The boss didn't spawn D: Anyway, hope we can test it next week =D I liked it better this time, force fields lasted longer and players had more health. Also, I want an element too!
I dont mind the amount of spells, but you should maybe add like a 60 second practice period at the start
Nodgene's thingy (Deadlocked?)
was fun. Love my siege tanks. They get roflstomped by anything using hardened shields though, seems no one noticed that. Or mass air.
The part about green being at a disadvantage terrain wise... We got a huge amount of extra range, I think the disadvantage is a good thing (I dont know what it is since I didnt pay much attention)
About holding the middle... the advantage isnt too noticeable since you get most money off of killing enemy units (or at least thats what it looks like to me). Maybe just add a capturable sensor tower with a large enough range to detect everything that isnt on the cliffs
Also, as I told you in chat, make the structures controlled by players 13, 14 and 15
Hobrows Zerg Defence
As you said, it was a pre alpha. Second round was a bit easier, and I know that's not how the gameplay is supposed to be in the end, so not gonna comment on that.
Hero Selection: Apparently I was both red and purple (Name tags were wrong)
Heroes themself: Gigantic cooldowns D: Reducing cooldowns through upgrades takes forever. In a hero based map where you've got nothing but heroes, long cooldowns ruin the game since you can't do much
Also, upgrade costs increase pretty quickly... I hope youre gonna add something so that we gain resources faster as well.
Card Shuffle
Dont know what it was, but it was imbalanced -.- My team roflstomped the other one pretty quickly all 3 rounds. First round we had a lot of banshees, second round we had a practically immortal archon (Shield, Heals, Iron skin, heals, shields, more heals, shields. Tbh, I think that was just luck, i rarely get that many heals that quickly and I *just* upgraded the shields of the hero)
Really like the archon :) probably my favourite hero together with the queen.
We finally managed to reach tier 3 after like 3-4 weeks of just quickly roflstomping our opponents, but still won due to massive income advantages (Not imbalanced advantages - we were just better at sending units)
Not much feedback to give... Archon default textures seems bugged/strange though, that's about it. Also wasn't able to notice the visual of the AoE spell, BUT that could be because I forgot to turn my effects up (I always turn them down to low when playing GoD due to the amount of fog I have)
REALLY like this map! hope you start working on it again soon ;)
Also, one question, your map supports spectators, right?
Nash's thingy
First of all, I apologize in advance for any offenses caused by my feedback, it's not intentional, but your map and your attitude to most other maps last week is making me more critical about yours.
Spell effects ffs! It's not that hard! I only noticed psi storm, and some shields around enemy units, aaaand...
... The really annoying circles shooting out of the medic... If you're gonna use aura models that are the size of the actual aura, use some that dont change in size (at least not that much or that fast), cause it's irritating
add the terrain finally
Reset cooldowns upon death and restore some energy as well, its bloody annoying especially in PvP and with your ridiculous cooldown times
Slow gameplay. I've got ONE spell with a TWENTY second cooldown for FIFTEEN minutes. The rest is standing there and waiting for the cooldown. The reason other hero maps dont have such slow gameplay is because they have:
Lower cooldowns
Faster levelups
I played the high templar, here is some feedback:
The Feed-back-with-another-name sucks. Dont see the point of it. It deals close to no damage, there are as good as no units with energy, and even then it doesnt drain energy or add much bonus damage
Psi storm was useful, but had a too long cooldown
Mind control thingy was useful. Mind controlled archons ended up dying because of the time expiring even though they practically tanked everything.
Guardian shield thingy... Didn't really use it, never noticed anyone losing health since we dont have healthbars so I assumed we weren't taking much damage until the banelings
force fields. There's no point in delaying waves as it simply means you'll fight larger clumps of units and you dont actually outrange anything so if you attack, enemies attack as well. Wouldve helped against the banelings though
Energy regen sucked. Once energy goes down once, all I can use is a psi storm every cooldown and thats it... Occasional useless feedback as well every minute or so.
last time you guys didnt played Elemental TankWars - so probably you could do it today? ;)
Hey, srry :( We werent 8 people today (well, we were once and we played HLW since it slipped my mind, but after that we didnt get 8 again >.> We were constantly either 7 or 9...) so we couldnt test it :( I hope next week we'll have more luck... Having an odd number of players is really annoying :(
I'll write feedback on other maps tomorrow (Well, today technically seen...) its 2 AM right now.
You gave me the wrong map name, it was only "Dragon Test" and not "Dragoncraft test"
The formation system is both a very interesting concept and also what breaks this map. The latter part is meant quite literally, after we bought a bunch of units we got showered with trigger errors and the map broke down. I recommend that instead of a dialog you make a small box on the left side of the map (either one for each player or one for the entire team) where all the units that will be spawned are (and they are controllable), the players can rearrange their units however they like there and then the entire box is just moved to the spawn point (Just "Move unit instantly" and use "Point with offset" and just use the offset of a certain point in the box (Like center or a corner))
Nice UI
Needs moar units, possibly more upgrades. Just generally needs more stuff.
One idea I had was to create a tug of war with heroes, units AND tower builders. Now, you've got your own idea and I'm not saying you should/have to do this, but maybe you could let players buy builders that build bunkers/towers, and possibly even allow them to buy one invulnerable hero unit (Shouldn't be too powerful. attack could do like 10-15 DPS, spells shouldnt be direct damage or at least not much) that can't go a certain distance past the bunkers. This would make the map more interesting without having to try and make a way to fit more units into your current UI
Frontline EU
Well, the terrain certainly made it more interesting and less boring, but still not enough. Also, the reaper was mildly interesting to play, but there's no way to increase my energy regen...
So, hopefully constructive criticism:
AGH! TEH CIRCLES!!!! The HT one is relatively ok, but please do something with the medic >.<
20 second cooldowns... They're still there...
Cooldowns should first of all depend on the ability. Certain things deserve lower cooldowns than others (Like single target damage abilities should have lower cooldowns than AoEs)
Cooldowns are one of the major things that affect how hero maps play out. Hobrow has long coldowns, but he has 2 heroes for the player and in his map positioning and microing your units is more important than the abilities. You've got shorter cooldowns than him, but you've got only 1 hero per player that is entirely dependant on his abilities
The reaper's PDD feels out of place... I think you should give that to the medic and give the reaper the flamethrower, would be more fitting
Reaper spider mines... I have to suicide to get them in the right place :( But I guess they would work well with the jump ability if we had proper tanks
The jump ability allows you to jump off the main island thing where we are when not in an arena. Gonna attach a screenie
Reapers killed mid-cliff-jump stay and resurrect where they are after the timer expires
Resurrection timer needs to be more visible
The respawn zone shouldn't allow enemy units to enter. You could do it like my map - make heroes invulnerable in it but also prevent them from attacking
Heroes shouldn't be stacked on top of each other at the respawn place
Remove anything that blocks pathing in like a 3 radius around the respawn zone, we got stuck there multiple times
Don't make the defeat condition be that all heroes are dead, make us have lives or a structure to protect so that we can't just camp 1 hero in a corner while the rest of us get 1shotted in the respawn zone
Heroes need more customization. Allow us to upgrade our stats somehow and/Or buy items. Im sick of having a crappy energy regen and that there's nothing I can do about it.
Hobrows Zerg Defence
Keeping in mind that it's still an alpha version:
You should slap an 18+ sticker on the loading screen because of the headrapelings
Don't allow permastuns (like the choker and headrapeling), make it timed.
Zealot is OP. It can't die. Also, a small Cleave ability might be good or something, since it can't kill the little units fast enough and every now and then a metric fuckton just spawn at once and it takes forever to hack through that.
Firebat seems OP compared to the zealot as it could just oneshot all the little buggers in a huge AoE :( Seems like it's the better tank? Dunno, have to try it out.
I heard Ghosts need to do like 10 more damage to oneshot mutalisks, I recommend you make that possible ;)
Allow placing of healing pylons and other structure on creep
Give the mechanic repair (if you havent already. This is important for option 2 in my next suggestion)
Either allow refineries to be rebuilt OR make them invulnerable at like 1% health and prevent them from harvesting when under 25% health so that the mechanic would have to repair them.
Hero Line Wars
Queen seems a bit strong. She's definitely not overpowered, she's just... useful? The enemy team was made of newbs and they had 2 queens and they lasted a lot longer than our usual opponents and I alone had more income than their entire team. I think it would be a good idea of recommending the queen to players that are playing this map the first time (Just check whether they have a bank, if they dont make the queen the selected hero instead of random hero, and write "Recommended for newbs" in big green letters somewhere)
Continue working on this map! It's so bloody awesome!
Blood Marathon
We need the warp thing and lolray back!
We need more trolling units!
Core Fight
Can't say much, Void Rays are terrible units yet we won cause our enemies didn't bother building anti air, so there wasn't much else going on to be able to give proper feedback :/
To those that played against me, here is a quick list of void ray counters:
Marine (1v1 the marine wins)
Stalker (Not sure if 1v1 wins (I think you need to have like 1 stalker more than there are void rays, so 11v10 would make the stalkers win), but they're a lot cheaper and their blink helps)
Viking (It just owns void rays. Also, you know what happens when you upgrade vikings? IT GETS AOE ATTACKS! Upgraded vikings can win like a 10v1!)
Archon (My 1 archon took down 4 void rays alone, and woudlve killed more if there hadnt been other units attacking it)
I think that sniper dude can shoot air as well, so he's a counter as well
Can't remember all units that can shoot air, but anything that can hit a voidray is a counter, seriously. Void rays are terrible!
Sorry for the triple post... If I try to edit the post above I just get a 404 D:
Nash, one more thing: As you see in the screenie, minerals are covering my unit name, so I was actually playing a ReaMinerals7er and not a reaper :p
Also, for those of you that played gates of darkness, I know it kept crashing, it was probably a corrupt map file (variants broke as well) since I copied it onto my USB stick while my comp was lagging. Anyway, it'd be nice if I got *any* feedback, and if you have a few minutes you could just try to fill this out: (Also, for all you other map makers that want more detailed feedback, I recommend you do something like taht as well. PM me for more info on how make it, it's pretty damn simple, and you only need a google/gmail account)
1. You should slap an 18+ sticker on the loading screen because of the headrapelings
2. Don't allow permastuns (like the choker and headrapeling), make it timed.
3. Zealot is OP. It can't die. Also, a small Cleave ability might be good or something, since it can't kill the little units fast enough and every now and then a metric fuckton just spawn at once and it takes forever to hack through that.
4. Firebat seems OP compared to the zealot as it could just oneshot all the little buggers in a huge AoE :( Seems like it's the better tank? Dunno, have to try it out.
5. I heard Ghosts need to do like 10 more damage to oneshot mutalisks, I recommend you make that possible ;)
6. Allow placing of healing pylons and other structure on creep
7. Give the mechanic repair (if you havent already. This is important for option 2 in my next suggestion)
8. Either allow refineries to be rebuilt OR make them invulnerable at like 1% health and prevent them from harvesting when under 25% health so that the mechanic would have to repair them.
1. xD
2. Yeah that's whats happening if the Hunterling meets the incap. system. But incap is only there because its easyer to test with it. Will most likely be gone next week. will be replaced by respawn system.
3. Yeah cleave might be a good idea, will consider this.
4. In theorie the Zealot would be better, since it has 2 pure defence abilitys and the 3rd being offencice with an additional defencive effect. While the Firebat only has one defencive ability. Since this is considerd to be a havily teamplay orientated map there are heros that are good at certain things and bad at others. However, I'll have an eye on my 2 tanks and might change things in the coming beta phase.
5. That was only when we were like 6 people and I sat the handicap to 50% for the zerg so we could test a bit. :)
6. Might do this. But that would make the creep less anoying ...
7./8. Curently the Refineryes are repaired back to 50% health by the campain Fire-Surpression System. But being able to rebuild them sounds like a good idea. Already have some ideas for that.
4. Well the zealot is practically unkillable, but the firebat kills everything. Either nerf one or buff the other in one of the two aspects. I think the zealot should be less unkillable and the firebat less i-oneshot-everything, so just nerf both :p The zealot was able to survive alone, without the medic!
5. Well, still increase it to a 2 shot then, it so close it would definetily get annoying ;) and Ghosts dont have a too high attack speed either if I remember right
6. Yea, but the abilities are most likely going to be needed when the drop pods show up, and when that does happen you're almost instantly covered in creep, by the time you're able to kill the tumor and the creep recedes, the abilities are useless again :/
7./8. I think disabling the fire suprresion system shouldnt be hard at a certain percentage of health, you'll just have to edit the validator (probably make a combine validator and a new vital fraction comparison)
Oh yeah, and make the beginning of the map faster. it took like 20 minutes for the first ranged units to show up :/
I couldn't join you last friday at the EU map night. I'd vote for changing the starting hour for the EU map nights. Now that it's summer, it's quite complicated for me to be here at 7:00. I'd vote for changing it so it starts at 4:00 or 5:00 pm, just for the summer.
I have lots of new features I want to test in my map (new UI, stars for upgrades, laser drill, nuke launcher, soundtrack, ... ) Hope I can join next week.
Dammit, have to get used to there being more buttons than "Reply" and "Quote" now, lol. I know it says I edited your post, but I actually hit cancel, no idea why that counts as an edit.
Anyway, if there's an appropriate amount of players, we can definitely try ;) It's 3v3, right?
CoreFight is something thats a lot easier to test since you have AIs, so it'll definitely be played. If you can't join us today, could you publish it as public for the evening?
Also, starting map night earlier means I'll have to stick around the comp constantly playing sc2 for even longer than we do usually. Having 2 map nights a week would be a better idea I think, but I'd prefer if someone else were to host that one so that I can leave early
And yea, the map night host doesnt do much in theory, except he is there all the time, knows the maps which we play and which were suggested, and generally just organizes stuff. Which also brings me to the only official and new rule of Map Night - You don't make a lobby and start a game without my permission (unless I'm in a game and not available, in that case go ahead). If you want a certain map played, say so, I usually accept almost all suggestions.
To explain: When I'm not in a game, i look at the player number and think about the maps we can play or splitting us into multiple smaller groups for multiple lobbies, and if someone all of a sudden just makes a lobby and starts inviting players that just screws it up. If you want to host your own map with a small group of players present (leaving enough players for a second game), just tell me. Only thing I want achieve with this rule is to have some degree of organization during Map Nights. It has happened a lot that this rule was broken before it existed, but still, I just wanted to make things clear.
Dammit, have to get used to there being more buttons than "Reply" and "Quote" now, lol. I know it says I edited your post, but I actually hit cancel, no idea why that counts as an edit.
Anyway, if there's an appropriate amount of players, we can definitely try ;) It's 3v3, right?
If it's the version I was helping testing a week or so ago then it will be 6 players 2v2v2 I think....
Also, is there anyone who is able to stream? Doesnt have to be super high quality.
Wolflisk hasn't been too available recently, don't really know whats up (from what i see it's just unexpected stuff happening), but I'd like to be able to have a stream on the front page as that gets more people to play with us and also gets us some map suggestions every now and then. Even if Wolflisk is able to stream, he joins map night a bit later and I think he has to leave a bit early as well, so the second streamer would never be obsolete!
EDIT: Wow, my computer bluescreened *just* as I pressed the post button, and it still managed to post this in the fraction of a second between click and blue screen. lol
@TheAlmaity: Go I've just bought some new computer parts, they should arrive before friday, so I may be able to stream this friday and other Map Nights.
You gona play mapnight tomorrow? I most likely wont be able to make it again.
But if you wish to play goku (aos) I can upload it. I most likely wont be able to add all the features and fixes that I would like to have in it, but its still playable and fairly fun (I could use feedback too).
The boss didn't spawn D: Anyway, hope we can test it next week =D I liked it better this time, force fields lasted longer and players had more health. Also, I want an element too!
I dont mind the amount of spells, but you should maybe add like a 60 second practice period at the start
Nodgene's thingy (Deadlocked?)
was fun. Love my siege tanks. They get roflstomped by anything using hardened shields though, seems no one noticed that. Or mass air.
The part about green being at a disadvantage terrain wise... We got a huge amount of extra range, I think the disadvantage is a good thing (I dont know what it is since I didnt pay much attention)
About holding the middle... the advantage isnt too noticeable since you get most money off of killing enemy units (or at least thats what it looks like to me). Maybe just add a capturable sensor tower with a large enough range to detect everything that isnt on the cliffs
Also, as I told you in chat, make the structures controlled by players 13, 14 and 15
Hobrows Zerg Defence
As you said, it was a pre alpha. Second round was a bit easier, and I know that's not how the gameplay is supposed to be in the end, so not gonna comment on that.
Hero Selection: Apparently I was both red and purple (Name tags were wrong)
Heroes themself: Gigantic cooldowns D: Reducing cooldowns through upgrades takes forever. In a hero based map where you've got nothing but heroes, long cooldowns ruin the game since you can't do much
Also, upgrade costs increase pretty quickly... I hope youre gonna add something so that we gain resources faster as well.
Card Shuffle
Dont know what it was, but it was imbalanced -.- My team roflstomped the other one pretty quickly all 3 rounds. First round we had a lot of banshees, second round we had a practically immortal archon (Shield, Heals, Iron skin, heals, shields, more heals, shields. Tbh, I think that was just luck, i rarely get that many heals that quickly and I *just* upgraded the shields of the hero)
Really like the archon :) probably my favourite hero together with the queen.
We finally managed to reach tier 3 after like 3-4 weeks of just quickly roflstomping our opponents, but still won due to massive income advantages (Not imbalanced advantages - we were just better at sending units)
Not much feedback to give... Archon default textures seems bugged/strange though, that's about it. Also wasn't able to notice the visual of the AoE spell, BUT that could be because I forgot to turn my effects up (I always turn them down to low when playing GoD due to the amount of fog I have)
REALLY like this map! hope you start working on it again soon ;)
Also, one question, your map supports spectators, right?
Nash's thingy
First of all, I apologize in advance for any offenses caused by my feedback, it's not intentional, but your map and your attitude to most other maps last week is making me more critical about yours.
I think thats it.
Hope to see you all next week :)
Unfortunately I didn't make it yesterday. :( Hope everyone had fun, see you next friday. =)
If you get a chance please try my map out:
Name: Dragoncraft Test
Playerss: Up to 3v3
Map Night starting now! Ill be about half an hour late, just finishing a new hero for GoD and publishing!
last time you guys didnt played Elemental TankWars - so probably you could do it today? ;)
20min past 8 and we're 5 in the channel, where is everyone?!
Hey, srry :( We werent 8 people today (well, we were once and we played HLW since it slipped my mind, but after that we didnt get 8 again >.> We were constantly either 7 or 9...) so we couldnt test it :( I hope next week we'll have more luck... Having an odd number of players is really annoying :(
I'll write feedback on other maps tomorrow (Well, today technically seen...) its 2 AM right now.
Alright, 1,200th Post!
@Fullachain: Go
Frontline EU
Well, the terrain certainly made it more interesting and less boring, but still not enough. Also, the reaper was mildly interesting to play, but there's no way to increase my energy regen...
So, hopefully constructive criticism:
Hobrows Zerg Defence
Keeping in mind that it's still an alpha version:
Hero Line Wars
Blood Marathon
We need the warp thing and lolray back!
We need more trolling units!
Core Fight
Can't say much, Void Rays are terrible units yet we won cause our enemies didn't bother building anti air, so there wasn't much else going on to be able to give proper feedback :/
To those that played against me, here is a quick list of void ray counters:
Sorry for the triple post... If I try to edit the post above I just get a 404 D:
Nash, one more thing: As you see in the screenie, minerals are covering my unit name, so I was actually playing a ReaMinerals7er and not a reaper :p
Also, for those of you that played gates of darkness, I know it kept crashing, it was probably a corrupt map file (variants broke as well) since I copied it onto my USB stick while my comp was lagging. Anyway, it'd be nice if I got *any* feedback, and if you have a few minutes you could just try to fill this out: (Also, for all you other map makers that want more detailed feedback, I recommend you do something like taht as well. PM me for more info on how make it, it's pretty damn simple, and you only need a google/gmail account)
1. xD
2. Yeah that's whats happening if the Hunterling meets the incap. system. But incap is only there because its easyer to test with it. Will most likely be gone next week. will be replaced by respawn system.
3. Yeah cleave might be a good idea, will consider this.
4. In theorie the Zealot would be better, since it has 2 pure defence abilitys and the 3rd being offencice with an additional defencive effect. While the Firebat only has one defencive ability. Since this is considerd to be a havily teamplay orientated map there are heros that are good at certain things and bad at others. However, I'll have an eye on my 2 tanks and might change things in the coming beta phase.
5. That was only when we were like 6 people and I sat the handicap to 50% for the zerg so we could test a bit. :)
6. Might do this. But that would make the creep less anoying ...
7./8. Curently the Refineryes are repaired back to 50% health by the campain Fire-Surpression System. But being able to rebuild them sounds like a good idea. Already have some ideas for that.
4. Well the zealot is practically unkillable, but the firebat kills everything. Either nerf one or buff the other in one of the two aspects. I think the zealot should be less unkillable and the firebat less i-oneshot-everything, so just nerf both :p The zealot was able to survive alone, without the medic!
5. Well, still increase it to a 2 shot then, it so close it would definetily get annoying ;) and Ghosts dont have a too high attack speed either if I remember right
6. Yea, but the abilities are most likely going to be needed when the drop pods show up, and when that does happen you're almost instantly covered in creep, by the time you're able to kill the tumor and the creep recedes, the abilities are useless again :/
7./8. I think disabling the fire suprresion system shouldnt be hard at a certain percentage of health, you'll just have to edit the validator (probably make a combine validator and a new vital fraction comparison)
Oh yeah, and make the beginning of the map faster. it took like 20 minutes for the first ranged units to show up :/
I couldn't join you last friday at the EU map night. I'd vote for changing the starting hour for the EU map nights. Now that it's summer, it's quite complicated for me to be here at 7:00. I'd vote for changing it so it starts at 4:00 or 5:00 pm, just for the summer.
I have lots of new features I want to test in my map (new UI, stars for upgrades, laser drill, nuke launcher, soundtrack, ... ) Hope I can join next week.
Do you think you'll manage to get 14 players this time round? Would really like to see my map with full capacity is possible :)#
Prepare yourself mortals, for a Hero Arena!
Hi, I would really appreciate it if we could test Genetic Lab Wars 2 this evening. I'll be there!
@irok2002: Go
Dammit, have to get used to there being more buttons than "Reply" and "Quote" now, lol. I know it says I edited your post, but I actually hit cancel, no idea why that counts as an edit.
Anyway, if there's an appropriate amount of players, we can definitely try ;) It's 3v3, right?
@Fullachain: Go
Ok, hit the right button this time... up to 14 players, FFA and full lobby isn't required, right? What's the map called?
@IliIilI: Go
CoreFight is something thats a lot easier to test since you have AIs, so it'll definitely be played. If you can't join us today, could you publish it as public for the evening?
Also, starting map night earlier means I'll have to stick around the comp constantly playing sc2 for even longer than we do usually. Having 2 map nights a week would be a better idea I think, but I'd prefer if someone else were to host that one so that I can leave early
And yea, the map night host doesnt do much in theory, except he is there all the time, knows the maps which we play and which were suggested, and generally just organizes stuff. Which also brings me to the only official and new rule of Map Night - You don't make a lobby and start a game without my permission (unless I'm in a game and not available, in that case go ahead). If you want a certain map played, say so, I usually accept almost all suggestions.
To explain: When I'm not in a game, i look at the player number and think about the maps we can play or splitting us into multiple smaller groups for multiple lobbies, and if someone all of a sudden just makes a lobby and starts inviting players that just screws it up. If you want to host your own map with a small group of players present (leaving enough players for a second game), just tell me. Only thing I want achieve with this rule is to have some degree of organization during Map Nights. It has happened a lot that this rule was broken before it existed, but still, I just wanted to make things clear.
If it's the version I was helping testing a week or so ago then it will be 6 players 2v2v2 I think....
Also, is there anyone who is able to stream? Doesnt have to be super high quality.
Wolflisk hasn't been too available recently, don't really know whats up (from what i see it's just unexpected stuff happening), but I'd like to be able to have a stream on the front page as that gets more people to play with us and also gets us some map suggestions every now and then. Even if Wolflisk is able to stream, he joins map night a bit later and I think he has to leave a bit early as well, so the second streamer would never be obsolete!
EDIT: Wow, my computer bluescreened *just* as I pressed the post button, and it still managed to post this in the fraction of a second between click and blue screen. lol
@Hobrow: Go
Yep 2v2v2 :)
So far all I've been able to test is 1v1 so would be nice to see how it plays out.
@TheAlmaity: Go I've just bought some new computer parts, they should arrive before friday, so I may be able to stream this friday and other Map Nights.
You gona play mapnight tomorrow? I most likely wont be able to make it again.
But if you wish to play goku (aos) I can upload it. I most likely wont be able to add all the features and fixes that I would like to have in it, but its still playable and fairly fun (I could use feedback too).
oh and its only 3v3 :/