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    posted a message on Text Bugs

    Check the locale the editor is using, if that happens again. If everything is empty, it might change the active locale.
    If you upload a file with that problem, it might be easy to tell what is going wrong.

    At least I doubt that it rewrites all text in the map.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on [Request] Cone Cursor Splat

    I used raynor's railgun splat model for a line...

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on Must Target CC Requirment

    The first effect of the ability needs to have a validator for valid targets.

    If the first effect of a weapon/ability cannot be used on a target, the attack/ability can't even be casted on it.

    -> Add a validator to the ability's effect that checks, if the target unit's type is either a CC or an Orbital.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Trigger created actor with Snapshot

    I'm trying to replace units that acted as doodads in my dungeons (for my diablo mortal shroud map) with actors because that should result in a better performance.

    To create actors in the first place, I need to use "create model at point" for some reason. ("Create actor at point" doesn't seem to do anything at all.)

    This creates an actor called "trigger model".

    The problem is that I can't get "trigger model" to generate snapshots in the fog of war.

    I altered the entry in the data to have a "_Snapshot" alias. That was working for attached actors, but it doesn't seem to work for simple model actors. I tried to use the "Take Snapshot" actor message, too, but it didn't alter anything.

    So, does anyone have an idea how I could make the snapshot work?

    Dimmed visibility seems to work in general. The models just react slightly odd.
    I'm currently tinkering with the visibility radius of the model...

    Visual Radius of 0.01 seems fine. The model is only bright when it's outside the fog area.

    The only complaint I can have is that they are visible through vision blocking walls.
    My walls are 1x1 buildings. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to make vision blockers not remove the black mask of a 1x1 area around the footprint. This allows the player to see the terrain on the other side of the wall which reveals the doodads.
    Oh well, it's only a minor problem as my walls give away the dungeon structure, too.

    For example, this skeleton is visible across the wall.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Custom sound length\duration

    1. Create MUSIC sound entries in the data editor with the music file referenced in its sound assets.
    2. Create a soundtrack entry containing these sound files.
    3. Use a trigger to change the soundtrack playing in the music channel:

                    Sound - Play Music aaaMySuperSoundtrack (0) for (playerGroup) (with cue Any Cue) and Do Not make default
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dead units

    Units have a death time. Usually it is 0, but if you have units with a higher time, they are dead, but still on the map.

    If you remove a lot of units with triggers, they can still be found as dead units for a short while after that. This might happen with units killed by data, too. The game might just limit the amount of units it clears from the game memory and wherever they all were registered to avoid CPU usage spikes.

    -> So, you usually filter out dead units.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Player Group not detected as Empty
    PlayerDidNotEscape == (Empty player group)

    Seems like this is always returning false. So, the comparison of unit groups does not compare the content, it compares if both sides reference the same object in memory.
    "(Empty player group)" should return a reference to a new, empty player group.

    To solve your problem, you should use "Number of players in PlayerDidNotEscape == 0" as the condition of the if.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on UI Errors, Bugs and Fixes

    Max stack value is the amount of behaviors of that type that can be applied to a unit. With a max stack of 1 or 0, there is only 1 behavior of that type on a unit.
    For example, if you would give stimpacks stacks, then marines could stim multiple times and run/shoot even faster.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Unit sound missing?

    @theGioM: Go Just copy paste the sound fields... ctrl+c and ctrl+v in table view.

    Also, you can select multiple entries in the left panel. In table view, it just adds another column with that... Then it's super easy to copy paste multiple fields from one actor to another...

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on UI Errors, Bugs and Fixes

    @RAJOD: Go

    1. Wrong forum. This is not sc2 UI related.

    2. Blizzard changed the fields in the gameUI it seems. Your map has fields the editor doesn't know anymore, so he doesn't know where to put the data your map contains and throws error messages instead.
    The first 2 errors occur because the max stack count value in 2 behavior entries are too big. So you should edit those values. The editor might be smart enough to give you a proper upper border for the value now.

    To fix the other things the editor complains about, change a value in the GameUI tab of the data editor. Save the map, revert the value to what was there before (-> right click field -> reset to parent -> chose upper option) and save the map again. The change in the data makes the editor overwrite that section in your map when you save it. Then you go ahead and revert that change and save again.

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Make a buff look darker every 3 second?
    Quote from DrSuperEvil: Go

    Are you sure a blend time of the colour over a time period would not be better?

    Depends how he wants to have it look like. So, a tint message with a blend time is fine, too. But your post suggested timers and multiple tint color messages, so I threw that additional info in.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Make a buff look darker every 3 second?

    In addition to DrSUperEvil:
    If you have multiple timers, you need to filter for the correct timer with the "timer name" term. When you start a timer, you can give it a name, too.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Energy pickup - affect cargo units?

    Set effect containing:
    -A: modify unit effect
    -B: Iterate Transport effect -> modify unit effect

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What causes Stalls/Min

    The cheat "ActorInfoDisplay" shows you the actor count.

    Usually stalls are created by model file loading and bigger trigger loads for me (for example updating hero stats and inventory tooltips).

    Else, check out Blizzard's tutorial for actor cheats.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Dialog labels returns text ID instead of real text

    Your map has multiple locales. Your friend uses one that doesn't include those texts in that language.

    So, you either delete the locales that you don't use or you fully localize your map. I suggest the first option.

    Posted in: Triggers
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