I am starting a fully complex quest library in my spare time, and I am looking for idea's, but first let me list what is being planned, as I am just in the design phase.
Initial plans
Support for 50 quests (this will be increased later)
Various Quest Objectives (Collect, Kill, SpeakTo, Explore, Escort, Find, Deliver)
Objectives can be Timed
Multiple Objectives per Quest (5 Max)
Reward Types (All, Pick, Random)
Multiple Rewards per Quest (3, including Money)
Custom Quest Manager
Custom Quest Dialogs with NPC's
Interactive NPC's (Quest Markers Denoting State and Click Interaction)
Quest Tracker (Support for 5 quests)
Saving Quest States per Hero
Smart Quest Descriptions
Quest Descriptions will have the option of being written like so, Please {class} {amount} {type}, and then Return to {giver} for your reward. as an example, this would then look like this Please Kill 30 Beasts, and then Return to Jacob for your reward. It would be different for each type of quest.
If you have any suggestions please leave them below.
If you would like to help with the Development of this Library please contact me through a PM with your email.
This is the first project I have planned for what will eventually be a fully featured RPG Library, this is a long term development project, which will eventually will include the Quest Library, Hero Library, Dungeon Library, Shops and a General RPG Library, and more...
Hello All,
I am starting a fully complex quest library in my spare time, and I am looking for idea's, but first let me list what is being planned, as I am just in the design phase.
Initial plans
Quest Descriptions will have the option of being written like so, Please {class} {amount} {type}, and then Return to {giver} for your reward. as an example, this would then look like this Please Kill 30 Beasts, and then Return to Jacob for your reward. It would be different for each type of quest.
If you have any suggestions please leave them below.
If you would like to help with the Development of this Library please contact me through a PM with your email.
This is the first project I have planned for what will eventually be a fully featured RPG Library, this is a long term development project, which will eventually will include the Quest Library, Hero Library, Dungeon Library, Shops and a General RPG Library, and more...