Roker Actor is a Site Actor, when applied to an unit will rocks the unit back and forth by changing its roll, pitch or elevation over time
Rocker Actor is used in the game as Anti Grav Rocker, used to rocks unit slightly when they are lifted by phoenix
The tutorials will guide through simple step by steps to recreate things in the videos from basics to advanced
A map can be found below for downloads
Feel free to contact me by pm or posting down this thread for help
SiteOps Banker by default on most air unit mess up with rocker actor sometimes, remove them on the unit you want to use.
1: The Roll Voidray
Being the simplest of all, the Roll Voidray has a permanent behavior on it, in which the Rocker Actor will roll it constantly back and forth (and uniformly)
- Create a Behavior (Buff) named RollVoidray with all default value
- Open the Void Ray Unit, add the behavior RollVoidray to it (so its permanent)
- Open the Void Ray Actor, Hosting - Host Site Operations+ and remove the SOpBanker....
- Find and duplicate the Anti Grav Rocker (for its default attachment stuff) and changes the events as the following pictures.
(behavior off is not needed since its permanent). The Events setup will make sure any unit that have this behavior will roll.
Now let's examine some of the fields in the rocker actor
Actor - Roll Period: Time period in which the unit rolls back and forth. Set Base and Range back to 0.0
Actor - Roll: Value in which the unit will roll. Reset back to 0.0
Actor - Pitch Period: Same as Roll, except with unit pitch. Set this to 5.0, (random) Range to 0.0
Actor - Pitch: Same as Roll, except with unit pitch. Set this to -360 (which means the unit will rolls forward first)
Actor - Elevation Period / Actor Elevation: Same as Roll, reset all to 0.0
2: The Drunk Marauder
The drunk Marauder will be very similar to the Roll Voidray, with more changes in pitch and roll
- Repeat all the steps from the voidray, changes these value in the rocker actor you duplicated. Range value are the random range that the value can be randomized
Actor - Roll Period: Base 2.0, Random 0.5
Actor - Roll: 30.0, 5.0
Actor - Pitch Period: 2.0, 0.5
Actor - Pitch: 30.0, 5.0
Actor - Elevation Period: 2.0, 0.5
Actor - Elevation: 0.1, 0.05
3: The RollCopter
The RollCopter is quite complicated so I would write a general guide instead.
The unit needs to have the behavior on only while moving so I put the validator(disable) for the behavior to be Caster Is Not Stationary
The unit need to only roll forward and not backward so I have to stop and re-apply the behavior before the rolling back happens. A bunch of apply behavior effect is used with durations to reapply it. A secondary behavior is used to prevent infinite loop when unit dies.
Pitch Period, Pitch, and behavior duration is fine-tuned to match the unit speed (banshee)
4: Kamikaze Spell
The spell apply a behavior Kamikaze on the unit that disable the normal RollCopter behavior, buff move speed and made invulnerable
A new Rocker actor is used for Kamikaze behavior to spin unit sideways
Periodic effect is used to damage unit in the way
Final effect is used to suicide the caster and damage unit in a large radius
Credits go to GnaReffotsirk for discovering the uses of Rocker Actor:
with some work, I think you can make a good looking zombie bob like Black ops has. Also good for a dizzy motion after being mauled by something. (think stars off of bugs bunny).
Spinning projectiles could be awesome. Just for one example if you make a "ball" map and somebody hits the ball you could easily make the ball spin with this.
Make sure you duplicate the Antiv Grav Rocker from the phonix's ability, and re-reference it with you behavior. For the most simple one, try roll voidray
- Open the Void Ray Actor, Hosting - Host Site Operations+ and remove the SOpBanker....
Cant find the Hosting - Host Site Operations+ SOpBanker thing..
Edit: Found it.. Didnt have advanced fields turned on so it eluded me.
Edit: For the first tutorial, I tried setting elevation period base and range to 0 and my unit just gets stuck, it cant move but it shows its moving on the minimap. Any ideas why?
Sure, only some air unit have sopbanker on, building or ground unit dont so you can experiment with that, and banker only prevent pitch, not roll or height
Keep in mind that things dont have to be in constant motion with this actor.
This actor can do many things.
Animate a Rotation at any angle
Slitly tilt a unit at any angle
Rotate a unit in a specific direction with animation and then animate the unit returning to the original orientation
It can do more then just apply a constant rotation which is all you see done in the demo video
Could you please give more details as to how you would perform such functions without triggers?
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The RollCopter
Rocker Actor
Roker Actor is a Site Actor, when applied to an unit will rocks the unit back and forth by changing its roll, pitch or elevation over time
Rocker Actor is used in the game as Anti Grav Rocker, used to rocks unit slightly when they are lifted by phoenix
1: The Roll Voidray
Being the simplest of all, the Roll Voidray has a permanent behavior on it, in which the Rocker Actor will roll it constantly back and forth (and uniformly)
- Create a Behavior (Buff) named RollVoidray with all default value
- Open the Void Ray Unit, add the behavior RollVoidray to it (so its permanent)
- Open the Void Ray Actor, Hosting - Host Site Operations+ and remove the SOpBanker....
- Find and duplicate the Anti Grav Rocker (for its default attachment stuff) and changes the events as the following pictures.
(behavior off is not needed since its permanent). The Events setup will make sure any unit that have this behavior will roll.
Now let's examine some of the fields in the rocker actor
2: The Drunk Marauder
The drunk Marauder will be very similar to the Roll Voidray, with more changes in pitch and roll
- Repeat all the steps from the voidray, changes these value in the rocker actor you duplicated. Range value are the random range that the value can be randomized
3: The RollCopter
The RollCopter is quite complicated so I would write a general guide instead.
4: Kamikaze Spell
Credits go to GnaReffotsirk for discovering the uses of Rocker Actor:
Them ultralisks look like dolphins leaping outta the water o.0
with some work, I think you can make a good looking zombie bob like Black ops has. Also good for a dizzy motion after being mauled by something. (think stars off of bugs bunny).
Nice it gives me some reasons to dive deeper into actor events
Spinning projectiles could be awesome. Just for one example if you make a "ball" map and somebody hits the ball you could easily make the ball spin with this.
haha thats so great! This is super useful, so good job!
Keep in mind that things dont have to be in constant motion with this actor.
This actor can do many things.
It can do more then just apply a constant rotation which is all you see done in the demo video
@SouLCarveRR: Go
Yes I suck at data. But the actor force rotation back and fourth so precise timing will be needed.
i followed ur instructions step by step
but it still doesnt spin :S
@Selfcreation: Go
Make sure you duplicate the Antiv Grav Rocker from the phonix's ability, and re-reference it with you behavior. For the most simple one, try roll voidray
thats the one im trying to do , lol i did everything to the letter.
i think i know why now , its not attacking
is there a way to just make it roll the second it moves?
im stuck on this step :(
- Open the Void Ray Actor, Hosting - Host Site Operations+ and remove the SOpBanker....
Cant find the Hosting - Host Site Operations+ SOpBanker thing..
Edit: Found it.. Didnt have advanced fields turned on so it eluded me.
Edit: For the first tutorial, I tried setting elevation period base and range to 0 and my unit just gets stuck, it cant move but it shows its moving on the minimap. Any ideas why?
@FuzzYD: Go
Sure, only some air unit have sopbanker on, building or ground unit dont so you can experiment with that, and banker only prevent pitch, not roll or height
Say I wanted to use Data to Make a banshee roll once when i click a non-targeting ability. How would I do it?
@FuzzYD: Go
Associated it with a buff, the roll copter is an example, even though quite complicated
Attempting to use this to make cars do wheelies =)
Is it by any chance possible to make a tower with the marine model spin towards enemies as if it was a normal unit with this logic?
that would be soo cool. <3
@ikillforeyou: Go
dont really think so....
Could you please give more details as to how you would perform such functions without triggers?
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
Is there a way to Have this data driven. When my Variable X = 15 the pitch gos to 15?