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    posted a message on Purely Data driven level up effects?

    @crutex: Go

    that's what I haven't tested, that but it would be what I would try and see. Hope that it works for you and I wouldn't mind knowing myself if it worked for you or not, Ill give it a try myself when I have some extra time.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Purely Data driven level up effects?

    @crutex: Go

    After looking at the veterancy behavior I believe this should be possible. What you need to do is go to the Behavior - Veterancy Levels+ field and go into the menu there. Click on the Behaviors tab and scroll down a little past the middle where it has "Behaviors Disabled" and "Behaviors Enabled" fields. Make a dummy behavior buff, make it temporary just a couple seconds or something and you can then go into the actors and create the sound actor and visual actor you want and make it occur based on when any unit gains your dummy behavior. Also in the dummy behavior just have it apply a modify unit effect and use the vital fraction entry to make it heal the unit back to full. That should work only issue is that you will have to click on each level in your Veterancy Levels+ and tell it to enable that behavior. A lot more work but, it does reduce the load on your triggers if that might become an issue for you. I actually didn't try this I'm just guessing but after looking at it I believe that will work.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Are people already getting burnt out on mapping?

    honestly the other that would help is if blizzard built in a map transfer across all the different servers. I don't understand why they wouldn't making it even easier for mappers to get their maps up for everyone to regardless of which server they play on.

    the popularity system just needs to be refined and popularity needs to redfined to most games per hour and put into a tab with more options( like most unique number of players played, and longest games per number of players.) that would make the popularity system a lot more complete and versitile. when they do that it will bring lots more vartity in the maps

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Custom Hero Line Wars Universe - Ninjacore Studios

    @DumpTruckJester: Go

    Sorry to take such a long time to reply, we have been busy working on this project. Infact I'm happy to announce that we just completed our first alpha version several days ago and it was very successful with only minor bugs popping up. To answer your question we decided to go with a mixture so to speak. Our heroes have set decided skills but each one is not just one hero because we will be introducing talent trees each hero will have more abilities and options to pick up depending on the tree ge picks.

    Now for more news hopefully by the end of the day I'll be able to post up an official progress report in which all here will be able to view our current progress and we will make a good effort to update it once a week.

    There are some other exciting things I'd like to start telling everyone interested in this project about. We have been working on this hlws since beta a lot of time was spent just learning the editor, the other part is we just keep coming up with better ideas for this project and so we end up creating more work for the team. I'm going to start reveling some of those ideas today and hopefully later I'll include some pictures. (video we are saving till we move to beta).

    First HLWs has always suffered from a replayabilty issues. It has a winning fun initial pull but quickly wears off because of it's overly simple core which was the team that summons the most wins. Our team has been working for months to solve this issue. We believe now we have enough of a new tactical gameplay revision that it now feels far more repayable.

    There are several ways we are accomplishing this, some we have already told you about (such as talent trees) and heroes unique playstyle.) after we finished heroes it was time to focus on the summoned units and so without more typing here are the new features you can expect from Custom Hero Line Wars Universe.

    1. The traditional unit tiers have been replaced with a leveling and evolution function.

    2. Units are not just the same anymore there are real differences in summoned units making it important for each player to work together and individually choose which units he will focus on summoning.

    3. An upgrade building is now available to increase certain stats for summoned units.

    4. An ability research center now exists for the purpose of attaching abilities onto summoned units. The players will research an ability and then choose which unit it will be attached to.

    5. Upgrades which affect the actual the player map are now available (such as randomized spawn locations which create units closer to the enemies portal/castle.

    This is only the start of a new level of depth you all can expect from this release, but as always projects of this magnitude take time to complete and polish for max enjoyment. As I said before I'll try and get some pictures up later today or tomorrow. Any questions and comments are welcomed and appreciated.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on So Data > Triggers?

    The data editor for me is actually easier than triggers have been, I really like the data editor best because as long as I get it to work for me I know it will work for everyone. There are some limitations to the data editor and sometimes it takes less work to do something I triggers but those above who have said it best try and limit your triggers to stuff you absolutely can't do in the data editor. Our team has tried very hard to do this because of the lag issues when you have to much going on. It can add up faster than you think. I don't really thing one is better than the other they just serve different purposes.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Help me choose a single or double tier array

    I need some advice about what I should do with an array setup in our teams map. Let me give you an idea of what the array is for then maybe an trigger expert can comment. Right now Im using a single level array the first level being used for triggering player. It is an integer array used for keeping track of how many of a particular unit each player builds. I use this array to apply a level up behavior which increases a units strength. Now as it stands I will have to make 126 single level variable arrays if I continue doing it this way. So I've considered changing to a single integer array with two tiers the first tier for triggering player the second would be an array number assigned to each different unit that the player could summon, this second way could be more prone to a bug or error if I screw up, but it also nicely consolidates 126 variables into just 1. I'd like to hear from people and see if there are any other advantages that I should know about or is my original way good enough. Btw I've only done the first 14 out of 126 so not a big deal to go back and start over

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Purely Data driven level up effects?

    Replying on my iPhone so I can't actually confirm the first part of my statement until later. What I would try and do is check the level up functionality see if you can apply any other behavior (I know you can apply attributes , but what we need is some kind of buff behavior that is temporary.) when you level. If you can you could make something like that happen then you could link that behavior to quite afew things, actors come to mind first. However, I can't remember all the functionality in the veternacy behavior. Sadly sometimes there isn't a way to do stuff all data side. I'll post again later when I am in front of my computer and can investigate more closely. P.s. Sometimes it's a lot more work to do something all data side, now I don't mind that but I'm a data guy and try to avoid triggers as much as possible (not that I hate triggers I'm just not as good with them.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Questions reguarding ability pls help , data or trigers?

    @Selfcreation: Go


    would it not be possible to give my Transport a recall abillity , that recals a unit(s) to the side of the map , and when it dies have a triger recal all units to death location of a Unit ???

    Yes that should be an alternative, however issues could arise depending on what you are trying to do in your map. your way would work find as long as there is only 1 transport at a time and you would have to have a different location for every player playing. doing my way accounts for if there are more than 1 transport at a time. So it comes down to what you would want for your map.


    Viking : could i not simply make a triger that tells a selected unit (viking ) to hit the abillitys at a set time with a loop.

    yes again this might work as well, haven't tried it, but the theory is sound. Give it a try that way and see what you get. I always think data before triggers because I'm a data guy, but there are usually ways to do stuff in both triggers and data. Sometimes it is easier to do it in triggers. However I don't like triggers because I have to think about multiple people using that trigger when I code for it. When I use data I just have to get it to work for one player and then I know it will work the same way for all players. I say use whatever way you feel most comfortable using.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Questions reguarding ability pls help , data or trigers?

    @Selfcreation: Go


    1. I have a marauder that does slow ( automatically while going down a path ) , is it possible to make his Slow effect AOE?

    Answer: yes assuming this is a ability target then you most certainly can make it an AoE, it has to do with "Search" Type Effects. easy enough to do in the Data Editor.


    2. a Air transport that flies down a path and picks up units as it crosses them , if it dies , all units get dropped at Death location

    Answer: This one probably would be better done via triggers, I can't think of a way to do it all in data, especially when the unit dies considering in standard SC2 if a transport dies so do all the loaded units. Depending on what you want more random of which units it picks up or not what I would do is start the first part by having an "Effect - Target" ability that is cast-able on only friendly units (which units it picks could be subject to just about anything you want) then have it put a dummy behavior on the unit. After that the triggers take over and remove the targeted unit from the game and put it into a Unit Variable Array. Probably a 3 tier array (I'm still rough on my understanding of Arrays but this how it would work best) first tier for each player, second tier for the transport and their tier for each different unit picked up by the transport. After that its just a matter of having another trigger go off when the transport dies recalling all the units from the variable array and then creating them where the transport died.


    3. and i have a DT that does MC (mind control ) every 5 sec , is it also possible to make that a AOE MC???

    Answer: yes this has the same answer as question one it has to do with using search effects at the target location. All data side


    a Viking that switch from Fighter to Assault mode every 5 or so squares scares ( so , air to grown to air to grown ..ect.. )

    Answer: I believe this could be done either way, however I think the easier way to do it would be via triggers, this one for me is the hardest to think of and I'll consult the Trigger expert on our team (Since I'm the Data expert my trigger knowledge is somewhat limited) and see what he thinks but here's what I do know. In order to get this to work in data it would have to be split over a bunch of different sections the first ability I would do is one that is a effect target for the unit its self that applies a never ending cycle of buffs, (this is essence will be the timer for how often the unit would morph). I'd have to different Behaviors applied via two different Effect Type: "Create Persistent" each that applied one dummy behavior initially and then removes that behavior at the end of the persistent and runs the other "Create Persistent" effect which should create an never ending cyclical timer. Then you would have copied over the standard Morph abilities the viking has but make them both auto cast and start on, then make a requirement for each one being equal to the behavior count of 1 the behavior being one of the behaviors that are in our cyclical count. so the ability could only be cast when the unit has that particular behavior. Anyway all that is just theory Ive never done it, but its exactly how I would try doing it if I did.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Are people already getting burnt out on mapping?

    I know our team isn't burnt out, just with so much work to do its a solid choice between browsing the forums or working and we usually tend to stick to the work. I'm sure a lot of other mappers feel the same way. It will be good to see when these mappers finish their projects because they will be very polished unlike many of the earlier releases.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Complex Question (Leveling and Attributes)

    @JCManowar: Go

    I believe all of this is possible the first part having a unit at a base of its stats would probably best be done through a combination of triggers/validators and Upgrades. Upgrades for applying the fractional increases to the heroes stats and then triggers/validators so that the unit would never go over that amount while its under its maximum stats IE if you had 60 of 100 life and you used a healing potion or someone tried to heal you so that if 60 was the units current max it wouldn't go above that until he had leveled. As for increasing the effectiveness of a stat, there is a work-around you could try to employ, and this is literally pure theory I haven't ever tried it, but based on my knowledge of the data editor it should be possible. There is no way to directly affect the effectiveness of an attribute since it's just really a permanent buff. However you could make several different version of the same attribute each one that is more effective in how it modifies your hero. For Example say that 1 Base Agility Stat point increases your heroes attack speed by .05, then 1 point of an Advanced Agility stat increases your heroes attack speed by .10 Now in the editor your could name both stats the same thing "Agility" and as long as the ID was different. Personally I would also attach a Prefix or Suffix to them so you could tell the difference when you are working on the map. Finally you could swap them on and off of the hero as you saw fit via Triggers and your player would be none the wiser.

    My advice is when you look at doing anything in the editor, especially the data editor, don't ask the question "how do I make this happen?" The question you should ask is: "How do I make it look like this is happening?"

    BTW interesting concept of making stats more effective, wish I had thought of that.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Ninjacore Studios is Looking for Data "Grunt Workers"

    Okay pure and simple looking for anyone who can knows the data editor and can make basic new usable units. It's basically grunt work, and I must admit not the most fun thing to do, but we have a mountain of stuff to do and we need people in this area. We do offer some things in return for anyone willing to join us either for this project only or for the long term. We will make sure you are mentioned in the map that we are working on in the loading screen, and also you have the chance to work with a highly motivated team which spends 5 to 6 days a week working on our project on average 8 to 10 hours a day. I can also boast that our team hasn't had a single split or division which has caused a group breakup because we are willing to work with each other and hear each others suggestions. We have a personal vent that you can join to get questions answered about most aspects of the editor, and if you are interested and skilled enough we are always looking for permanent additions to our team, so if we like you and your work, and if you end up liking our team then there's a good chance you could become a Ninjacore Studios member.

    On a side note, if you are not a data editor pro and would like to become one and would exchange some hours of work with our team teaching you how the data editor works this is also an agreeable situation. So If either one of these offers interests you then please PM me and we shall see what the future may hold.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on sometimes cant change the ability ID?

    @HatsuneMikuMegurine: Go

    This happens sometimes, I've found that usually if I save and quit out of the editor and then go back in I can then change the id.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on An annoying trend within the SC2 mapping community

    I try to share information of things that our team discovers. However the main problem with our team is that when you are working on a fairly large project and discover something new it can be very time consuming to then write a guide and make a separate map with only that discovery featured. I hate to take tons of time away from the project to write lots of guides on stuff that may or may not be useful for other mappers. That being said most of my issues have been resolved by people releasing guides and tutorials so I do appreciate the time and effort it takes to do this. In any case I believe that as time passes we will see more and more guides once lots more of the very large projects are finished. I can't imagine I'm the only one who feels like they'd rather keep working on their project than spend the time to write a guide until they are finished and have released their work for play.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Command Card] One for two?

    @dgh64: Go

    Dgh64 is right that is one way to do it. and by far the easier way to do it. I'd imagine using only the data editor could be done, but off to top of my head I believe you first would have to use a search for the units you wanted to issue the order to and then an issue order effect, probably with some validators mixed in to make sure your search found the right unit. However I've never done it this way, I find that triggers are more efficient with certain things (in terms of editing time). If you would still like an example ill post one just let me know.

    Posted in: Data
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