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    posted a message on Triggering player - Picked Player

    Use action definitions if you want to pass information around.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Dogfighters


    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Official Custom Observer UI Information & Guide

    "Hell, was about time!" - some dead guy

    At least they made a proper documentation. :D

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Infopanel background


        <!-- Info Panel -->
        <Frame type="InfoPanel" name="GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/InfoPanel" file="GameUI">
            <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="-590"/>
            <Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="-10"/>
            <Anchor side="Right" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="0"/>
            <Height val="199"/>
            <!-- Right side infos -->
            <Frame type="InfoPaneUnit" name="InfoPaneUnit">
                <!-- custom image -->
                <Frame type="Image" name="InfoPanelImage">
                    <Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent\$parent" pos="Min" offset="0"/>
                    <Anchor side="Right" relative="$this" pos="Max" offset="0"/>
                    <Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$this" pos="Max" offset="0"/>
                    <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent\$parent" pos="Min" offset="0"/>
                    <Width val="580"/>
                    <Height val="199"/>
                    <Texture val="Assets\Textures\white32.dds"/>
                    <TextureType val="Border"/>
                    <AcceptsMouse val="false"/>
                    <TooltipAnchorPosition val="BottomRight"/>
                    <Alpha val="128"/>
                    <Color val="61,61,61"/>
                    <RenderPriority val="100"/>

    Where did I put my image, where did you put your image?
    I'm putting it into the correct frames, you are putting them into the ConsoleUIContainer.

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Infopanel background

    Just create the image inside each panel within infopanel like the grouppanel.

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Invisible bar in bottom of the screen

    ctrl + alt + f12
    then right click there to see a list of all elements above that point.

    I think they might have been called "stubs".

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on How to make bloodsplats hidden in Fog of War?

    Alter its visibility field (-> hidden instead of Snapshot)?
    Remove "_Snapshot" alias from actor, if that actor has it.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on How to prevent players from pressing a button more than once?

    Disable the button or hide the button. Check, if the button is enabled/visible whenever it was clicked before you execute the actions.

    If you use enable/disable, you need to set that state to enabled after creating the button. Newly created dialog items are in an invalid state.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on applying a behavior effect
    Quote from fishy77: Go

    @yukaboy: Go

    ok. That solves one thing. However that doesn't explain why it isn't applying the effect.

    Quote from yukaboy: Go

    Period is the time inbetween each time it applies the effect.

    Also, the period time runs before the periodic effect is executed... So you got to wait 9999 game seconds until your stat change is executed.

    It works like this:
    1. Behavior is added.
    2. Behavior runs init effect or refresh effect.
    3. Behavior waits for the period time to run out.
    4. You are impatient and stop here with your tests. Why don't you want to wait 2+ hours?
    5. Period time runs out and the periodic effect is executed.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Jay Wilson stating RMAH hurt Diablo
    Quote from maverck: Go

    AH ruined the game for me, not even RMAH, i never used it.

    i was having alot of fun, finding constant upgrades. interesting items i could use. eventually i decided to look at the AH. against my original intentions when going into the game. i found gear on there that was amazing. perfect gear. hundreds of identical items with perfect stat rolls. for EXTREMELY CHEAP. i bought them all. decked my character and became extremely fucking bored with the game. i didn't see a gear upgrade for a very very very long period of time. completely ruined the game for me, it should have never been added.

    maybe it would of worked if the amount of perfect roll items on the auction house was alot lower but the only way to solve that is to make it almost impossible for a good roll item to drop. which is another problem in itself.

    I had the same problem... First I played a long time on hardcore without problems, but after a while I had to grind a lot for upgrading my weapon to progress further... Later I bought more and more from it with my gold because it was cheap as f*ck.

    The problem is that higher leveled chars pick up good items for lower levels and sell them. Since they see more good items for lower levels than the lower levels themselves, they feed them with comparable low gold costs (because high level chars flood the market).

    I would put a minimum gold cost on each item depending on the item's value. These gold costs won't go to the seller, instead they are removed from the game. Now you will waste much more money if you keep using the auction house. I think that people would buy less and less items on the auction house because it's a real investment then.
    You could compare it to gambling in Diablo 2. You spend a lot of gold for a great upgrade. The difference with the auction house is that you can chose what you want...

    Trading directly with players ingame might be a lot cheaper then... and that's the form of trade that was existing in D2 and didn't ruin the game...
    The lazy/cheat mode would just cost a lot more money.

    Blizzard scaled the game pretty well with the gold amount throughout the game. So the endgame gold income isn't superduper much higher than the lower level gold income. This means that you won't receive a huge interest from your investment in a short time. So, you wouldn't be able to boost yourself through the levels with that.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on What lags more Unit or Doodad walls?
    Quote from JacktheArcher: Go

    @Ahli634: Go

    Yea thats what I meant ... Can you be more specific with what the validator s do? I have to use units for an entire city so this might help.

    You check, if the distance is comparable to the pathing distance (=pathing costs).

    You create bricks like this:

    DISTANCE 2 to 3:
    Distance(caster unit, target point) > 2 AND
    Distance(caster unit, target point) <= 3 AND 
    PathingDistance(caster unit, target point) <= 4

    General rule how to create a brick:

    DISTANCE n to n+1:
    Distance(caster unit, target point) > n AND
    Distance(caster unit, target point) <= n+1 AND 
    PathingDistance(caster unit, target point) <= n+2

    Then you combine a lot of these bricks for all ranges that you want to support with an OR. After that we can use this combine validator wherever needed.

    Weapons are like abilities: they use the validators in their first effect.

    In my diablo map I'm currently using 48 validators in total just for this weapon distancepathingDistance effect.
    In my map it's totally worth it... else I would need to trigger the whole AI of the monsters... I might do that one day for a few monsters, but not now.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Zerus Bridge
    Quote from Kanitala: Go

    The only real solution is to use the data editor to make a duplicate of the Mar Sara bridge, and give it an Actor event to set it's opacity to 0. Then place this to line up with the Zerus bridge in your map. This will mean units will appear to walk over the Zerus bridge in game as the Mar Sara bridge will be invisible. Hope that helped!

    Light bridge is better as it is only one pane ;)
    In theory, you could build any walkable physics object with a lot of those models...

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on What lags more Unit or Doodad walls?
    Quote from JacktheArcher: Go

    The only issue with doodads over units is now you can shoot through them. As far as I know there isn't a way around that.

    You would be able to shoot through units, too. But I think you mean that you can't create collision detections for colliding projectiles?

    The attacking over something can be fixed with a huge construct out of validators making sure that distance and pathing distance is nearly equal (Credits for Bibendus for coming up with that in his hivekeeper map). That fixed the problem that half of the monsters in my dungeons streamed towards you when one monster had vision of your hero.

    I'm using 100% units for my dungeons. I've approx 2k units on the map, but 4-5k can appear at once, too, but not permanently.
    More than 9k units will kill all performance. Try to keep the unit count as low as possible.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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