I have some imported images I wanted to use as buttons and I was wondering how to "buttonize" them. Is it possible to do this with a few settings, or must the image be specifically tailored? by making it button-like I mean it should have the default SC borders in the correct race colors, should highlight slightly when you run the mouse over them etc.
I have some imported images I wanted to use as buttons and I was wondering how to "buttonize" them. Is it possible to do this with a few settings, or must the image be specifically tailored? by making it button-like I mean it should have the default SC borders in the correct race colors, should highlight slightly when you run the mouse over them etc.
Buttons as objects do the borders/colors/highlightnings by themselves, images passively lay under these visuals.
The only thing imagesneed is alpha level to contour the object to make background transparent.
@Zolden: Go
Does this mean that you would have to make several images and load them into the editor, or does the .dds have some built in support of alpha layer?
@Monkalizer: Go
dds has alpha support. If you have an image that have 50% opacity it will transfer to the editor.