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    posted a message on Heart of The Swarm (Easter Eggs) *SPOILERS*

    I didn't find/make all the screenshots I post. I pull that from reddit like the next one which seems to be a star wars episode 4 reference:


    because Progammer didn't post the easteregg that he found in this thread... have my screenshot of it:

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Banks Updated

    Well, what was changed with signatures? I see no change.

    - You still set the signature option to be enabled on every bank.
    - Only load data from verified banks. Verified means that the signature fits to the bank data.
    - Unverified bank without sections belongs to a new player, save something like a bank version number to be able to control your banks with updates, fix data, reset data, etc...
    - I personally don't reset banks, if they aren't valid in a multiplayer game as the bank might just hit the limit. In singleplayer, it is save to reset it as banks don't seem to have a size limit in that.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Spoiler] HotS Campaign Discussion
    Quote from njordys: Go

    I would not have liked her to be a generic evil badass, I don't find obvious good guys or bad guys that interesting. As such Mengsk was a letdown for me. He was a mere annoyance, and his taunts felt generic. He could have been fleshed out a little, I would gladly play some more missions just to develop his character a bit. (perhaps a few more missions on Korhal, where you could use your full arsenal of upgraded units btw)

    I agree with that. It's not shown that he is a good emperor and wants the best for his dominion. He is a leader of frightened people that he tries to keep calm and wants to protect. He made sacrifices like Kerrigan in new Gettysburg in the past and is willing to sacrifice others like his son Valerian to protect himself and his position.
    The Zerg never kept anyone alive before, so he expected Kerrigan to die. Also, she might have not been saved without significant army losses in New Gettysburg and the fact that Kerrigan killed Arcturus' father was ensuring that he didn't risk much helping her. If I remember it correctly New Gettysburg was a risky suicide mission anyway. So Arcturus didn't chose the just way, but the better way for his dominion during a war with 2 other races.

    Unfortunately, he created a strong enemy betraying Kerrigan. This couldn't be foreseen and he was the one that didn't rescue. After the defeat of the Overmind Arcturus should be frightened of her attacking his dominion. She was a human, so she knows how they think and understands a bit how Arcturus would act.
    I really wonder what Mengsk was thinking when she didn't attack Korhal after his fleet was destroyed in the end of Broodwar. Maybe Kerrigan wasn't strong enough because she destroyed the last cerebrates and designed brood mothers as a new instances to control all of the broods.

    Quote from EternalWraith: Go

    I actually completely disagree and find her character better in HoTs. We see all sides of her. As I said, she is fundamentally human. Infested, then de-infested etc. The events and her character play out as one should expect. Its not extreme in either good or evil.

    I agree with you, too. First of all, she was altered by the artifact. If you don't like how she acted before
    She thought Jim would be dead and goes onto a rampage. Jim was the only thing she had left in her regained human life and then it was taken away. Of course she became even more willed to destroy Mengsk. The only way to revenge him was to take over more of the Swarm again which she then did. She's a human guided by revenge which feels also responsible for the Zerg where she is/was the boss and mother.

    For me, it makes sense so far and her feelings make sense, too.

    If Blizzard wouldn't be Blizzard, it would be cool, if Jim Raynor would have been killed instead of captured, thought. But Blizzard doesn't have the balls to perform a game of thrones and kill one of the biggest characters in the story.
    For most of us, it was clear that he didn't die, but that's a problem with us not accepting that he was dead during more than half of the campaign because of factors outside the story. If you actively imagine that he really was killed despite your expectations, the story makes sense.

    So, that's how I understand it.
    The problem that characters are portrayed as more or less evil is a problem that we get the whole story from the perspective of one person only and SC2. Persons shouldn't be good or evil as in the real world. Everyone just follows what they think is correct. Nobody does things because they are evil unless they suffer from mental damage (which is damage from the perspective from another person... for that person doing what the person does makes perfect sense... well, this goes so far that you can say that evil doesn't exist because everyone is just the result of the actions based on conditions).

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Where to get the SC2 Art Tools?

    They are still in beta and not publicly released, yet.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Disappearing Death Animations

    Changing the unit height now alters a state in the actor. It causes the AntiGrav custom deaths.

    I made a picture to show it in more detail...


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Heart of The Swarm (Easter Eggs) *SPOILERS*


    http://i.imgur.com/SojIc7b.jpg ^ the whole Protoss kitchen

    One boss fight is very similar to D3's Belial bossfight...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Baneblade
    Quote from DrSuperEvil: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    Says he logged in 2h ago.

    He logs in daily, but afaIk he doesn't respond to every PM, he doesn't show up on sites where he is a staff. I fixed it because Fate failed to contact him over a longer period of time. I was just so kind that I posted it here for everyone.
    It was a big surprise that he posted in the HotS discussion.

    Also, I learned how to add and use turrets while doing that. :)

    Posted in: Data Assets
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    posted a message on Global leaderboard?

    1. Save data for the highscore of the best players in each players' banks.

    2. Update the highscore data in every players' bank in each game they make using all the data all the players bring into the match.

    -> Playing often will result in a relatively correct leaderboard.

    It works like the spread of a disease.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Spoiler] HotS Campaign Discussion

    I like that you all used different tactics in the campaign.

    I used roach hydra at start and used hydra ultra after receiving ultralisks. I just a-moved across the map on brutal microing with Kerrigan to take out stronger units like warhounds and siege tanks. My Kerrigan used her primal spells (leap, dash).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Move Unit Instantly - Disjoints projectiles?
    Quote from BasharTeg: Go

    I've noticed that if projectiles move too quickly they won't detect nearby units when passing near/through them. Try slowing them down a bit to see if that fixes things. In fact, slow them down a LOT and progressively increase the speed until they start missing again.

    We are talking about REAL missiles here like a marauder missile. Moving via trigger now behaves like teleport effect making the projectiles explode on the unit's last point instead of onto the unit.

    This new behavior greatly messed up a physics system with spells.

    I tried to launch the units, but it looks horrible... there is nothing that can be compared to move + blend.
    Force effects make the unit move and for some reason it completely fails to work, if the attacked unit, a broodling, attacks another unit. Adding a behavior disabling multiple things did not fix it.

    I tried to retarget the missiles via data effect executed in a trigger, but you can't receive the target unit from the missile.

    The only thing that would work properly would be a retargetting via a persistent inbuilt into each missile that constantly retargets the missile. But that's a big overkill.

    > Blizzard needs to add an option to bypass missile dodging.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Spoiler] HotS Campaign Discussion

    Why had Raynor his gun in his cell as a prisoner?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Windows 8 No Tooltips
    Quote from Eimtr: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    You have to teach me with that thing called Win 8. When I have my new notebook with Win 8. As far as I heard, Win 8 is soo not for gamers. Too bad, I will miss the awesomeness of Win 7, also the AlienGuise Alien Breed skin that went with it on my soon-to-go-to-scrap Alienware M17, I used it and Win 8 has no Aw skins..

    Are you using Table view? I come from War3 and I still prefer the Details view - it may not have these problems, I am kind of used to it since the waely use of SC2.

    I'm using table view, yes. When I move from the right panel to the left one I usually have tooltips that don't disappear immediately. I need to move the mouse to another field with a tooltip to make it disappear...

    Use this with Win8 and win8 improves a lot!

    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on What do you listen to (while you map edit?)

    I'm listening to music most of the time. Sometimes I've some sc2 stream running in the background and listen to its music. The music is the normal music I listen to.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on modifying ScoreKill causes errors

    That means that you can't set that field value with catalog.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Windows 8 No Tooltips
    Quote from JacktheArcher: Go

    @Rileyb80: Go

    They fixed it with the most recent patch XD

    Do you have tooltips stay visible now, too? They stay visible for me when I move the mouse off the field before they were fully loaded...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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