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    posted a message on Help - Radius Check

    @admielke: Go

    You're not saying what the issue is. Seems to me you know what you want.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on (Solved) Several simple abilities

    @Scythe1250: Go

    As for your damage response issue...

    The damage response is on the same behavior as the root, correct? So what you want is the unit that is rooted to remove the behavior from itself when it takes damage.

    You should have the following fields set to the following values:

    Combat: Damage Response - Location: Defender

    Combat: Damage Response - Handled: [Your Remove Behavior Effect]

    Combat: Damage Response - Chance: 1

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Replace Button Textures

    Does anybody know if there's a way to replace the default ability button textures?

    I have been looking. Their images aren't specified at all in the SC2Layout files, so that's out. I also looked for these specific buttons in Assets/Textures with hopes of importing replacements under the same file path, but all attempts at that failed.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Why...

    @Taintedwisp: Go

    I made it so you can flip the entire interface so that the map is on the left! :D

    Shit... LoL did that too.

    Posted in: Heroes of the Storm
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    posted a message on Why...
    Quote from Taintedwisp: Go

    @MoDTassadar: Go

    What are you talking about... AoS ripped off LoL in its UI

    Hey! HEY! I resent that... lol

    Posted in: Heroes of the Storm
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    posted a message on Changing Weapon/ability effect to ground plane
    Quote from onlyleviathan: Go

    SOpTargetPointStationary SOpShadow BattlecruiserHurricaneSiteOpOffset

    Seems like the BattlecruiserHurricaneSiteOpOffset would be the logical choice. Just a guess, though.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How do i edit positions of UI Console Boxes?

    @Project_06: Go

    If you want somebody to actually do it for you, that's a different question. It would be more complicated to explain than to just do the entire thing.

    Two of the things that you mentioned, the wireframe and the name, have other interface components anchored to them. Moving them would move those other components as well.

    Basically, what I'm saying is, learn how to do it or ask somebody to do it for you.

    As far as moving the inventory goes, you can look at the layout snippet that I linked to see how to do that.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Custom UI/Dashboard

    @lemmy734: Go

    The trigger action to hide the console is UI - Show/Hide UI Frame. The frame that you want to select is Console Panel.

    SC2Layout files are more complicated to learn. I suggest you take a look through Helral's guide in UI Development, and make sure to try your hand at it as you go. If you have any specific questions, I'd be happy to help.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How can I change this ability to add scaling?

    @AdamantiumHydra: Go

    Don't use the array to save the last unit to cast the ability - use an array to save each player's hero, at the beginning of the game. So Player 1's hero would be stored permanently in Hero[1]. Then, when somebody takes damage from the ability, you just need to use the damage action as I wrote it above.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Request] UI Backgrounds

    Hey all,

    I am looking for somebody capable of throwing together some nice looking interface background images. Here's the interface, sans-backgrounds:


    What I need is essentially two images: a frame for the minimap, and a frame for the central ability / health/energy bar area. The background for the unit info at the right would essentially be the minimap background flipped, with some simple dividers between the inventory/portrait/stat areas. I want them to be Terran styled, and sleek and minimalistic.

    What I'm hoping for would probably be pretty simple to somebody skilled in photoshop, and I am hoping that somebody will simply take interest. What it would require to get you involved can be discussed, so please, just post if you are capable and interested. :)

    Thanks for your time,


    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [Solved]: Stacking Images and Slowly Removing Top Image

    @rtschutter: Go

    I'm actually inclined to agree with rtschutter. I didn't even know panels existed because I've never had to use one. You should use his method!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How do i edit positions of UI Console Boxes?

    @Project_06: Go

    You can move these things using SC2Layout files.

    Here's an example: Layout Snippet

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Add a dark background to a custom UI?

    @Demtrod: Go

    Here's an example layout file.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on How can I change this ability to add scaling?

    @AdamantiumHydra: Go

    Hey Fapamantium. ;D

    I assume the unit using this ability is going to be a special unit, like a hero? One per player? If so, just save it in an array of units with the index value being the player's number.

    That way, you could say Deal damage using Dummy Damage on (Triggering unit) from Hero[(Owner of (Damaging Unit))] with ((Stack count of Intelligence on Hero[(Owner of (Damaging Unit))]) * 0.5) extra damage

    Hope this helped.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved]: Stacking Images and Slowly Removing Top Image

    Well, the method that you are using should work, albeit if you want the bar to be black while the energy depletes. You really have two options, though:

    1. Have an image cover the full bar image as the energy depletes.
    2. Have the full bar image shrink as the energy depletes.

    Now, having the full bar image shrink as the energy depletes can look very ugly, as the bar is not designed like most energy bars. Most energy bars have the same vertical set of pixels in each X position, meaning that they can be shrunk along the X length and look exactly the same, but this one is not like that.

    One option I can think of is to have the filled bar image shrink by having it in a separate dialog and shrinking the dialog. The way this works is that the image of the filled bar does not shrink/distort at all, instead appropriate areas of it simply vanish as the dialog shrinks and there is no longer room for it.

    I know that sounds really complicated, so I'm attaching a map that demonstrates this.

    I hope that's what you were looking for!

    Posted in: Triggers
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