I know you can set the camera to move with the mouse but I'm trying to make a demo for a DS game i thought of a few years ago, so i need the mouse for "touching". So basically i want to set the camera to move with the mouse when a BUTTON is held down and the mouse is moved.
or actually.. no. How do i set it so that when a button is held down, the mouse shows and the camera DOESNT move? So default being camera and mousing + button held down is a normal mouse cursor
Shift = Real Mouse
() Events
()() UI - Player 1 presses Shift key Down with Shift Require, Control Exclude, and Alt Exclude
() Actions
()() Camera - Turn Camera Mouse Rotation On/Off (1, Off)
()() Camera - Lock Camera Mouse Relative Mode On/Off (1, Off)
Shift Up
()() UI - Player 1 presses Shift key Up with Shift Allow, Control Allow, and Alt Allow
() Actions
()() Camera - Turn Camera Mouse Rotation On/Off (1, On)
()() Camera - Lock Camera Mouse Relative Mode On/Off (1, On)
I know you can set the camera to move with the mouse but I'm trying to make a demo for a DS game i thought of a few years ago, so i need the mouse for "touching". So basically i want to set the camera to move with the mouse when a BUTTON is held down and the mouse is moved.
or actually.. no. How do i set it so that when a button is held down, the mouse shows and the camera DOESNT move? So default being camera and mousing + button held down is a normal mouse cursor
Enable/Disable CameraForceMouseRelative on Mouse Down/Up events.
hm, that was easier than i thought. Thanks :)
Added 2 triggers:
Shift = Real Mouse
() Events
()() UI - Player 1 presses Shift key Down with Shift Require, Control Exclude, and Alt Exclude
() Actions
()() Camera - Turn Camera Mouse Rotation On/Off (1, Off)
()() Camera - Lock Camera Mouse Relative Mode On/Off (1, Off)
Shift Up
()() UI - Player 1 presses Shift key Up with Shift Allow, Control Allow, and Alt Allow
() Actions
()() Camera - Turn Camera Mouse Rotation On/Off (1, On)
()() Camera - Lock Camera Mouse Relative Mode On/Off (1, On)