Well , if I join my game , I want to have a avantage . I mean , if player(xkennyx) join the game , then do this this and this . You guys understand what I mean ? Its to detect if some specified player join the game .... example for a ban system . So if he join the game , it will show losing dialog so he cant play . can you help me with name of player detection ?
You compare the string returned from the Player Handle function to a string defined in the map, You don't compare player names because Player Name returns text, and text comparisons are by reference rather than content.
Exemple : if any player say ( -gethandle ) it will show the handle of triggering player .. In a game when I say : -Handle it say : 1-S2-1-2936381 . So I write : 2936381 in the string comparaison or : 1-S2-1-2936381 ?
The easiest way to get your player handle is to look in the directory (assuming you installed to C drive) C:\Users\[user]\Documents\StarCraft II\Accounts\[some numbers]\, and the folder in there is your player handle. For example, my player handle is 1-S2-1-1213024.
Doing it in game is easy, too, but you'd need to play the game on battlenet it to work. A local session, such as in Test Document from the editor, doesn't connect to your account, so the player handle for Local Player is null.
Well , if I join my game , I want to have a avantage . I mean , if player(xkennyx) join the game , then do this this and this . You guys understand what I mean ? Its to detect if some specified player join the game .... example for a ban system . So if he join the game , it will show losing dialog so he cant play . can you help me with name of player detection ?
You compare the string returned from the Player Handle function to a string defined in the map, You don't compare player names because Player Name returns text, and text comparisons are by reference rather than content.
@JademusSreg: Go
Ok I know how but how to get player handle ?
@xKennyx21: Go
Exemple : if any player say ( -gethandle ) it will show the handle of triggering player .. In a game when I say : -Handle it say : 1-S2-1-2936381 . So I write : 2936381 in the string comparaison or : 1-S2-1-2936381 ?
The easiest way to get your player handle is to look in the directory (assuming you installed to C drive) C:\Users\[user]\Documents\StarCraft II\Accounts\[some numbers]\, and the folder in there is your player handle. For example, my player handle is 1-S2-1-1213024.
Doing it in game is easy, too, but you'd need to play the game on battlenet it to work. A local session, such as in Test Document from the editor, doesn't connect to your account, so the player handle for Local Player is null.
@JademusSreg: Go
Ok thanks :) I will try