has a little black cloud above his head, for a slow he has a fungal growth on the unit's body, and for a movement speed buff the unit has a swirling green tornado above its head, etc. having all of these at one time makes it hard to see exactly what the unit has, so the question boils down to is it possible to cycle between these visual effects when the unit has more than one of them?

    Hopefully that was fairly clear, if not ill try and post some pictures give people a better idea. Thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 news is big news for SC2

    I'm eager to hear what happens in the D3 livestream.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Galaxy Vampirism Preview

    Keep up the good work, can't wait for a release, my gaming fingers are twitching in anticipation.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Beast's Anime Recommendations
    Quote from s3rius: Go

    But honestly I'm not very happy about the recent anime series. There isn't really anything that seems worth watching. >.>

    Totally agree this past year it seems like there's been only a couple even worth watching. There have been a lot of "Slice of life" and "Harem" animes both of which can be okay sometimes, but they have been flooding them recently and many have been down right terrible.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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