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    posted a message on Math functions and their usefulness?

    the end point is easy to find, but that's not what our goal was, it was to have these units appear when the missile hits the ending point, that's a time issue not a location issue.

    If your saying there is an easier way to find out the distance between where the caster is and the target point, I just don't see how cause both are necessary in order do the wait time calculation. Basically the max range of the spell is 7 but if someone casts it from a range of 3 the distance between the target point and caster change. we needed a variable to calculate that number because it would change every time the spell is cast.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Custom Hero Line Wars Universe - Ninjacore Studios

    I would like to take a moment to announce to those who have interest that our team (Ninjacore Studios) is in the midst making the next generation of Custom Hero Line Wars. We are trying to keep a pretty tight lid on the project, but we have agreed that is past due that we post some information about it. So here is what you guys can be ready to expect from our map, in addition from the standard HLW map features on SC2 release day.

    • Heroes
      • 6 heroes with 3 different selectable specializations
      • a Talent Tree (Similar to WoW)
      • The ability to put points into individual attributes (possibly unique attributes for each hero)
    • Unit Summoning
      • 3 different summoning races a player can choose from.
      • Each race has its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages
    • Gameplay
      • 4 players per team
      • Teamwork and cooperation will be a huge part of HLW Universe
      • Selectable difficulties

    Finally in some general notes I'd like to say that our version of HLWs is going to diverge from previous versions of HLW where good teamwork and cooperation were not always a necessity for winning. In many versions HLW was all about the massive income gain ( basically he with the largest income would win). While we are not getting rid of income by any means we are adjusting the mechanics where not only income is a factor but so is how you and your team work together. We feel this will bring and added element of fun and energy to the game which was lacking before.
    Anyway there will be more updates to follow including some screens and videos (hopefully within the coming week). However, most of our time is spent working on the map making it hard to post updates. The reason we did make a thread is we enjoy hearing some feedback from everyone here and any suggestions you might have in what can make a more fun and complete HLW style map. We are also completely insane about bringing the highest level of quality to this project so if you post terrible ideas we reserve the right to refuse the idea and privately laugh about it. =)



    • Arcolisk: FINISHED!
    • Brood Mother: FINISHED!
    • Elemental Sorcerer = 6 of 7 finished
    • Experimental ACU: FINISHED!
    • Pharoah: FINISHED!
    • Tech Marine: FINISHED!


    • Arcolisk: 0 of 18 finished
    • Brood Mother: 18 of 18 FINISHED!
    • Experimental ACU: 0 of 18 Finished
    • Elemental Sorcerer: 0 of 18 finished
    • Pharoah: 0 of 18 finished
    • Tech Marine: 18 of 18 FINISHED!


    • Zerg: 14 of 14 FINISHED!
    • Protoss: 5 of 14 finished
    • Terran: 14 of 14 FINISHED!

    TIER 2 (First Evolution) SUMMONING UNITS

    • Zerg: 14 of 14 FINISHED!
    • Protoss: 0 of 14 finished
    • Terran: 14 of 14 of FINISHED!

    TIER 3 (Second Evolution) SUMMONING UNITS

    • Zerg: 14 of 14 FINISHED!
    • Protoss: 0 of 14 finished
    • Terran: 14 of 14 of FINISHED!


    • Zerg: 42 of 42 FINISHED!
    • Protoss: 0 of 42 finished
    • Terran: 0 42 of finished


    • Zerg: 5 of 5 FINISHED!
    • Protoss: 0 of 5 finished
    • Terran: 0 of 5 finished


    • Zerg: 42 of 42 FINISHED!
    • Protoss: 0 of 42 finished
    • Terran: 0 of 42 finished


    • Universal: 3 of 4 finished - Halted until we can find a solution to the ability to upgrade charges. (they are bugged atm)


    • Universal: 0 of 18
    • Zerg: 0 of 3 finished
    • Protoss: 0 of 3 finished
    • Terran: 0 of 3 finished


    • Hero and summon race selection menu 100% finished
    • Scoreboards: 15% finished
    • Talent Tree: 100% FINISHED!
    • Attribute points menu 100% FINISHED!
    • Fast on screen linked Action Bars: 30% finished
    • Skill upgrade Menu: 100% finished

    an old video update: here is a video from some time ago, gives an basic idea of what one hero is like.

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/VZ07v6TmreY?fs=1

    Here is a brief description of what else we have changed in HLWs. Upgrading to different tier summoning buildings has been replaced with an evolution leveling system

    IE a player will specialize into several different units of his choosing, the more he summons that particular unit the stronger it becomes until it evolves into the next tier of that unit and repeats this process. Units are no longer just for generalized damage, they do different things and well has have enough variation that it is important to communicate with your allies and work with which units they are summoning. Ive posted to pictures which show how a unit evolves but all the other units in the building remain the same.

    Tier 1 Summon

    Tier 2 Summon

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Math functions and their usefulness?

    It really depends on what you are trying to do. because the editor is so open the possibilities are endless. I can give you only a single example that our group is working on where math functions have been useful. In this example we needed triggers to accomplish some aspects of this ability but we needed the actions to take place where the user clicked for the spell to occur, but to happen only after a "Missile" had flown to that spot. We are able to find this time via math!

    Lightning Wall

    As you might guess we have no idea how long it will take our missile to hit the target point by just guessing. Since there is a major unknown that could change from each use, which is the distance from the caster location (where our missile appears) and then where our target point is (where the missile is going to impact). From the trigger you can see we need 2 units appear at the target source when our missile impacts that spot. Our solution was in our use "Distance" Variable in the "Wait" Action. To find the appropriate amount of time we had to take the missile speed (in our case we had set the mover to a max speed of 20) and divide that by the "Distance" Variable (which is our distance because it can vary from cast to cast).
    Anyway this is a very simple function of the math available in the editor frankly there are far more complex computations within the editor. My suggestion if you aren't familiar with some of these math equations is to study up. Going to any number of math websites (google is your friend) and reading up on them will help. Once you are familiar with how these math equations work you will be able to find many uses for them. Hopefully our team's example is helpful in revealing just how numerous the possibilities are. If you have more questions you can either PM me or post here.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [?] Unable to select new Interceptor model units by dragging a box around them.

    Ive run into this problem before as well. In General in order to fix this problem I will usually duplicate some other standard unit and that unit's actor and then change the model it uses to whatever the model unit that can't normally be selected. However what cause this exactly and what need to be done to reverse it I have yet to discover.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Help] use VoidRay Beam animation for a builder

    Okay our group has a particularly tricky problem today and I am hoping someone here might be able to help. What we are attempting to do is make a builder unit (like an SCV) use the Void Ray Beam animation and go from him to the building. In essence appearing almost like a unit welding the building into existence. The issue we are having is knowing which actors to use in order to make this happen. Normally we wouldn't have a problem but the Void Ray beam animation information like how it is used, where it appears and impacts, seems spread over several actors making it a tad more tricky than other animations. Any thoughts, suggestions, or answers would be greatly appreciated.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Income

    That's great for static income, but for many types of maps people need a growing income for which you need some other way and much more complicated triggers to have work.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Morphing a building into another

    Once you get used to messing with the events and morphing buildings you can get pretty fast at it. It may seem like a lot of work but that's the price we pay for having so much more freedom in the editor. Just follow the guide in this link, it's easy than it looks Morphing Buildings Guide

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Stop duplicating!

    @Eldrazor: Go I only duplicate stuff that I need to actually change from the original. Duplicating everything is a huge mistake because it makes things 20 times harder to comb through when actually adding or finding something you need. However I prefer to duplicate actors because they are very much like a gatekeeper since so many other things are linked through them. I simply rename the actors to match my unit making them easy to find.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Ability with charges

    bump! Trying to do the same thing but no such luck. Very interestingly charges seem to work with some abilities and not others. the Train ability for example works fine with charges but not effect - target abilities. If anyone has some insight please give us the heads up.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on booted out of submenu every time you click

    This has to be one of the more annoying aspects of SC2. I don't remember getting booted out of sub menus when you click on a button. For example say you have a hero who has several levels of skills and you've gained a bunch of skill points, When you go the sub menu used for learning higher levels of the skills you get booted out and back to the main menu of the hero after only 1 button click. I'm wondering if anyone knows a way to prevent this?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Can you Hide Unit Resource Costs?

    I'm currently working on a map where I need unit costs (Minerals, Vespene, etc) to be hidden from the player when he hovers over the unit in the "barracks" I was assuming that is what the Cost Display meant in the training abilities objects properties where you modify what unit is trained and what it costs, but sadly I must be mistaken or its just not implemented yet. So I was wondering if anyone else has happened to find out how to hide unit costs? Here is an image of the page that I thought Cost Display meant click this option if you want that particular resource so show up, but unless I'm missing something I have no idea what that option does. Cost Display Image

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Timed Income [Help]

    Thanks SirLyrrad that was exactly what I need. You are awesome!

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Timed Income [Help]

    Quick post here guys working on a team project with a map that will have periodic income. The way we chose to display this income was using a custom resource. Now I'm trying to figure out how to make a Trigger that will re-occur every 10 seconds and check the custom resource and then give that amount to the play in Minerals. The re-occurring timer is easy enough and I assume the action I want is modify player property what I'm not sure on is how to write a custom script that does the rest. If anyone can give me some tips it would be vastly appreciated.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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