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    posted a message on Publish error: Header information is corrupt

    My file is failed to upload when I publish my game and I get the following error: "Header information is corrupt". I have no idea why this is happening.. There is something I need to add or change in the game variant or somewhere else before publishing the game? because I didn't change any options... (except with the data of course) I uploaded a few screen captures that maybe will help you spot the problem.

    I will super appreciate any help! (-:


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    posted a message on (Solved) Need help with a few problems

    Problems solved!!! I started over and deleted all the copied files and what eventually fixed the problem is to create the sound actor again.

    Now another problem pop up (I hope it will be the last) with the green circle around the unit (when selecting it), it need to be a little bit lower so it will not cover the unit. It supposed to be an easy solution.

    Thanks again for your help! (-:

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    posted a message on (Solved) Need help with a few problems

    I attached for you screen captures of all the actors of the ability and all what associated with them + their events.

    Fore the second problem, I think I'm close to fix it. I will let you know if not.

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    posted a message on (Solved) Need help with a few problems

    I solved two of the problems with your help, thanks dude! (-:

    I didn't succeed to figure out what to do with the two first solutions you wrote. Can you be more detailed and give me the steps on how to do it?

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    posted a message on (Solved) Need help with a few problems

    I'm about to finish a big game project in the editor which I have worked on for more than two months. I left with a few problems that holds me from publishing the game and which I will be very glad to get help in order to solve them:

    1) I modified an ability that based on "guardian shield", the problem is that each time the shield touches a unit on the map it activate the ability sound.

    2) One of the zerg ground units not entirelly disappear after it died and part of it left on the map.

    3) The ability "Hyperion - repair" repairing the unit too fast.

    4) Change model color which doesn't have an actor of its own (like death model or part of ability model)

    Any help will be very appreciated!

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    posted a message on (Solved) Need to know how to block an ability after upgrade

    Success!!! It really worked!!! Thank you so much guys for your help!!! (-:

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    posted a message on (Solved) Need to know how to block an ability after upgrade
    Quote from tatatatate: Go

    If I understood well, I put you an example map of your blocked ability. I took the siege tank tech example.

    I copied/pasted everything about the siege tech (requirement,upgrade and ability) and I copied too the siege mode. To make disappear the first siege tech, you can see in the requirement tab that if you have a condition that is not met in the use section, the ability will be seen but not selectable and if it is not met in the show section, the ability will be simply hidden.

    Your example is good, but it shows a solution for two upgrades, and in my case it is one borned ability (that already includes other critical requirement) and one upgrade to it (which will need to replace the ability after the research). I tried to configure it like you did and with much other different ways but I didn't succeed. Can you write me the exact steps I need to do in order for this to work?

    Quote from Quirriff: Go

    @li5445: Go

    quite simple.

    Use the NOT argument.

    So using ability requires X upgrade, but you can add the very same thing but put NOT, on top.

    Look at how all upgrades use the not argument as part of their requirements.

    Thanks for the help, but I need more details on how exactly doing that...

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    posted a message on (Solved) Need to know how to block an ability after upgrade

    Does it works also on autocasting or passive abilities and disabling them entirely? (and not only hide them or make them unclickable)

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    posted a message on (Solved) Need to know how to block an ability after upgrade

    I need to know pleese how to make an ability upgrade that once it has researched, one ability will be opened and other ability will be blocked or (better) removed. I already know how to make an ability upgrade that will open an ability, but what I don't know is how to make it block other ability on the way. I tried many possibilities but non of them worked. I will appreciate any help! (-:

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    posted a message on Need help with morph abilities

    Need help with creating two types of morph zerg abilities, each for every unit:

    First morph:

    Morph for example: Corruptor into Cocoon, then into Brood Lord.

    Second morph:

    Morph for example: Zergling upgrades and changes into Zerglings with Metabolic Boost - But instead of getting an ability, I want it to morph into another unit.

    Does anyone knows how to do it?

    Posted in: Data
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