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    posted a message on Patch 2.0.10 has been deployed to the server, AND here are some good news...
    Quote from Mille25: Go

    @Ahli634: Go Does it mean that I dont have to re-upload a map which uses a dependency after i updated that dependency? If so, what happens if I remove or alter functions in the dependency which are used by the map? Does the map get unloadable?

    Edit: Just tested it. Updated a dependency without re-uploading the map using it, but in battle.net the map had the newest dependency version in use. This is amazing. Testing what happens when deleting stuff from the dependency now.

    Yes, the map will automatically use newest mod file it can find.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 2.0.10 has been deployed to the server, AND here are some good news...
    Quote from Mille25: Go

    In addition, I'm not quite sure what Quote:

    Added an “Always Use Latest Version” option for Battle.net dependencies published by the active user. This is only available when using the “My Documents” source

    is supposed to mean.

    Dependency window to bnet file received a checkbox. I assume that you can enable it, if your dependency is a file that was published with your account. As you published the mod, it's likely that you don't just remove things from it to break your game. In case you delete things, it won't break existing maps by other users that use your mod. That's why it will only be usable for mods that you "own".

    Other changes:
    - Models now have a portrait offset field.
    - "Art:Physics Type" in model entities was removed. But some new ones were added regarding physics.
    - Behaviors have a "heal dealt multiplier" and a "heal taken multiplier"
    - effects have a "damage modifier source - effect" and a "damage modifier source - value"
    - modify unit effect has new fields: "rally unit - effect" and "rally unit - value"
    - create healer effect has new fields: "expire effect", "final effect", new flags to suppress energy/life/shield regeneration, periodic period and periodic validator (-> for periodic effect), recharge vital fraction, recharge vital max
    - weapon has 2 new fields: critical chance, critical effect
    - learn ability has 2 new fields: veterancy level min, veterancy level skip
    - revive ability has 2 new fields: command buttons - requirements, command buttons - validator array
    - train ability has 2 new fields: death type when canceled, death type when finished
    - "target life not full" validator has been removed from core mod (you can recreate it, if required...) [other core entries vanished, too. actors seems to have lost a few old ones and received even more new ones]
    - action actor has new fields: host impact source - actor+effect+fail if no host+reach across effect trees, scope, subject, launch requiest - reach across effect tree, host supporter - reach across effect tree
    - every actor received a new field: "filter players"
    - range actors now have an "icon tint" field

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 2.0.10 has been deployed to the server, AND here are some good news...
    Quote from Mille25: Go

    Well... any trigger changes? :)

    I didn't see anything... but some files are compressed or altered in some other way, So only a few portions of them are clear text.

    Transformation Servos is the hellbat<-> hellion morph, isn't it? There is a new icon for that. I assume that's for the upgrade.
    Here it is:

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 2.0.10 has been deployed to the server, AND here are some good news...
    Quote from KorvinGump: Go

    @Renee2islga: Go

    Crit strike, warcraft 3 armor? I did it 3 years ago http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/tutorials/9853-triggers-data-warcraft-3-armor-system/.

    Most likely the armor reduction will be visible on the armor icon and therefore much more accessible for the user.

    I found some editorstrings in the update mpq files:

    STR_FIELDHINT_CUnit_EnergyArmor=Armor applied against damage when unit has energy remaining, if EnergyDamageRatio greater thanÿ zero.
    EDSTR_FIELDHINT_CUnit_EnergyDamageRatio=If greater than zero, damagapplied to energy before life.  This many points of dÿamagabsorbed for each point of energy lost.
    EDSTR_FIELDHINT_CUnit_ShieldArmor=Armor applied against damage when unit has shieldÿ remaining, if ShieldDamageRatio greater than zero.
    EDSTR_FIELDHINT_CUnit_ShieldDamageRatio=If greater than zero, damagapplied Ýto shields before energy.  This many points of damagabsorbed for each point of shields lost.

    So, those fields belong to the unit...

    Game Hotkey texts indicate that there are 2 zoom levels for observers:
    substring I found indicating this: "ObserveZoomCameraLevel1ObserveZoomCameraLevel2"

    RemoveBehavior_BehaviorAlignment=This effect will remove the specified number of behaviors that are of thŽis alignment.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 2.0.10 has been deployed to the server, AND here are some good news...

    F*ck yeah, Blizzard!

    Critical attack chance? excellent!

    Armor formula? Epic... I wish their next editor generation will support formulas in most fields, though.

    Color blind mode support... will make a lot of people happy.

    Energy Damage Ratio: Diablo's Mana/Energy shield possibility? Or is that a new aspect of a damage effect or on buffs?

    Removing behaviors via alignment... yeah, I wanted that quite a while ago... ended up iterating over the behaviors on a unit and checking the catalog settings. So, I might be able to transfer that to data...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [solved] [event] Unit construction progress completed

    Use "Any Unit" in the event. Most of the time, it's wrong to specify anything in events.

    Events are initialized at map start. Therefore, they shouldn't contain variables/functions/etc.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Official Custom Observer UI Information & Guide
    Quote from theonlyshaft: Go

    Okay so I"m a little fuzzy. I just finished editing ahali's interface to suit my own needs for casting/observing. Now I'm trying to do a version of it that will be viable for actual gameplay. From my understanding, that's possible right? Something about EModType, from the original document, but for whatever reason I'm having a hard time finding data on it. Anyone know where I should start?

    You can't alter the UI for ladder matches, etc... You can alter the default UI for all players in an arcade map, though.

    Also, my nick is "Ahli". :D

    Posted in: Tutorials
  • 0

    posted a message on why does my ability kill EVERYTHING??? solvED

    We require more miner.... information. Please post screenshots or the xml of the effects.

    I suspect your search not being "supposdely fine".

    Damage effects have an area field... make sure it's not set to a big radius. Check the search effect, too, if your effect chain/tree uses one.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Editing a Classic Broodwar map (Need help)
    Quote from OldSchoolJetson: Go

    @LazyCoder: Go

    The nibbitz site associated with OMAP, has a virus on it..( norton blocked it thank god) I would suggest anyone with the same problem, avoid that site, and go to the Blizzard forum)..just FYI

    You don't need osmap to fix the problem as the map itself can be opened. Osmap is just an unprotector that fixes maps that you can't open in scmdraft2 due to compression/protection created by other programs like tinymap.

    So, were you able to just alter that one setting in the map file using scmdraft2 and did it work?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Editing a Classic Broodwar map (Need help)

    I didn't test this, but it should work:

    1. Open the map in scmdraft2

    2. Scenario (at the top of the screen) -> Map Description

    3. Change the "Owner" of Player 1 to "Human" instead of "Unused". Unused slots are not used by SC.

    4. Save and test.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Observer Interface Playercolor
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
            <Frame type="Frame" name="GameUI/UIContainer/FullscreenUpperContainer" file="GameUI">
                <Frame type="PlayerFrame" name="PlayerResourcesImageBorder">
                    <Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent" pos="Mid" offset="0"/>
                    <Anchor side="Right" relative="$parent" pos="Mid" offset="300"/>
                    <Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$parent" pos="Mid" offset="300"/>
                    <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent" pos="Mid" offset="0"/>
                    <VersusModePlayerSide val="Left"/>
                    <Frame type="Label" name="Label">
                        <Anchor relative="$parent"/>
                        <IgnoreParentColor val="false"/>
                        <Style val="TEST"/>
                        <Text val="@DOCSTR_0025"/>
                        <Unclipped val="true"/>

    Works just fine in my interface.

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Can you modify existing arcade maps?

    You can't open locked maps (directly). But non-locked maps can be opened by everyone. Then you can edit them and upload your own version of it with another name.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Observer Interface Playercolor

    Try to put the label inside a frame of the type "PlayerFrame" that has <VersusModePlayerSide val="Left"/> as a property.

    "VersusModePlayerSide" is a property of these Player frames that exist.

    I'm using that to tint an image in player color:

                <Frame type="PlayerFrame" name="PlayerResourcesImageBorder">
                    <Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="2"/>
                    <Anchor side="Right" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="-2"/>
                    <Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="-2"/>
                    <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent\$parent\ResourceFrame\PlayerResourcesImageBorder" pos="Min" offset="0"/>
                    <VersusModePlayerSide val="Right"/>
                    <Frame type="Image" name="Image">
                        <Anchor relative="$parent"/>
                        <IgnoreParentColor val="false"/>
                        <Alpha val="153"/>
                        <Texture val="border_2px.dds"/>
                        <TextureType val="Border"/>
                        <Tiled val="false"/>
                        <RenderPriority val="101"/>

    It should work for labels, too...

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Trigger Mishap

    "Player x from Playergroup" returns a player in the x-th slot instead of the player number. The first slot should be Player 0 by default.

    Player numbers are integers, so you can directly write the player number you want.

    In addition to that, you clearly want an OR in your conditions. The OR adds another layer whose contained elements are all combined via OR.
    So, you might want something like this:

    . . . Owner of (Killing Unit) == 15
    . . . Owner of (Killing Unit) == 0

    0 is the neutral player, 15 is the hostile player.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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