is it possible to set any kind of label the same color as the player?
e.g. I've a label with the Value="@DOCSTR_0000000" the text within this variable is ="Test" So if the color of the left player is green. The color of my label should also be green .
I tried this way
I am actually using atm your Gameheart Interface. But I want to switch you RaceIcon with the Name of the Race. And maybe put over it a black colorBox so you only see the first Letter because as far as I know it's not possible to define a string length.
<!-- Border for resources+supply --><Frametype="PlayerFrame"name="PlayerResourcesImageBorder"><Anchorside="Top"relative="$parent"pos="Min"offset="2"/><Anchorside="Right"relative="$parent"pos="Max"offset="-2"/><Anchorside="Bottom"relative="$parent"pos="Max"offset="-2"/><Anchorside="Left"relative="$parent\PlayerRaceIconPanelToggleControl"pos="Max"offset="4"/><VersusModePlayerSideval="Left"/><Frametype="Image"name="Image"><Anchorrelative="$parent"/><IgnoreParentColorval="false"/><Alphaval="153"/><Textureval="border_2px.dds"/><TextureTypeval="Border"/><Tiledval="false"/><RenderPriorityval="101"/></Frame><Frametype="Label"name="Label"><Anchorrelative="$parent"/><IgnoreParentColorval="false"/><Styleval="TEST"/><Textval="@DOCSTR_0025"/><Unclippedval="true"/></Frame></Frame>
Even There it stays white :/
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Hi, is it possible to set any kind of label the same color as the player? e.g. I've a label with the Value="@DOCSTR_0000000" the text within this variable is ="Test" So if the color of the left player is green. The color of my label should also be green . I tried this way
The color stays white...
Try to put the label inside a frame of the type "PlayerFrame" that has <VersusModePlayerSide val="Left"/> as a property.
"VersusModePlayerSide" is a property of these Player frames that exist.
I'm using that to tint an image in player color:
It should work for labels, too...
@Ahli634: Go
you mean like this
not working it stays white
Works just fine in my interface.
@Ahli634: Go
I am actually using atm your Gameheart Interface. But I want to switch you RaceIcon with the Name of the Race. And maybe put over it a black colorBox so you only see the first Letter because as far as I know it's not possible to define a string length.
Even There it stays white :/