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    posted a message on Leveling attributes?

    okay no clue if this link will work yet the project is still under approval but here it is:

    Diablo Attribute System

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    posted a message on Leveling attributes?

    Yes you can do this. Our team has a working attribute system very similar to that of Diablo II, the major difference in what we did compared to what you want is we are using a separate menu system where users will select their attribute point distribution. Two reason for a separate menu system (built through either dialog boxes in the trigger editor or using the inventory menus) the first reason being is that right now when you click on an ability in a sub menu command card it boots you out to the main Command Card, which could be very annoying if you have anything above 2 or 3 attribute points to apply at a time. Secondly for our map we need to save our Command Card Button spaces for abilities. Regardless if you'd like to see how we did it I'd be happy to post up an example map tomorrow afternoon (IE about 17 hours from now) sorry I can't do it sooner. Granted there will be some differences because we use the inventory system instead of the command card but it may give a point in the right direction.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on "ErrorCatalogFieldNotWritten" when trying to set certain catalog fields

    Our Team has been working on the same thing. and while it seems the Get command can pull most values just fine the Set command seems far more limited. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that its maybe because blizzard hasn't implemented every aspect of the editor yet, but who knows maybe there's a reason it so limited. Regardless if anyone has any updates on this subject please let us know. I can't tell you how badly we would love to have dynamic CC as well as a bunch of other stuff.

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    posted a message on Anyone interested in creating Heroes for Enfos Clone ?

    yeah I'm pretty sure that was the major difference between Enfos and HLW, also I think enfos boards were usually top down instead of side to side but I don't think its all that important to follow every single aspect of the way something used to be its good to add some new ideas to any project which foundation comes from WC3 and/or SC. I wish you luck though Hero creation is to say the least a bitch especially when dealing with creating skills. From our team's personally experience good skills that are fairly complex take usually about a day of data editor/scripting work (bleh).

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Changing the cost value of Units and structures

    A small step by step guide for all who may wonder where to adjust unit costs.
    1. Open up the data editor and click on the "Abilities" tab and find the Barracks - Train ability or whatever "building name" - Train ability (building name being where the unit you want to adjust is created at). then click once to highlight it
    Abilities Tab

    2. Look to your right at the fields page and find the "Info+" field and double click it.

    3. Now double click on the unit you wish to modify

    4. Scroll about half way down and find the section labeled "Resource" and modify the values as you see fit.

    Think of building costs in the same way find the unit that builds them and then find out what the build ability for that unit is called and then look it up in the abilities tab.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Problem : Unit condition like in war III

    no problem sorry to hear that you're having problems with your map that always sucks. One more suggestion if you haven't already just try deleting your original trigger and remaking it from scratch that will sometimes fix the problem.

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    posted a message on Problem : Unit condition like in war III

    Hopefully this is what you want I'm not aware of a classification units of Marine, But if you mean just it kills all Marines that come within range but no other unit then this is what you want.
    Marine Killer Trigger
    Tried it out and it worked for me killed all marines I got too close to but nothing else.

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    posted a message on Changing the cost value of Units and structures

    When you say cost value are you speaking of the cost of a unit in the actual game (IE Zealots cost 100 minerals, Marines cost 50 and Zerglings cost 50)? If so you are looking in the wrong place, you need to head to the ability that actually summons the unit/building into existence (ill post pictures if this is indeed what you are looking for). If its something else please give me some more details.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Anyone interested in creating Heroes for Enfos Clone ?

    Just curious but I can't help but notice your Enfos has unit summoning wasn't that the defining part of Enfos that it doesn't contain summoning but rather endless waves of harder and harder units with two teams of heroes trying to see who could hold out for longer?

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Dynamic hero skill levels ?

    We have a guy working on something like that no idea if he has finished yet but I assume you are looking for something that acts much like a critical strike. Which would employ something like that I know that you can effect chance of a damage response but I don't think you can from the talents section for something like that you may have to make individual levels for every increase in chance. (the great thing about talents is they can effect multiple behaviors/effects/etc so you can end up making 1 talent upgrade that gets applied for all levels of the skill.

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    posted a message on Custom Hero Line Wars Universe - Ninjacore Studios

    Check our Other Thread this one is a duplicate, If a moderator sees this just delete.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Help]Summons that follow in an organized pattern

    I am currently trying to develop a summon ability where the units that are summoned follow the summoner but what I was wanting them to do was not only follow my summoner but rotate around his head in a circular pattern. So I'm at somewhat of a loss of if this can be done and still look good. Any tips in the right direction would be great.

    also when say unit I mean it as relative term, if anyone has come up with a way to make a missile or any other object follow around another Object in a circular pattern that would be fine since these summons are not controllable. I'm just looking for that kind of visual effect.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Dynamic hero skill levels ?

    This is part of price we pay for freedom of the SC2 Editor (more work for us, but more flexibility). However are in fact some limited ways around this one of the things we have been working on for our map is talent points which are actually included in the sc2 data editor. If you go to upgrades and then create a new upgrade then under "Upgrade Type" select Talents you see if those fit your needs. I don't have time to type up a guide at the moment, but try playing around with it you might find that it solves many of your issues. Talents do allow you to change certain aspects of behaviors and effects, but not nearly everything.

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    posted a message on Attributes broken in new patch?

    @Coolioflip: Go Here is an image for you so you can see multiple types of stats in the Veterancy Behavior.
    Bifuu, is correct just click the little green arrow box. See where it says "Add Value" right above that is what you click. You can have as many stats as you want increased per level.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Is it possible to "GET" any variable from the "Data Editor" to the trigger editor?

    Hoping someone can answer a question about this for me I need a trigger where I can pull data from a field but the unit which Im pulling it from needs to be "Triggering Unit"
    Exp Variable
    This was the best I could come up with on my own but it doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Edit: I just realized that probably why its not working is that Triggering Unit may not be using the Unit ID as the reference, not sure what to do about that but just a thought.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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