You can just do it yourself by setting a boolean to true when the shift key is pressed and then checking to see if that is true when a mouse button is pressed...
I'm shocked at the RPG vote so far though. Personally I've always felt RPGs to be a write-off, since we're limited by map size.
Well, a good single player RPG with map swapping would be amazing. Also, you can just have everything in 1/2 scale to get a 512x512 map, which is actually a lot of space.
@obliviron: Go
You need to give more details as to what kind of artist you want if you want to get someone.
@Bounty_98: Go
Ah. Have you been "researching?" :P
@Scbroodsc2: Go
I'd actually meant the fog doodads lol.
@bonahona: Go
For me, the fog just looks unnatural and somewhat spoils it. Perhaps you could try darkening the fog a little bit?
I mean the fog doodads if anyone is confused.
@dra6o0n: Go
Oh we can do all this, but modeling for SC2 is a lot harder than for Wc3.
11 is very easy. Just make Zeratul play his spell ability :P
On a serious note, I'm about 10.
... Any updates?
In case people aren't checking the forum, here's a screenshot of a boss room for the first dungeon, which happens to be nearing completion :)
@madlibrarian: Go
No problem :)
@madlibrarian: Go
You can send a PM to someone, then after you've sent it, attach a file. I know, it's a little retarded...
@progammer: Go
I need to go there...
@Mozared: Go
You can in fact make elevators. Though they only work with units, not doodads :(
You can just do it yourself by setting a boolean to true when the shift key is pressed and then checking to see if that is true when a mouse button is pressed...
Well, a good single player RPG with map swapping would be amazing. Also, you can just have everything in 1/2 scale to get a 512x512 map, which is actually a lot of space.
@Djmaaad: Go
What project? This is a very nice model.