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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)

    Updated the Hero menu look. Our artist went back and filled in the final layers of the background and re-did the Orbs. Props to BloodLX99.

    Refined Hero Menu

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on What language would be most useful to learn?

    Math, while many don't think of it as a language it really is, and honestly its universal so seems like it should be the top one to learn imo.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on r/sc2mods (subreddit)

    just found this post so now that I know about it, we will work to get our project up there asap. I think we will wait till our next video is fixed but I like trying to get the word out about the SC2 mod community.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on YouTD

    I'm putting a suggestion up here sorry if someone has already done it but looking back at my later years in WC3 one of the most involved and imo fun TD maps was YouTD. I always like the skills behind randomness because it challenges the player to think on their feet as well as know the game well.YouTD had that and also the player still maintained some control over what they built so the game never felt like it was completely out of your control. It was good balance and the item system just added to the fun.

    Lastly this most awesome part is that YouTD was constructed by....well you. In WC3 the author had a very simple layout for others who wanted to add towers and items to the project which ended up making lots of fun and crazy combinations. It was quite brilliant. Now with the added complexity of the SC2 editor its hard to say what it would take to replicate this but, I'm sure with all the creative and smart people here someone could come up with something.

    Not sure anyone else feels the same way but I really enjoyed YouTD and pumped tons of hours into it. If our team weren't so busy with its own project this would probably be on the table as a potential option, but we are quite busy so I thought I'd bring it up here and see the response.

    Just in case you aren't aware of what YouTD is below is a link to explain and if you haven't ever tried it I recommend dragging out your copy of WC3:FT and giving it a try.

    YouTD explanation

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Skyrim teaches a kid a valuable lesson
    Quote from Molsterr: Go

    "People don't want to be sword"!

    great video and if that line doesn't become a meme ill be shocked.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)
    Quote from Ranakastrasz: Go

    @Reves: Go

    Alright, good to know. Its just that generally if you say something will occur in a week, and it doesn't, I would kinda expect a message saying what happened, rather than letting people guess (wrong) XD

    yeah that's a bad habit of mine, I'm always overly optimistic about when we can finish stuff, I try to cover my base by saying hopefully but "soon" would probably work better. Reves is correct though we aren't dead. Towards the end of each semester and as the shopping season approaches this makes one of our members unavailable to help on the project because of other important obligations. Regardless the good news is that because we were set back in this one area we charged ahead in the hero development area and should have completed a couple additional heroes by the time we are ready for a close beta.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Skyrim?

    I haven't seen any posts since the 11th, here so I'm assuming everyone is busy playing Skyrim, just as I have been and I've been loving it. I purchased for PC and have been really pleased that Bethesda fixed all the horrible glitching and crashes that made Oblivion nearly unplayable until the mods fixed a lot of the issues. Ive heard some people complain about the UI but it doesn't really bother me much. So what I'm really wondering what everyone else here who's purchased the game has to say about their experience?

    Quote from Zolstice: Go

    My only disappointment would be the direction they took for Dragon Age 2... Dragon Age 1 was epicc. The second one was lame.

    really? I found the combat infinitely better in DA2 and I really enjoyed the Storyline.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Blizzcon 2011 All-Around Coverage

    couple things I'd like to add. I think blizzard has taken dota in a good direction for the general gamer. Meaning too bad for you hardcore dota fans, but who cares cause you have Dota 2, HoN, and LoL. I honestly have always disliked dota, and not so much the game as the @holes who play it. As a new player trying out a previous version of dota it was never fun because all you get is yelled at and screamed at because its a complex game and if you don't know exactly what to do you are doing. Whereas with the blizzard dota it looks like I could join and just have fun with core gameplay mechanics and not be yelled at for doing something. So Props to blizzard for making their dota newbie friendly.

    On the matters more important to me map editing, words do not describe how happy I am about the improved debugger, the UI editor, the art editor and the cinematic editor. Honestly the SC2 editor will finally be an actual professional level development tool with these additions. I don't know if any of these questions were answered if they have I'm sorry, I did try and find them but couldn't.

    1. Was there any news about custom maps using the match making system?

    2. And about the UI editor was it going to be possible to create entirely new UI structures and additions, not just modifications to already existing ones? It would be nice to move away from using dialogs as much as possible for UI menus so I'm very curious if I'll be able to make my own menus from scratch with the UI editor.


    3. Also anyone know if they are gonna give us early access to the HotS editor like they did for initial WoL release? I'm hoping they will because the editor changes, especially for UI, look like they will probably break a bunch of stuff in our map.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Command Card SubMenu's

    At this current time sadly you cannot have a unit with more than 4 command card menus.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)

    Happy to announce that we have started work on the second video, Hopefully this one should only take about a week to pump out, but we shall see. This next video will focus on the Commander and his role in the game.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Dedication

    I don't know if I'd call them hardcore. I mean at least not anymore then most of us here. We all know we'd do the same thing if our outlets weren't so close to the floor and it happened to be capable of flooding like that where we all lived.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Making iPhone Apps

    Our team has mobile app project planned in the future as well. The great thing about all these different tools (the Editor, Mobile Apps, Console DLC, etc) is the opportunity they provide for smaller teams to get a start and make money. Something that 5-10 years ago would have been impossible.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on OS 5 Install process: halting productivity like a champ

    Well I was working on the our current project but seeing as apple decided that itunes must every 15 seconds or so make sure its the program you are currently viewing while updating to OS 5 I've halted work to make this post about how I usually love Apple products, but sometimes they drive me nuts. I mean come on do I really need to watch my phone update. Just tell me when it's done and let me work damn it. Hell it even alt-tabs me out of SC2 to bring itunes back up. Whoever designed that feature needs to be shot.

    EDIT: Took me like 10 minutes just to write this post.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on how do you create my little pony maps?

    Step 1. Begin learning the Editor

    Step 2. Master the Editor (takes a good while)

    Step 3. Stop being a troll (could take years...)

    Step 4. Post in the proper forums, and only in the proper forums. or you'll make all the ponies sad.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on StormKeep Alpha (Now Live)

    @Ranakastrasz: Go

    How right you are on the blizzard remark. Regardless we will certainly keep your name in mind and certainly anyone's name in mind who is looking to help beta test, frankly when we get to that stage we will need quite a few people to hep us test, considering full games will take 10 people. Finally yes that was just one hero. The plan for heroes is to have at least 2 for alpha, maybe 3 for closed beta, 4 for open beta, and then final release will contain a total of 6 different heroes. The difficult part is that heroes require 75% of the work right now because of all the skill variations, we have a very lengthy vetting process to make sure that skills all skills are useful and look awesome. Because of this it does take some time to get a single hero done.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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