Creating a map trying to avoid using triggers for everything like I normally do. My goal is simple, which is to try to create an ability that is autocast, and validates if the caster has 5 or more missing shield points before acquiring a target.
I can't seem to figure out how to do anything math related with validators, its all just comparing 1 value to 1 value, if I could find some math logic validator I would do max shields minus current shields is greater than or equal to 5.
Creating a map trying to avoid using triggers for everything like I normally do. My goal is simple, which is to try to create an ability that is autocast, and validates if the caster has 5 or more missing shield points before acquiring a target.
I can't seem to figure out how to do anything math related with validators, its all just comparing 1 value to 1 value, if I could find some math logic validator I would do max shields minus current shields is greater than or equal to 5.
Use a Unit Compare Vital validator with the Validator: Type field set to Delta.
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