No need to create it in an advanced and dying language like actionscript, javascript will do:
The novice rank is bugged, I got 8 but still recieved Noob.
This hurt my head... big time. Javascript is a slow, and a high percent of users have it turned off.. Actionscript will always be around, and be far more advanced than javascript.. no matter what noob steve jobs says. Javascript is limited to html and a few other programs that have modified it for their needs.
Last time I checked you cant make phone applications and Desktop applications with javascript. (unless you count things such as unity... but then its not truely javascript anymore) Actionscript is stronger than ever, not even close to dead.
This hurt my head... big time. Javascript is a slow, and a high percent of users have it turned off.. Actionscript will always be around, and be far more advanced than javascript.. no matter what noob steve jobs says. Javascript is limited to html and a few other programs that have modified it for their needs.
Last time I checked you cant make phone applications and Desktop applications with javascript. (unless you count things such as unity... but then its not truely javascript anymore) Actionscript is stronger than ever, not even close to dead.
I wouldn't call that high, and I was solely speaking about the best way to make this poll instead of coding it up in an exe. You can't deny that it's better to make such a thing with javascript than Java or Actionscript.
I'd have liked to have seen what I got wrong and right etc and maybe questions I didn't get etc? All in all a cool little quiz :)
When you get one wrong, the button briefly flashes red. I disabled the reveal correct answers function to preserver the answers for a little bit, although theyre in there. I suppose I can upload a version with that feature turned on in a few days.
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Feel free to Send me a PM if you have any questions/concerns!
When you get one wrong, the button briefly flashes red. I disabled the reveal correct answers function to preserver the answers for a little bit, although theyre in there. I suppose I can upload a version with that feature turned on in a few days.
no, you would steal his account, think big geez =P
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WOW did I get lucky! Most of my questions had to do with the editor, instead of the Mapster community, otherwise I would have failed. I wish I could devote more time for things like this, but I'm just too busy with work, finding a new job, and finding a college...
ooooooooooooo nooooooooo
This hurt my head... big time. Javascript is a slow, and a high percent of users have it turned off.. Actionscript will always be around, and be far more advanced than javascript.. no matter what noob steve jobs says. Javascript is limited to html and a few other programs that have modified it for their needs.
Last time I checked you cant make phone applications and Desktop applications with javascript. (unless you count things such as unity... but then its not truely javascript anymore) Actionscript is stronger than ever, not even close to dead.
Lets hope you got your question right at least.....
According to this website, only 0.4% to "2.4% of users had JS turned off. The first test they ran was with about 13,500 users, which is admittedly small for the interwebs, but it's still quite a large amount of people. This data is from 2009" Taken from
I wouldn't call that high, and I was solely speaking about the best way to make this poll instead of coding it up in an exe. You can't deny that it's better to make such a thing with javascript than Java or Actionscript.
Yay got 16/20 second time :D
Are you going to post the answers at some point? :-)
Riiggghhht. Because I, a moderator with full access to all your accounts, would want to steal your account information. Yeah... That makes sense.
When you get one wrong, the button briefly flashes red. I disabled the reveal correct answers function to preserver the answers for a little bit, although theyre in there. I suppose I can upload a version with that feature turned on in a few days.
no, you would steal his account, think big geez =P
Hehe, I'm an SC2Mapster Cod! I've always wanted to be a fish.
Ok bad joke time is now over...
Great to be back and part of the community again!
@TacoManStan: Go
Your an sc2mapster cod? *fires up barbecue*
Seriously though, put your real rank in there. I only have it in mine to advertise the thread.
mac users can't use the quiz
@thepumaman1: Go
Yet another disadvantage for those macs....
Sorry though, nothing I can do about it. I don't own a mac and I can't convert it to an app file instead of exe.
WOW did I get lucky! Most of my questions had to do with the editor, instead of the Mapster community, otherwise I would have failed. I wish I could devote more time for things like this, but I'm just too busy with work, finding a new job, and finding a college...
14/20. Not sure what that equates to :p
Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am PRO
i'm such a novice that I just learned this weekend how to put a line break in my post 7/20 lol
Second Time through i got a 10/20 tho