Does anyone know how Blizzard linkes their NativeLib.SC2Lib and NativeLib.galaxy files, they are attached below for reference, I can't figure it out yet.
Looking over the files somemore, it appears like Ntve is the key for the name, all the Library references are to that, and in the script it is libNtve_{prefix}_{name}, in the Library they just use the name and the reset must be added by the Engine.
So I still need to create the SC2Lib File in the editor, but how can I Export the SC2Lib and the Related Scripts for Distribution, by default it just adds them right to the map file.
I am starting a fully complex quest library in my spare time, and I am looking for idea's, but first let me list what is being planned, as I am just in the design phase.
Initial plans
Support for 50 quests (this will be increased later)
Various Quest Objectives (Collect, Kill, SpeakTo, Explore, Escort, Find, Deliver)
Objectives can be Timed
Multiple Objectives per Quest (5 Max)
Reward Types (All, Pick, Random)
Multiple Rewards per Quest (3, including Money)
Custom Quest Manager
Custom Quest Dialogs with NPC's
Interactive NPC's (Quest Markers Denoting State and Click Interaction)
Quest Tracker (Support for 5 quests)
Saving Quest States per Hero
Smart Quest Descriptions
Quest Descriptions will have the option of being written like so, Please {class} {amount} {type}, and then Return to {giver} for your reward. as an example, this would then look like this Please Kill 30 Beasts, and then Return to Jacob for your reward. It would be different for each type of quest.
If you have any suggestions please leave them below.
If you would like to help with the Development of this Library please contact me through a PM with your email.
This is the first project I have planned for what will eventually be a fully featured RPG Library, this is a long term development project, which will eventually will include the Quest Library, Hero Library, Dungeon Library, Shops and a General RPG Library, and more...
I am looking to create a Trigger Library, but I want to write it in Galaxy Script not in the trigger editor, how can I go from a file structure of scripts to a Library file?
You really don't need to dupe the model if you are leaving it the same, you only need to dupe items you are going to be changing.
Most commonly the Unit, Effects, Actors, Weapons
I would suggest starting again and making doing each change one by one, duplicate all the things you want to change and adjust them one by one and test after each one.
I have this trigger which handles ship movement and I was wondering if anyone see anyway I can make it run less/or improve preformance with a different event.
I am trying to figure out how to change the Build time for a Morph Ability, A copy of the Greater Spire to be exact. The Build time is not there for the ability like with the other non morph building abilities.
I was wondering if it is possible to create a Mover and Attach it to a unit and make the move restrict movment to any ground lower than a certain height?
Does anyone know how Blizzard linkes their NativeLib.SC2Lib and NativeLib.galaxy files, they are attached below for reference, I can't figure it out yet.
Looking over the files somemore, it appears like Ntve is the key for the name, all the Library references are to that, and in the script it is libNtve_{prefix}_{name}, in the Library they just use the name and the reset must be added by the Engine.
So I still need to create the SC2Lib File in the editor, but how can I Export the SC2Lib and the Related Scripts for Distribution, by default it just adds them right to the map file.
Hello All,
I am starting a fully complex quest library in my spare time, and I am looking for idea's, but first let me list what is being planned, as I am just in the design phase.
Initial plans
Quest Descriptions will have the option of being written like so, Please {class} {amount} {type}, and then Return to {giver} for your reward. as an example, this would then look like this Please Kill 30 Beasts, and then Return to Jacob for your reward. It would be different for each type of quest.
If you have any suggestions please leave them below.
If you would like to help with the Development of this Library please contact me through a PM with your email.
This is the first project I have planned for what will eventually be a fully featured RPG Library, this is a long term development project, which will eventually will include the Quest Library, Hero Library, Dungeon Library, Shops and a General RPG Library, and more...
I am looking to create a Trigger Library, but I want to write it in Galaxy Script not in the trigger editor, how can I go from a file structure of scripts to a Library file?
You really don't need to dupe the model if you are leaving it the same, you only need to dupe items you are going to be changing.
Most commonly the Unit, Effects, Actors, Weapons
I would suggest starting again and making doing each change one by one, duplicate all the things you want to change and adjust them one by one and test after each one.
Setting the Unit UI Height to 10 will make sure it is always 10 above the ground level, no matter how high or low that is.
Thanks, I was wondering what those values were for, poorly named.
@Anthius: Go
I was pretty sure that only 32 could be run in total a second, not each trigger, am I wrong?
I have this trigger which handles ship movement and I was wondering if anyone see anyway I can make it run less/or improve preformance with a different event.
wrong forum
Thanks alot, now my Ship movement works pretty well
I am trying to figure out how to change the Build time for a Morph Ability, A copy of the Greater Spire to be exact. The Build time is not there for the ability like with the other non morph building abilities.
I am looking for a way to move a unit a fixed distance in front of him, that being in the direction of his facing.
Any advice?
I was wondering if it is possible to create a Mover and Attach it to a unit and make the move restrict movment to any ground lower than a certain height?
You just need to import the items over the default values for the icons.
I noticed that the editor test doesn't always and sometimes never picks up the changes, but it seems to work online well enough.