I feel like I'm doing this one wrong, or maybe it's just not possible to do this one right. Can you avoid the shots somehow? I didn't seem to be able to micro away or out of range of them. All I could do was pick targets, and it didn't seem to matter which I picked, (except perhaps medivacs, not sure there).
:( could someone please make a vid of mine that would be really cool :D
I'll try to make videos of a few of the ones that are missing them in a couple hours, as soon as I have time.
Archon X-ing video:
More videos on the way.
Drone Dash video:
Sorry I kinda sucked at it, hopefully people can get an idea of what the game's like anyway.
Space Invaders video:
I feel like I'm doing this one wrong, or maybe it's just not possible to do this one right. Can you avoid the shots somehow? I didn't seem to be able to micro away or out of range of them. All I could do was pick targets, and it didn't seem to matter which I picked, (except perhaps medivacs, not sure there).
I have added a video to my map