Here are some screenies of what I have finished up so far. I have been kind of busy lately due to some work stuff, but I have pretty much all of the terrain generally finished, and just need to do some cosmetic touch ups and add in a bit more detail / strategic value areas.
In an attempt to build a map close to the Tolkien Lore I have tried to bring as many of the details available in his writings as well as presented in his maps of the regions to life. That taken into into respect I also am aware that this map is for a strategy game so I am taking some liberties with design in order to give it more of a strategic element. Such as the construction of forests, waterways, mountain passes and some other strategically valuable features.
I hope you have enjoyed taking a little look at the work I have been up to. Please voice any comments here as I am trying to make a map that everyone will enjoy and that requires feedback even if it is in early stages.
Again thank you for taking a look at this and I will attempt to place more images as the project moves along.
I like the overview map but it will be impossible to use in game.... way too big
you should try to split it up and play trough parts of the map...adding more detail to a smaller area.
Here are some screenies of what I have finished up so far. I have been kind of busy lately due to some work stuff, but I have pretty much all of the terrain generally finished, and just need to do some cosmetic touch ups and add in a bit more detail / strategic value areas.
Overview of Middle Earth: Link to the Image.
Northeastern (Rhovanion, Mirkwood, Ered Engrin, Rhun, Erebor, and Ered Mithrin) Middle Earth: Link to the Image.
Northwestern (Enedwaith, Arnor, Angmar, and Lindon) Middle Earth: Link to the Image.
Southeastern (Central and Eastern Gondor, Ithilien and Mordor) Middle Earth: Link to the Image.
Far South (Haradwaith) Middle Earth: Link to the Image.
In an attempt to build a map close to the Tolkien Lore I have tried to bring as many of the details available in his writings as well as presented in his maps of the regions to life. That taken into into respect I also am aware that this map is for a strategy game so I am taking some liberties with design in order to give it more of a strategic element. Such as the construction of forests, waterways, mountain passes and some other strategically valuable features.
I hope you have enjoyed taking a little look at the work I have been up to. Please voice any comments here as I am trying to make a map that everyone will enjoy and that requires feedback even if it is in early stages.
Again thank you for taking a look at this and I will attempt to place more images as the project moves along.
Great look landscape you have there!.. Hope to see it in the battlefield.
I like the overview map but it will be impossible to use in game.... way too big you should try to split it up and play trough parts of the map...adding more detail to a smaller area.
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