1. Guys, how do you use those actor cheats? Could you give an example of a sequence of queries which gave you some useful information?
Maybe you could help me: how to check if a unit's actors stay alive? My units sometimes have a behavior which creates a model actor. How would I check if it's destroyed after behavior is off?
Alsoo, I'd like to use rhe ActorDumpLeakRisks cheat to show actors say, between 1 and 2 minutes old. Or only Text type actors. Is it possible?
2. Should I call TimerKill for actor timers at ActorDestruction?
is the age of the actor. I think it's in minutes, but you can just use 0 to get all actors I think. It works in the editor test mode (test document).
The output file is in something like "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\StarCraft II Beta\GameLogs" and has the current date in its filename.
I don't think that it can show actors within a timespan. Basically you should play a longer game and use that cheat. Then check the list for entries of actors that shouldn't exist that long or at that point of the map. Use a text editor that can count specified strings like notepad+ + to check the amount of actors that exist a lot in your map just to check if the amount isn't higher than expected.
There are about 250 of strings exactly like this. What does this mean? I can see here 2 actor names: [ 35 3] CActorProgress[vincibuild] and [ 10 1] CActorUnit[vincibuilderactor]
What numbers in brackets mean?
Do I understand right, that the first actor is the actor itself, and the second one is an ancestor actor?
As I understand, the progress actor must be created when the contruction starts and be destroyed when it's finished. Does the big amount of the strings means that the actors wasn't destroyed? But it feels strange, because I checked vincibuild actor's events, and found there both UnitConstruction.*.Finish and ActorOrphan events for Destroy message. So, any comments?
P.S. Tried ActorKillAll and then ActorDumpLive again. Those CActorProgress strings disappeared...
P.P.S Added a couple of events to the vincibuild actor to destroy it after 2 minutes after creation. So, now there is no more strange strings present in ActorDumpLive layout.
Yea, looks like, good to know.
@Mille25: Go
Oh great. That will save me some threads. :)
Ok, couple of questions:
1. Guys, how do you use those actor cheats? Could you give an example of a sequence of queries which gave you some useful information?
Maybe you could help me: how to check if a unit's actors stay alive? My units sometimes have a behavior which creates a model actor. How would I check if it's destroyed after behavior is off?
Alsoo, I'd like to use rhe ActorDumpLeakRisks cheat to show actors say, between 1 and 2 minutes old. Or only Text type actors. Is it possible?
2. Should I call TimerKill for actor timers at ActorDestruction?
@Zolden: Go @1
ActorDumpLeakRisks #
The output file is in something like "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\StarCraft II Beta\GameLogs" and has the current date in its filename.
I don't think that it can show actors within a timespan. Basically you should play a longer game and use that cheat. Then check the list for entries of actors that shouldn't exist that long or at that point of the map. Use a text editor that can count specified strings like notepad+ + to check the amount of actors that exist a lot in your map just to check if the amount isn't higher than expected.
@Ahli634: Go
Ok, checking stuff. And there is a strange population of actors.
How can I interpert this string, for example: (it's a long string, so I cut it)
73011 4563.188 4563.204
[ 35 3] CActorProgress[vincibuild]
[ 10 1] CActorUnit[vincibuilderactor]
There are about 250 of strings exactly like this. What does this mean? I can see here 2 actor names:
[ 35 3] CActorProgress[vincibuild] and
[ 10 1] CActorUnit[vincibuilderactor]
What numbers in brackets mean?
Do I understand right, that the first actor is the actor itself, and the second one is an ancestor actor?
As I understand, the progress actor must be created when the contruction starts and be destroyed when it's finished. Does the big amount of the strings means that the actors wasn't destroyed? But it feels strange, because I checked vincibuild actor's events, and found there both UnitConstruction.*.Finish and ActorOrphan events for Destroy message. So, any comments?
P.S. Tried ActorKillAll and then ActorDumpLive again. Those CActorProgress strings disappeared...
P.P.S Added a couple of events to the vincibuild actor to destroy it after 2 minutes after creation. So, now there is no more strange strings present in ActorDumpLive layout.