The ability acts as follows: Caster launches missile on target. Upon impact, the impact effect spawns 4 units. I want those spawned units to only attack the targeted unit until its destroyed.
Here is the code. The question is how do I do this with DATA ONLY?
I'm still new, but I would probably do something like this:
Make a standard weapon. Make a standard Launch Missile Effect, with impact effect as a Create Persistent Effect with 4 periods. For each period effect, make a Create Unit Effect.
Within the Create Unit Effect, the spawn effect field; put in an Issue Order Effect that attacks the target.
The spawned Unit: set unit field acquire response to either none or passive. This will stop it from acquiring different targets. As a side effect, this unit will not be aggressive and will need to be ordered to attack units.
Thanks for the help. However, additionally, I would not want to require issuing orders. After the initial target is destroyed, they should continue on attacking the next closest target.
The ability acts as follows: Caster launches missile on target. Upon impact, the impact effect spawns 4 units. I want those spawned units to only attack the targeted unit until its destroyed.
Here is the code. The question is how do I do this with DATA ONLY?
@onlyleviathan: Go
I'm still new, but I would probably do something like this:
Make a standard weapon. Make a standard Launch Missile Effect, with impact effect as a Create Persistent Effect with 4 periods. For each period effect, make a Create Unit Effect.
Within the Create Unit Effect, the spawn effect field; put in an Issue Order Effect that attacks the target.
The spawned Unit: set unit field acquire response to either none or passive. This will stop it from acquiring different targets. As a side effect, this unit will not be aggressive and will need to be ordered to attack units.
You do not need a persistent as the Create Unit effect has a field for setting the number spawned.
Contribute to the wiki (Wiki button at top of page) Considered easy altering of the unit textures?
@DrSuperEvil: Go
Thanks for the help. However, additionally, I would not want to require issuing orders. After the initial target is destroyed, they should continue on attacking the next closest target.
Just set a large sight range or acquisition range
Go play Antioch Chronicles Remastered!
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@Alevice: Go
Thanks guys! This works!