Hi there I'm looking to do a capture point control system, I don't think this has been done in this way yet, but in similar ways at least. Basically as seen in the attached pic, I want 3 bases, and from those 3 bases I want them to link to another 2 points and so on. Basically what I want is to effectively force players to take certain points before taking others.
For example:
Player 1 starts at point 1, he can take point 2 and point 4, but can't take point 3, unless he has either point 2 or 4. Pretty simple so far, and I'm sure it's easy enough, but what I want to allow happen is for another player say player 2, to take for example points 2, 3 and 4, so that player 1 is left with point 1 and point 5.
To assist the players with what capture points are available, I want to set up a ping which'll last as long as they can capture the point.
Example: Player 1 captures point 2, he gets a ping at point 3, point 8 and point 5. When he captures point 5, the ping stops at point 5 and starts at point 7. And if he loses point 5, but retains point 7, the ping would return to point 5.
I was thinking of something like this:
You store the owners player number as an integer for each point and check if the new pointclaimer is owner of the previous points.
Unit - Any Unit Enters within 10.0 of Point 003
Local Variables
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) == Point[1]
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) == Point[2]
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) == Point[4]
Variable - Set Point[3] = (Owner of (Triggering unit))
The only problem would be that, it only runs the trigger if you enter it, not while you are on it. But you can wait for the condition(s) to happen every x game seconds with another action function.
Hi there I'm looking to do a capture point control system, I don't think this has been done in this way yet, but in similar ways at least. Basically as seen in the attached pic, I want 3 bases, and from those 3 bases I want them to link to another 2 points and so on. Basically what I want is to effectively force players to take certain points before taking others.
For example: Player 1 starts at point 1, he can take point 2 and point 4, but can't take point 3, unless he has either point 2 or 4. Pretty simple so far, and I'm sure it's easy enough, but what I want to allow happen is for another player say player 2, to take for example points 2, 3 and 4, so that player 1 is left with point 1 and point 5.
To assist the players with what capture points are available, I want to set up a ping which'll last as long as they can capture the point. Example: Player 1 captures point 2, he gets a ping at point 3, point 8 and point 5. When he captures point 5, the ping stops at point 5 and starts at point 7. And if he loses point 5, but retains point 7, the ping would return to point 5.
I was thinking of something like this:
You store the owners player number as an integer for each point and check if the new pointclaimer is owner of the previous points.
Unit - Any Unit Enters within 10.0 of Point 003
Local Variables
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) == Point[1]
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) == Point[2]
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) == Point[4]
Variable - Set Point[3] = (Owner of (Triggering unit))
The only problem would be that, it only runs the trigger if you enter it, not while you are on it. But you can wait for the condition(s) to happen every x game seconds with another action function.