The catalog is the runtime information library containing all non-editor settings that are made in the data editor.
So using the catalog you can amongst others:
retrieve the Description of an Item that you would normally see as a tooltip in the default sc2inventory, and display this at another location.
retrieve the speed of an Unit
retrieve the amount of effects that are used by an ability
retrieve other stuff that you might want to get, so that when you update the value (for balancing for example) you don't have to make multiple changes.
You can also use the catalog to set some values so that it is in effect for example for all units of a certain type owned by a player.
One of the settings that can be changed is the speed. This allows for an accelerating/decelerate that is adjustable to your wishes.
example: if you make a racegame with gear box. then you can change the speed value accordingly like in max speed in gear 1 is 4 while max speed in gear 2 is 8.
Hope this makes it clear. (I'm not that good at explaining things XD)
Hm.. So with catalogs, Is it possible to adjust an effects parameters on the fly? For example If i had a behavior(?) that gives the effect(?) of increased move speed. I could make it relative to my hero's level? If hero is lvl 20, set the effect to give 20% extra move speed?
If so I think i have an interest in mainly an effect catalog so I can dynamically tweak them through triggers. Got any tutorial links where I can read up the mechanics of how parameters are 'get' and 'set' through catalogs? As my requirement is niche on just effects right now.
This is a Work In Progress
The Item Asset has been created:
The Forum for the Easy Catalog Asset questions:
New "Poll" up here
Votes Done Results:
Currently Working on Abilities Easy Catalog
I'm planning on making a library to make the use of the catalogs easier. This I'll do by creating several functions that retrieve certain values.
I haven't started yet but I'd like some input on what people would like to see in this library and on which catalog to start.
The entire catalog scope is available to work with (I don't have the sc2editor at hand so I don't have the list here).
I thought to start with the item-catalog and do stuff like: (setup is: function name (Parameters) returns returntype )
The basic idea is to make information retrieval easier.
Specially for Otixa:
There better be cake >:|
/e throws cake at Otixa
@iMisu: Go
Added a poll so you can vote how important you find which catalog. that way I can decide which one to work on next.
@Helral: Go
The forum for this Asset
Okay um, noob question, I'm not really clear on what a catalog is in the context of the galaxy editor. What is it useful for? Care to enlighten me?
@FuzzYD: Go
Good question:
The catalog is the runtime information library containing all non-editor settings that are made in the data editor.
So using the catalog you can amongst others:
You can also use the catalog to set some values so that it is in effect for example for all units of a certain type owned by a player.
One of the settings that can be changed is the speed. This allows for an accelerating/decelerate that is adjustable to your wishes.
example: if you make a racegame with gear box. then you can change the speed value accordingly like in max speed in gear 1 is 4 while max speed in gear 2 is 8.
Hope this makes it clear. (I'm not that good at explaining things XD)
Hm.. So with catalogs, Is it possible to adjust an effects parameters on the fly? For example If i had a behavior(?) that gives the effect(?) of increased move speed. I could make it relative to my hero's level? If hero is lvl 20, set the effect to give 20% extra move speed?
If so I think i have an interest in mainly an effect catalog so I can dynamically tweak them through triggers. Got any tutorial links where I can read up the mechanics of how parameters are 'get' and 'set' through catalogs? As my requirement is niche on just effects right now.
@FuzzYD: Go
I don't know which settings can be exactly tweaked of the effectslist.
Tutorials that refer to catalogs
@Helral: Go
Added a new "Poll" to determine on which ability type I will focus first: