How do I change the reveal range of the Scanner Sweep?
I looked at the ability and everything related to it, but I still could not find that which set the range for the ability. I'm not talking about the Orbital Command's cast range for this ability. I'm talking about the radius that the Scanner Sweep reveals everything in.
And how the heck does it reveal a chosen zone on the map, even!
I looked at everything related to the Scanner Sweep in the editor, and I expected to find either an effect or a behavior that revealed shit on the map and detected cloaked. But there was no such thing!
I'm pretty sure setting Search: Reveal Radius to values above 32 has no effect (it maxes at 32, same as with units). With units I found a workaround involving creating a free, default-autocast defensive ability that creates 16 revealers in a circle around the unit (40 units away from the unit) with a 0.25 sec duration, regenerated every 0.25 sec by a Create Persistent effect that casts itself on Effect - Expire, and added this ability to each unit I wanted to give it to. Thus effectively extending maximum sight radius to around 60. And another ability that does another circle of revealers 80 units away from the unit, for a maximum sight radius of around 100 (though for that you'd need 32 revealers for a smooth edge).
Sounds like the Search Area one may be a more elegant solution.
Just tried to implement this and... what effect am I supposed to use for Search Area? Doesn't Search Area just search for units in the area, rather than the terrain itself (for revealing purposes)?
So I created an autocast ability (same as the one I had previously so I know it triggers) but replaced its Effect with a new 0.25 duration Create Persistent that 1) calls itself as its Expire Effect and 2) calls a Search Area ability as its Effect. This Search Area ability I've set Search: Revealer Parameters to 0.25 duration with Unfog checked and Shape Expansion set to 100; as well as added a line item to Search: Areas with Radius 150 and no Effect. However nothing seems to happen. I'm wondering how does the Search: Revealer Parameters even know how large an area to reveal?
How do I change the reveal range of the Scanner Sweep?
I looked at the ability and everything related to it, but I still could not find that which set the range for the ability. I'm not talking about the Orbital Command's cast range for this ability. I'm talking about the radius that the Scanner Sweep reveals everything in.
And how the heck does it reveal a chosen zone on the map, even!
I looked at everything related to the Scanner Sweep in the editor, and I expected to find either an effect or a behavior that revealed shit on the map and detected cloaked. But there was no such thing!
How the hell do you do it Blizz?!
The effect is called scanner sweep. The reveal radius field is what you need to increase.
AAAAHH!!! Cheers mate!
It seems I was abit of a dumbdumb and forgot to check the 'search' of the effect.
You can use Search Area effects to reveal parts of the map.
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I'm pretty sure setting Search: Reveal Radius to values above 32 has no effect (it maxes at 32, same as with units). With units I found a workaround involving creating a free, default-autocast defensive ability that creates 16 revealers in a circle around the unit (40 units away from the unit) with a 0.25 sec duration, regenerated every 0.25 sec by a Create Persistent effect that casts itself on Effect - Expire, and added this ability to each unit I wanted to give it to. Thus effectively extending maximum sight radius to around 60. And another ability that does another circle of revealers 80 units away from the unit, for a maximum sight radius of around 100 (though for that you'd need 32 revealers for a smooth edge).
Sounds like the Search Area one may be a more elegant solution.
Just tried to implement this and... what effect am I supposed to use for Search Area? Doesn't Search Area just search for units in the area, rather than the terrain itself (for revealing purposes)?
32 is the max.
The Search: Revealer Parameters fields allow it to work as a revealer without having an effect.
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So I created an autocast ability (same as the one I had previously so I know it triggers) but replaced its Effect with a new 0.25 duration Create Persistent that 1) calls itself as its Expire Effect and 2) calls a Search Area ability as its Effect. This Search Area ability I've set Search: Revealer Parameters to 0.25 duration with Unfog checked and Shape Expansion set to 100; as well as added a line item to Search: Areas with Radius 150 and no Effect. However nothing seems to happen. I'm wondering how does the Search: Revealer Parameters even know how large an area to reveal?
Ok that sounds laggy. You have an autocast ability that creates a self propagating persistent?
I think all reveals are capped at either 32 or 16 radius. You need to use several at offsets to cover larger areas.
Try looking at the NovaXanthosDeathLaserSearch (Unnamed) and SOAMothership Line Attack Search are set up.
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