I have some idea, but i don't want to check this, becouse don't have free time now. But you can try add term in your actor event type Validate Player or Validate Unit, Validate Unit Type, choose your validator.
Make sure to uncheck Visibility in the Properties - Inherited Properties - Field.
Also the filter determines, who should not be able to see the actor. So for visibility only for himself, you might want to check Ally, Enemy and Neutral.
I want to make a range indicator that is attached to a unit, but ONLY visible to the owner of the unit.
Think sensor tower rage indicator for the owner only, not even allies.
I can't seem to figure this out. Any help?
@ShadowDestroyer: Go
in the Actor, look for the field Actor - Filter and modify that and put a checkmark next to 'Self'
@BorgDragon: Go
I tried this. It seems to do nothing.
Thanks for your help. :)
@ShadowDestroyer: Go
Ugh, someone please help.
I have some idea, but i don't want to check this, becouse don't have free time now. But you can try add term in your actor event type Validate Player or Validate Unit, Validate Unit Type, choose your validator.
Make sure to uncheck Visibility in the Properties - Inherited Properties - Field.
Also the filter determines, who should not be able to see the actor. So for visibility only for himself, you might want to check Ally, Enemy and Neutral.
@Kueken531: Go
It's strange. It is still visible to everyone.