Hi all im creating an i think advanced ability. i will explain it with a picture. so the idea is you use the ability and then you attack very fast from different points. so you would move like this (example):
maybe a bit more moves. oh and i found a youtube video of how it kinda looks like. (but maybe a bit less spectaculair :p)
you can skip to 0:20
i tried it with "Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to ( Move targeting (Random point in (Region((Position of Attacked unit), 15.0)))) (Replace Existing Orders)"
but that didnt worked.
Hope someone can help with this. Oh and you cant just make points in the map becouse the attacked unit can be everywhere...
If all you want is to attack from different angles. I'd pick a random angle (integer) between -179,999... and 180, move/order the unit to that position using point with polar offset. The point is the unit you want the attacks to be centered on and the polar offset is the random angle while the distance is how far away from the attacked unit you wanna be.
it doesnt work. I also need to repeat it and how can i also let him attack in between the moves and do you know how to make a cool effect like in that youtube vid?
Hi all im creating an i think advanced ability. i will explain it with a picture. so the idea is you use the ability and then you attack very fast from different points. so you would move like this (example):
maybe a bit more moves. oh and i found a youtube video of how it kinda looks like. (but maybe a bit less spectaculair :p)
you can skip to 0:20
i tried it with "Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to ( Move targeting (Random point in (Region((Position of Attacked unit), 15.0)))) (Replace Existing Orders)"
but that didnt worked.
Hope someone can help with this. Oh and you cant just make points in the map becouse the attacked unit can be everywhere...
If all you want is to attack from different angles. I'd pick a random angle (integer) between -179,999... and 180, move/order the unit to that position using point with polar offset. The point is the unit you want the attacks to be centered on and the polar offset is the random angle while the distance is how far away from the attacked unit you wanna be.
it doesnt work. I also need to repeat it and how can i also let him attack in between the moves and do you know how to make a cool effect like in that youtube vid?
I would use wait commands with conditions and/or events (chain triggers) that check for when attacks start, damage done etc.
To add effects, you can create actors on the units. Just need to find some that fit well.
@Berrala: Go
could you explain the first part a bit better, i know the wait for condition thingy.
Dunno why I said integer before, wasn't really thinking since an integer obviously can't be -179,999. :)